table 9-2. Mathematical Operators
Operator | Description | Example | Result |
+ | addition | 2 + 3 | 5 |
- | subtraction | 2 - 3 | -1 |
* | multiplication | 2 * 3 | 6 |
/ | division (integer division truncates the result) | 4 / 2 | 2 |
% | modulo (remainder) | 5 % 4 | 1 |
^ | exponentiation | 2.0 ^ 3.0 | 8 |
|/ | square root | |/ 25.0 | 5 |
||/ | cube root | ||/ 27.0 | 3 |
! | factorial | 5 ! | 120 |
!! | factorial (prefix operator) | !! 5 | 120 |
@ | absolute value | @ -5.0 | 5 |
& | bitwise AND | 91 & 15 | 11 |
| | bitwise OR | 32 | 3 | 35 |
# | bitwise XOR | 17 # 5 | 20 |
~ | bitwise NOT | ~1 | -2 |
<< | bitwise shift left | 1 << 4 | 16 |
>> | bitwise shift right | 8 >> 2 | 2 |
table 9-3. Mathematical Functions
Function | Return Type | Description | Example | Result |
abs(x) | (same as input) | absolute value | abs(-17.4) | 17.4 |
cbrt(dp) | dp | cube root | cbrt(27.0) | 3 |
ceil(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | smallest integer not less than argument | ceil(-42.8) | -42 |
ceiling(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | smallest integer not less than argument (alias for ceil ) | ceiling(-95.3) | -95 |
degrees(dp) | dp | radians to degrees | degrees(0.5) | 28.6478897565412 |
div(y numeric,x numeric) | numeric | integer quotIEnt of y/x | div(9,4) | 2 |
exp(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | exponential | exp(1.0) | 2.71828182845905 |
floor(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | largest integer not greater than argument | floor(-42.8) | -43 |
ln(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | natural logarithm | ln(2.0) | 0.693147180559945 |
log(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | base 10 logarithm | log(100.0) | 2 |
log(b numeric,x numeric) | numeric | logarithm to base b | log(2.0,64.0) | 6.0000000000 |
mod(y, x) | (same as argument types) | remainder of y/x | mod(9,4) | 1 |
pi() | dp | "π" constant | pi() | 3.14159265358979 |
power(a dp,b dp) | dp | a raised to the power of b | power(9.0,3.0) | 729 |
power(a numeric,b numeric) | numeric | a raised to the power of b | power(9.0,3.0) | 729 |
radians(dp) | dp | degrees to radians | radians(45.0) | 0.785398163397448 |
random() | dp | random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0 | random() | |
round(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | round to nearest integer | round(42.4) | 42 |
round(v numeric,s int) | numeric | round to s decimal places | round(42.4382,2) | 42.44 |
setseed(dp) | voID | set seed for subsequent random() calls (value between -1.0 and 1.0,inclusive) | setseed(0.54823) | |
sign(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | sign of the argument (-1,+1) | sign(-8.4) | -1 |
sqrt(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | square root | sqrt(2.0) | 1.4142135623731 |
trunc(dp or numeric) | (same as input) | truncate toward zero | trunc(42.8) | 42 |
trunc(v numeric,s int) | numeric | truncate to s decimal places | trunc(42.4382,2) | 42.43 |
wIDth_bucket(op numeric,b1 numeric,b2 numeric, count int) | int | return the bucket to which operand would be assigned in an equIDepth histogram with count buckets,in the range b1 to b2 | wIDth_bucket(5.35,0.024,10.06,5) | 3 |
wIDth_bucket(op dp,b1 dp,b2 dp,count int) | int | return the bucket to which operand would be assigned in an equIDepth histogram with count buckets,5) | 3 |
table 9-4. Trigonometric Functions
Function | Description |
acos(x) | inverse cosine |
asin(x) | inverse sine |
atan(x) | inverse tangent |
atan2(y,x) | inverse tangent of y/x |
cos(x) | cosine |
cot(x) | cotangent |
sin(x) | sine |
tan(x) | tangent |