内容 : 1. Q : postgresql存储过程中自定义异常怎么弄? A : http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/plpgsql-errors-and-messages.html
3. Q : Postgresql如何满足已经存在则更新,不存在则插入的需求.
digoal=> create table exists_test (ID int primary key,info text); NOTICE: CREATE table / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "exists_test_pkey" for table "exists_test" CREATE table digoal create or replace function insert_exists_testi_ID inti_info text) returns voIDas $BODY$ declare begin perform 1from exists_test where ID=i_ID; ifnot found then insert into exists_testIDinfo values i_info); return; else update exists_test set infoi_info endifexception when others then raise exception 'Insert exists_test(ID,info) values(%,%) error.'end$BODY$ language plpgsql; select(1'digoal'); 'adigoal' * exists_test ; ID | info ----+--------- adigoal
4. Q : copy和insert哪个效率高? copY效率高. 例如 : create table copy_insert_comparetable insert copy_insert_compare generate_serIEs1000000),0)">'digoal_test'; INSERT 01000000 copy到文件
=# copy digoal.copy_insert_compare to '/home/postgres/copy_insert_compare';
导出为insert语句 pg_dump -f ./copy_insert_compare.sql F p E UTF8 t digoalcopy_insert_compare --inserts h digoal digoal rwr postgres postgres 19M Dec1312:07 copy_insert_compare 61M09 copy_insert_comparesql 首先文件大小就相差几倍. copY导入时间, # copy digoal.copy_insert_compare from '/home/postgres/copy_insert_compare'; copY 1000000 Time: 1456.939 ms insert导入时间, postgres@db-172163150-> date;nohup psql digoal digoal >/dev/null2>&date; Tue1448 CST 2011 562011128秒 单一事务insert导入时间,(开始部分加入begin;结束部分加入commit;) ; 17232011 1928125秒 insert 慢了将近100倍。5. Q : Postgresql能不能限制数据库的大小? A : 目前Postgresql对数据库,表空间的大小都没有限制. 如果要限制表空间的大小,可以考虑利用文件系统的配合来实现,如linux的quota.
6. Q : 怎样给一个用户授予只读角色? Postgresql没有只读角色这个权限,但是可以通过修改用户的默认参数来达到只读的目的,如下 : # select usename,useconfig from pg_user where usename='digoal'; usename | useconfig ---------+----------- digoal | (1 row) digoal=# alter role digoal set default_transaction_read_only=true; ALTER RolE digoal=# select usename,0)">usename | useconfig ---------+-------------------------------------- digoal | {default_transaction_read_only=true} (1 row) 连接到digoal用户进行验证, # \c digoal digoal You are Now connected to database "digoal" as user "digoal". digoal=> insert into test values (1); ERROR: cannot execute INSERT in a read-only transaction digoal=> delete from test ; ERROR: cannot execute DELETE in a read-only transaction digoal=> drop table test ; ERROR: cannot execute DROP table in a read-only transaction 重置用户参数 : \c postgres postgres You are Now connected to database "postgres" user "postgres". postgres# alter role digoal reset default_transaction_read_only; ALTER RolE postgres=# select usename,0)">(1 row)
7. Q : 不想让数据插入到某个表应该怎么做? 创建do instead nothing规则,例如 create rule r_insert on insert to test do instead nothingRulE test values 0 test ID ---- rows)
8. Q : Postgresql 中有没有rownum这样的,显示结果集的序号? A : 在Oracle里面rownum可以用来标示行号,如 : sql> rownumtable_name dba_tables <10; ROWNUM table_name ---------------------------------------- ICol$ 2 CON$ 3 UNDO$ 4 PROXY_RolE_DATA$ 5 file$ 6 UET$ 7 IND$ 8 SEG$ 9 Col$ rows selected. Postgresql使用窗口函数row_number()可以满足同样的需求
# select * from (select row_number() over() as rownum,tablename from pg_tables) t where rownum<10; rownum | tablename --------+----------------- 1 | pg_statistic 2 | pg_type 3 | pg_attribute 4 | pg_authID 5 | pg_proc 6 | pg_class 7 | pg_database 8 | pg_user_mapPing 9 | pg_constraint (9 rows)
9. Q : Postgresql 函数中如何使用savepoint? A : http://blog.163.com/digoal@126/blog/static/1638770402011112635938640/
10. Q : 请问,计算字符串公式的能力? 类似 a=2 ; evaluate('5-a') ; 如果将这个值赋值给这个变量呢? result = evaluate('5-a') ; A : Postgresql支持DO来执行匿名块,实现类似上述的功能如下 :
# do $$ postgres$# declare postgres$# a int; postgres$# result int; postgres$# begin postgres$# a := 2; postgres$# result := 5-a; postgres$# raise notice '%',result; postgres$# end postgres$# $$ postgres-# ; NOTICE: 3 DO另外,通过Postgresql的客户端psql定义的变量也可以实现 : 设置变量和它的值
# \set a 2 postgres=# \set result 5-:a输出变量的值
# select :result; ?column? ---------- 3 (1 row)输出变量的值 # \echo :a 2 postgres=# \echo :result 5-:a 输出当前psql下的所有变量 # \set autoCOMMIT = 'on' PROMPT1 = '%/%r%# ' PROMPT2 = '%/%r%# ' PROMPT3 = '>> ' VERBOSITY = 'default' VERSION = 'Postgresql 9.1.2 on x86_64-unkNown-linux-gnu,compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51),64-bit' DBname = 'postgres' USER = 'postgres' HOST = '' PORT = '1931' ENCoding = 'UTF8' LASTOID = '0' a = '2' result = '5-:a' 删除变量 \unset a \unset result 可以参考man psql
11. Q : UPDATE A表 FROM B表 ? A : 首先A表和B表需要有关联的列,关联之后A表和B表应该是多对一或者一对一的关系, 如果是一对多会怎么样呢? 测试如下 : sar create table a info text); "a_pkey""a" table sar create table b a ; 10 b 'Digoal''DIGOAL'= info ----+-------- digoal row) Digoal DIGOAL ) 执行如下更新之后,a.ID 会等于什么呢? 是Digoal,还是DIGOAL. update a binfo aandUPDATE 1 Digoal 看起来是第一次匹配到的B表的那条记录的info值. 所以在做多表关联的更新 *** 作时,需要注意这一点.
12. 基本的用法是 SELECT x'FF'::integer; 一般写成函数. 可参看, http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/Hex-to-Dec-Conversion-td3218223.html
13. 时区参看 timezone参数 http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/runtime-config-client.html#RUNTIME-CONFIG-CLIENT-FORMAT pg_timezone_names表 http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/view-pg-timezone-names.html 或 src/backend/utils/adt/timestamp.c
14. Postgresql 不同的版本,只读事务中是否允许 nextval() 取序列值; 8.3 允许只读事务通过nextval()取序列值.
psql Welcome to psql 8.35 the Postgresql interactive terminal. # create sequence seq_test; CREATE SEQUENCE postgres=# begin transaction read only; BEGIN postgres=# select nextval('seq_test'::regclass); nextval --------- 1 (1 row)
9.1 版本不允许. psql 9.1) Type "help" help. # create sequence seq_test; CREATE SEQUENCE postgres=# begin transaction read only; BEGIN postgres=# select nextval('seq_test'::regclass); ERROR: cannot execute nextval() in a read-only transaction 其他版本未测试 .
15. 修改数据库记录的时候,而不修改时间? 例如 2012-06-16 08:20:12 改为 2012-07-01 08:20:12 ? column_name::time+changed_date for example create table test col1 timestamp0)); table postgresNow()); 1 test col1 --------------------- 20120702135338 ) update test col1 '2011-01-01'col10101)
16. Postgresql 什么情况下模糊查询可以使用索引扫描? 分为两种情况,
1. collate = C
create table collate_c info text collate "C"); "collate_c_pkey""collate_c" table collate_c 100000repeatrandom()::text20); 100000索引使用默认的operator class,即可支持"后模糊"查询.
create index IDx_collate_c_1 on collate_c INDEX explain analyze info ~'^12'; query PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IndexScanusing IDx_collate_c_1 on collate_c cost0.00..2.8110 wIDth348actual time0.0300.030 loops) Cond((info >='12' AND <'13')) FilterTotal runtime0.056 ms ) info like '12%'0.0260.026~~0.051)
2. collate <> C 第二种情况是列的collate <> C. 这种使用默认的operator class不支持模糊查询.
create table collate_notc "en_US"); "collate_notc_pkey""collate_notc" table collate_notc ); 100000 create index IDx_collate_notc_1 on collate_notc INDEX ; query PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq on collate_notc 6012.00414.631414.631) RowsRemovedby100000 414.661 ms ) 157.486157.486157.508) create index IDx_collate_notc_2 on collate_notc info varchar_pattern_ops); INDEX ; query PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDx_collate_notc_2 on collate_notc 0.4820.482) ~>=~~<~)) 0.506 ms ) 0.0730.0730.097) drop index IDx_collate_notc_2DROP INDEX info query PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 344204.449204.449100000 204.471) enable_seqscanoffSET但是,当查询的结果集只包含索引列字段时,可以选择Index Only Scan. 当然这个效率显然不如使用ops来的高.
; query PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Only IDx_collate_notc_1 on collate_notc 11870.79746.763746.763 row s) 100000 HeapFetches746.786 ms ) query PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10000000000.0010000006012.00175.617175.617175.646)
查询支持的collate digoal=> select * from pg_collation ; 参考 : http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/indexes-opclass.html to_char123'0000'to_char --------- 0123 ) '00000'00123 '00000.0'to_char ---------- 00123.0 )
18. postgresql能不能把在某个数据库上执行过的所有sql都记录下来. # alter database digoal set log_min_duration_statement=0; ALTER DATABASE 或者 digoal=# alter database digoal set log_statement='all'; ALTER DATABASE -- 只记录下digoal数据库的所有sql,其他数据库则按系统默认的配置. 语法 : ALTER DATABASE name SET configuration_parameter { TO | = } { value | DEFAulT } ALTER DATABASE name SET configuration_parameter FROM CURRENT ALTER DATABASE name reset configuration_parameter ALTER DATABASE name reset ALL Postgresql的权限分级较多,例如可以按角色配置权限,也可以按数据库配置权限,也可以按会话配置权限等等. 19. Q : 在postgresql写SQL语句,更新字段里的值,该字段的值是这样的形式{"x":114.310134,"spatialReference":{"wkID":4326},需要更新字符串里X Y的值,值是从其它变表查出来的,该如何写SQL语句呢? A : digoal=# select regexp_replace ('{"x":114.310134,"spatialReference":{"wkID":4326}','()[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(,"y":)[0-9]+\.[0-9]+()','\11234\25678\3','g'); regexp_replace ------------------------------------------------------- {"x":1234,"y":5678,"spatialReference":{"wkID":4326} (1 row) 234678 中 详细介绍参考 http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-matching.html#FUNCTIONS-POSIX-REGEXP
20. Q: Postgresql 列类型匹配判断. IS OF,u5b8bu4f53; Font-size:16px"> A: digoal=# \d+ pg_class table "pg_catalog.pg_class" Column | Type | ModifIErs | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------------+-----------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- relname | name | not null | plain | | relnamespace | oID | not null | plain | | reltype | oID | not null | plain | | reloftype | oID | not null | plain | | relowner | oID | not null | plain | | relam | oID | not null | plain | | relfilenode | oID | not null | plain | | reltablespace | oID | not null | plain | | relpages | integer | not null | plain | | reltuples | real | not null | plain | | relallvisible | integer | not null | plain | | reltoastrelID | oID | not null | plain | | reltoastIDxID | oID | not null | plain | | relhasindex | boolean | not null | plain | | relisshared | boolean | not null | plain | | relpersistence | "char" | not null | plain | | relkind | "char" | not null | plain | | relnatts | smallint | not null | plain | | relchecks | smallint | not null | plain | | relhasoIDs | boolean | not null | plain | | relhaspkey | boolean | not null | plain | | relhasrules | boolean | not null | plain | | relhastriggers | boolean | not null | plain | | relhassubclass | boolean | not null | plain | | relispopulated | boolean | not null | plain | | relfroZenxID | xID | not null | plain | | relminmxID | xID | not null | plain | | relacl | aclitem[] | | extended | | reloptions | text[] | | extended | | Indexes: "pg_class_oID_index" UNIQUE,btree (oID) "pg_class_relname_nsp_index" UNIQUE,btree (relname,relnamespace) Has OIDs: yes
digoal=# select relname is of (text) from pg_class limit 1; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) digoal=# select relname is of (name) from pg_class limit 1; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) Postgresql7.3添加到特性. 参考:src/backend/parser/gram.y 本文仅供自己研究学习使用,文章来源:http://blog.163.com/digoal@126/blog/static/1638770402011111274336235/,如有版权纠纷请联系我删除,email:adeng1943@126.com 总结
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