安装Django的时候会自动把sqlite数据库安装上,下面介绍如何 *** 作sqlite数据库:
1 进入你创建的目录,在终端运行 sqlite3 DBname.db
2 进入后输入.help可以查看帮助文档
3 .tables 可以要看sqlite3中有哪些表
select * from tablename; 查看数据
具体 *** 作命令:
[root@10 src]# cd rIEtveld[root@10 rIEtveld]# lsapache.conf.example dev.db Makefile README settings.pyc Todo upload.py.origcoderevIEw __init__.py manage.py rIEtveld_helper static UPDATEScoderevIEw.wsgi.example __init__.pyc patches settings.py templates upload.py[root@10 rIEtveld]# sqlite3 dev.dbsqlite version 3.6.20Enter ".help" for instructionsEnter sql statements terminated with a ";"sqlite> .tablesauth_group coderevIEw_issue auth_group_permissions coderevIEw_message auth_message coderevIEw_patch auth_permission coderevIEw_patchset auth_user coderevIEw_repository auth_user_groups django_admin_log auth_user_user_permissions django_content_type coderevIEw_account django_session coderevIEw_branch django_site coderevIEw_bucket gae2django_reftestmodel coderevIEw_comment gae2django_regressiontestmodelcoderevIEw_content sqlite> select * from auth_user;1|root|||root@root.com|sha1$dac64$c7c81d89f0ff8f8cedefc95ad59a3849cf705f12|1|1|1|2012-09-20 23:43:39.161264|2012-09-20 03:54:33.2572312|tao.lu|||tao.lu@autonvai.com|sha1$fff77b4c631f4a6bf2b216dab658d853b3ef98d81906|0|1|0|2012-09-20 22:21:14|2012-09-20 22:20:56sqlite> .help.backup ?DB? file Backup DB (default "main") to file.bail ON|OFF Stop after hitting an error. Default OFF.databases List names and files of attached databases.dump ?table? ... Dump the database in an sql text format If table specifIEd,only dump tables matching liKE pattern table..echo ON|OFF Turn command echo on or off.exit Exit this program.explain ON|OFF Turn output mode suitable for EXPLAIN on or off..genfkey ?OPTIONS? Options are: --no-drop: Do not drop old fkey triggers. --ignore-errors: Ignore tables with fkey errors --exec: Execute generated sql immediately See file tool/genfkey.README in the source distribution for further information..header(s) ON|OFF Turn display of headers on or off.help Show this message.import file table import data from file into table.indices ?table? Show names of all indices If table specifIEd,only show indices for tables matching liKE pattern table..load file ?ENTRY? Load an extension library.mode MODE ?table? Set output mode where MODE is one of: csv Comma-separated values column left-aligned columns. (See .wIDth) HTML HTML <table> code insert sql insert statements for table line One value per line List Values delimited by .separator string tabs Tab-separated values tcl TCL List elements.nullvalue STRING Print STRING in place of NulL values.output filename Send output to filename.output stdout Send output to the screen.prompt MAIN CONTINUE Replace the standard prompts.quit Exit this program.read filename Execute sql in filename.restore ?DB? file Restore content of DB (default "main") from file.schema ?table? Show the CREATE statements If table specifIEd,only show tables matching liKE pattern table..separator STRING Change separator used by output mode and .import.show Show the current values for varIoUs settings.tables ?table? List names of tables If table specifIEd,only List tables matching liKE pattern table..timeout MS Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds.wIDth NUM NUM ... Set column wIDths for "column" mode.timer ON|OFF Turn the cpu timer measurement on or offsqlite>总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的如何 *** 作sqlite数据库全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决如何 *** 作sqlite数据库所遇到的程序开发问题。