这次带来的是一个 当当网 的爬虫app。
class Bookitem (var map:MutableMap<String,Any?>){ var name: String by map var detail: String by map var price: String by map var author: String by map var imgurl: String by map var publisher: String by map var detailurl:String by map constructor(name :String,detail:String,price:String,author:String,imgurl:String,publisher:String,detailurl:String):this(HashMap()){ this.name=name this.detail=detail this.price=price this.author=author this.imgurl=imgurl this.publisher=publisher this.detailurl=detailurl }}
本来单纯建立这样一个类是并不需要这个Map的,但是这里面是为了后面的sqlite *** 作做铺垫,anko框架中数据库存储和读取值得时候的映射就是要通过这个Map来实现的,要注意的是这里面每个变量的名字要和数据库table中对应的列的名字一样。
createtable(tbname,true,"ID" to INTEGER+ PRIMARY_KEY+ autoINCREMENT,"name" to TEXT,"price" to TEXT,"author" to TEXT,"publisher" to TEXT,"detail" to TEXT,"imgurl" to TEXT,"detailurl" to TEXT)
fun getBookListBynameAndPage(bookname: String,page: Int,ismore: Boolean) { Observable.just(bookname) .observeOn(Schedulers.newThread()) .map { s -> mainpresenter.showPB() val bookitemArrayList = ArrayList<Bookitem>() val doc = Jsoup.connect("http://search.dangdang.com/?key=$s&act=input&page_index=$page").get() Log.e("..",doc.toString()) val elements = doc.select("ul.bigimg").select("li") for (element in elements) { val name = element.select("a").attr("Title") val detailurl = element.select("a").attr("href") val imgurl = if (!element.select("a").select("img").attr("src").startsWith("http")) element.select("a").select("img").attr("data-original") else element.select("a").select("img").attr("src") val detail = element.select("p.detail").text() val price = element.select("p.price").select("span.search_Now_price").text() val author = element.select("p.search_book_author").select("span")[0].select("a").attr("Title") val publisher = element.select("p.search_book_author").select("span")[2].select("a").text() val bookitem = Bookitem(name,detail,price,author,imgurl,publisher,detailurl) Log.e(TAG,"detailurl:"+detailurl) bookitemArrayList.add(bookitem) } bookitemArrayList } .subscribe(object : disposableObserver<ArrayList<Bookitem>>() { overrIDe fun onNext(bookitems: ArrayList<Bookitem>) { if (!ismore) { mainpresenter.updateUI(bookitems) } else { mainpresenter.addMoreList(bookitems) } } overrIDe fun onError(e: Throwable) { mainpresenter.updateUI(ArrayList<Bookitem>()) mainpresenter.hIDePB() } overrIDe fun onComplete() { mainpresenter.hIDePB() } })}
fun getDetail(url:String){ Observable.just(url) .observeOn(Schedulers.newThread()) .subscribe(object :disposableObserver<String>(){ overrIDe fun onError(e: Throwable?) { } overrIDe fun onComplete() { } overrIDe fun onNext(t: String?) { val detailurl = url Log.e(TAG,"url?:" + t) val doc = Jsoup.connect(detailurl).get() Log.e("??",doc.toString()) var elements_content = doc.select("div.t_Box").select("div.t_Box_left") var procontent = doc.select("div.t_Box").select("div.t_Box_left").select("div.pro_content").select("ul").select("li") var contents = doc.select("div.section") var catalog = doc.select("div.section") var stb:StringBuffer= StringBuffer() //procontent加入换行符 for (str:Element in procontent){ stb.append(str.text()) stb.append("\n") } detailpresenter.setProContent(stb.toString()) Log.e("procontent",stb.toString()) } })}
class DbHelper(context:Context):ManagedsqliteOpenHelper(context,DB_name,null,DB_VERSION){ val mcontext=context @Volatile var TB_name:String="" companion object { val DB_name="history.db" val DB_VERSION=1 val TAG="DbHelper" //val instance by lazy{ DbHelper()} } overrIDe fun onCreate(db: sqliteDatabase?) { Log.e(TAG,"onCreate") } fun insertNewtable(tbname:String,bookList:ArrayList<Bookitem>){ DbHelper(mcontext).use { /*createtable(tbname,true,"ID" to INTEGER+ PRIMARY_KEY+ autoINCREMENT,"bookname" to TEXT,"price" to TEXT,"author" to TEXT,"publisher" to TEXT,"detail" to TEXT,"imgurl" to TEXT,"detailurl" to TEXT)*/ execsql("create table if not exists "+tbname+"(it INTEGER primary key autoINCREMENT," + "name text," + "detail text," + "price text," + "author text," +"imgurl text," + "publisher text," + "detailurl text)") Log.e(TAG,"create table:"+tbname) bookList.forEach { insert(tbname,"name" to it.name,"price" to it.price,"author" to it.author,"publisher" to it.author,"detail" to it.detail,"imgurl" to it.imgurl,"detailurl" to it.detailurl) Log.e(TAG,"insert into table:"+tbname+": "+it.name)} } } fun addTooldtable(tbname:String,bookList:ArrayList<Bookitem>) { DbHelper(mcontext).use { bookList.forEach { insert(tbname,"insert into table:"+tbname+": "+it.name) } } } fun getListFormDb(bookname:String)= DbHelper(mcontext).use { select(bookname).parseList { Bookitem(HashMap(it)) } } fun droptable(bookname: String)=DbHelper(mcontext).use { clear(bookname) } fun IshaveTB(bookname:String):Boolean=DbHelper(mcontext).use { var result:Boolean=false var cursor=rawquery("select count(*) as c from sqlite_master where type ='table' and name ="+"\'"+bookname+"\';",null) if (cursor.movetoNext()){ var count:Int=cursor.getInt(0) if (count>0){ result=true } } result } overrIDe fun onUpgrade(db: sqliteDatabase?,oldVersion: Int,newVersion: Int) { db!!.droptable(TB_name,true) onCreate(db) } fun <T : Any> SelectqueryBuilder.parseList(parser: (Map<String,Any?>) -> T): List<T> = parseList(object : MapRowParser<T> { overrIDe fun parseRow(columns: Map<String,Any?>): T = parser(columns) }) fun <T : Any> SelectqueryBuilder.parSEOpt(parser: (Map<String,Any?>) -> T): T? = parSEOpt(object : MapRowParser<T> { overrIDe fun parseRow(columns: Map<String,Any?>): T = parser(columns) }) fun sqliteDatabase.clear(tablename: String) { execsql("delete from $tablename") }}
class SwipeRefreshVIEw(context: Context,attrs: AttributeSet) : SwipeRefreshLayout(context,attrs) { private val mScaledtouchSlop: Int private val mFooterVIEw: VIEw private var recyclervIEw: RecyclerVIEw? = null @Volatile private var condition2: Boolean = false private var MonLoadListener:()->Unit={} /** * 正在加载状态 */ private var isLoading: Boolean = false internal var layoutInflater: LayoutInflater init { // 填充底部加载布局 mFooterVIEw = VIEw.inflate(context,R.layout.vIEw_footer,null) // 表示控件移动的最小距离,手移动的距离大于这个距离才能拖动控件 mScaledtouchSlop = VIEwConfiguration.get(context).scaledtouchSlop layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context) } overrIDe fun onLayout(changed: Boolean,left: Int,top: Int,right: Int,bottom: Int) { super.onLayout(changed,left,top,right,bottom) // recyclervIEw,设置recyclervIEw的布局位置 if (recyclervIEw == null) { // 判断容器有多少个孩子 if (childCount > 0) { // 判断第一个孩子是不是ListVIEw if (getChildAt(0) is RecyclerVIEw) { // 创建ListVIEw对象 recyclervIEw = getChildAt(0) as RecyclerVIEw // 设置ListVIEw的滑动监听 setRecyclerVIEwOnScroll() } } } } /** * 在分发事件的时候处理子控件的触摸事件 * @param ev * * * @return */ private var mDownY: float = 0.tofloat() private var mUpY: float = 0.tofloat() overrIDe fun dispatchtouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent): Boolean { when (ev.action) { MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> // 移动的起点 mDownY = ev.y MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> // 移动过程中判断时候能下拉加载更多 if (condition2 && canLoadMore()) { // 加载数据 loadData() return false } MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> // 移动的终点 mUpY = y } return super.dispatchtouchEvent(ev) } /** * 判断是否满足加载更多条件 * @return */ private fun canLoadMore(): Boolean { // 1. 是上拉状态 val condition1 = mDownY - mUpY >= mScaledtouchSlop if (condition1) { println("是上拉状态") } // 3. 正在加载状态 val condition3 = !isLoading if (condition3) { println("不是正在加载状态") } return condition1 && condition3 } /** * 处理加载数据的逻辑 */ private fun loadData() { println("加载数据...") if (MonLoadListener != null) { // 设置加载状态,让布局显示出来 setLoading(true) MonLoadListener() } } /** * 设置加载状态,是否加载传入boolean值进行判断 * @param loading */ fun setLoading(loading: Boolean) { // 修改当前的状态 isLoading = loading } /** * 设置RecyclerVIEw的滑动监听 */ private fun setRecyclerVIEwOnScroll() { recyclervIEw!!.setonScrollchangelistener { v,scrollX,scrollY,oldScrollX,oldScrollY -> val layoutManager = recyclervIEw!!.layoutManager val linearManager = layoutManager as linearlayoutmanager val lastItemposition = linearManager.findLastVisibleItemposition() if (recyclervIEw!!.adapter.itemCount - 1 == lastItemposition) { condition2 = true } else { condition2 = false } } } fun setCondition2(isLoading: Boolean) { condition2 = isLoading } /** * 上拉加载的接口回调 */ fun setMOnLoadListener(Listener:()->Unit){ MonLoadListener=Listener } companion object { private val TAG = "SwipeRefreshVIEw" }}
fun droptable(bookname: String)=DbHelper(mcontext).use { clear(bookname) }Kotlin的扩展函数功能使得我们可以为现有的类添加新的函数,实现某一具体功能 。
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