Switchover steps:
Step 1.Do clean shutdown of Primary[5432] (-m fast or smart)
Step 2.Check for sync status and recovery status of Standby[5433] before promoting it:
Standby in complete sync. At this stage we are safe to promote it as Primary.
Step 3.Open the Standby as new Primary by pg_ctl promote or creating a trigger file.
Standby has been promoted as master and a new timeline followed which you can notice in logs.
Step 4.Restart old Primary as standby and allow to follow the new timeline by passing "recovery_target_timline='latest'" in $PGDATA/recovery.conf file.
If you go through recovery.conf its very clear that old Primary trying to connect to 5433 port as new Standby pointing to common WAL Archives location and started.
Step 5.Verify the new Standby status.
Cool,without any re-setup we have brought back old Primary as new Standby.
Switchback steps:
Step 1.Do clean shutdown of new Primary [5433]:
Step 2.Check for sync status of new Standby [5432] before promoting.
Step 3.Open the new Standby [5432] as Primary by creating trigger file or pg_ctl promote.
Step 4.Restart stopped new Primary [5433] as new Standby.
You can verify the logs of new Standby.
Very nice,without much time we have switched the dutIEs of Primary and Standby servers. You can even notice the increment of the timeline IDs from logs for each promotion.
like others all my posts are part of kNowledge sharing,any comments or corrections are most welcome. :)
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的PostgreSQL Master Slave切换与回切步骤说明全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决PostgreSQL Master Slave切换与回切步骤说明所遇到的程序开发问题。