3. Configuration
(EX.System Composition)
((Load Balance Server))
( hostname: lb.hoo.com)
( receive port:5432 )
( recovery port:6101)
( lifecheck port:6201)
| |
((Cluster DB 1 )) ((Cluster DB 2 ))
( hostname:c1.hoo.com) ( hostname:c2.hoo.com)
( receive port: 5432 ) ( receive port:5432)
( recovery port:7101 ) ( recovery port: 7102 )
( lifecheck port:7201 ) ( lifecheck port: 7202 )
| |
((Replication Server))
( hostname:pgr.hoo.com)
( receive port:8001 )
( recovery port:8101)
( lifecheck port:8201)
3-1. Load Balance Server
The setup file of load balance server is copIEd from the sample file and edited.
(the sample file is installed '/usr/local/pgsql/etc' in default)
$cd /usr/local/pgsql/etc
$cp pglb.conf.sample pglb.conf
In the case of the above system composition example,
the setup example of pglb.conf file is as the following
# Load Balance Server configuration file
# file: pglb.conf
# This file controls:
# o which hosts are db cluster server
# o which portuse connect to db cluster server
# o how many connections are allowed on each DB server
# set cluster DB server information
# o Host_name : hostname
# o Port : connection for postmaster
# o Max_Connection : maximun number of connection to postmaster
<Host_name>; c1.hoo.com</Host_name>;
<Port>; 5432 </Port>;
<Max_Connect>; 32 </Max_Connect>;
<Host_name>; c2.hoo.com</Host_name>;
<Port>; 5432 </Port>;
<Max_Connect>; 32 </Max_Connect>;
# set Load Balance server information
# o Receive_Port : connection from clIEnt
# o Recovery_Port : connection for recovery process
# o Max_Cluster_Num : maximun number of cluster DB servers
# o Use_Connection_Pooling : use connection pool [yes/no]
# o Max_Pool_Each_Server : number of pool connections/DB server
<Receive_Port>; 5432 </Receive_Port>;
<Recovery_Port>; 6101 </Recovery_Port>;
<lifeCheck_Port>;6201 </lifeCheck_Port>;
<Max_Cluster_Num>; 128 </Max_Cluster_Num>;
<Use_Connection_Pooling>; yes </Use_Connection_Pooling>;
<Max_Pool_Each_Server>; 1 </Max_Pool_Each_Server>;
3-2. Cluster DB Server
The Cluster DB server need edit two configuration files
('pg_hba.conf' and 'cluster.conf').
These files are create under the $PG_DATA directory after 'initdb'.
A. pg_hba.conf
Permission to connect DB via IP connectoins is need for this system.
B. cluster.conf
In the case of the above system composition example,
the setup example of cluster.conf file is as the following
# Cluster DB Server configuration file
# file: cluster.conf
# This file controls:
# o which hosts & port are replication server
# o which port use for replication request to replication server
# o which command use for recovery function
# set cluster DB server information
# o Host_name : hostname
# o Port : connection for postmaster
# o Recovery_Port : connection for recovery process
<Host_name>; pgr.hoo.com </Host_name>;
<Port>; 8001 </Port>;
<Recovery_Port>; 8101 </Recovery_Port>;
<lifeCheck_Port>; 8201 </lifeCheck_Port>;
# set Cluster DB Server information
# o Recovery_Port : connection for recovery
# o Rsync_Path : path of rsync command
# o Rsync_Option : file transfer option for rsync
# o When_Stand_Alone : When all replication servers fell,
# you can set up two kinds of permittion,
# "real_only" or "read_write".
<Recovery_Port>; 7101 </Recovery_Port>;
<lifeCheck_Port>; 7201 </lifeCheck_Port>;
<Rsync_Path>; /usr/bin/rsync </Rsync_Path>;
<Rsync_Option>; ssh -1 </Rsync_Option>;
<When_Stand_Alone>; read_only </When_Stand_Alone>;
<Status_Log_file>;/tmp/cluster.sts </Status_Log_file>;
<Error_Log_file>; /tmp/cluster.log</Error_Log_file>;
# set partitional replicate control information
# set DB name and table name to stop reprication
# o DB_name : DB name
# o table_name : table name
# <DB_name>; test_db </DB_name>;
# <table_name>;log_table </table_name>;
3-3. Replication Server
The setup file of replication server is copIEd from the sample file and edited.
(the sample file is installed '/usr/local/pgsql/etc' in default)
$cd /usr/local/pgsql/etc
$cp pgreplicate.conf.sample pgreplicate.conf
In the case of the above system composition example,
the setup example of pgreplicate.conf file is as the following
# PGReplicate configuration file
# file: pgreplicate.conf
# This file controls:
# o which hosts & port are cluster server
# o which port use for replication request from cluster server
# set cluster DB server information
# o Host_name : hostname
# o Port : connection for postmaster
# o Recovery_Port : connection for recovery
<Host_name>; c1.hoo.com </Host_name>;
<Port>; 5432 </Port>;
<Recovery_Port>;7101 </Recovery_Port>;
<lifeCheck_Port>; 7201 </lifeCheck_Port>;
<Host_name>; c2.hoo.com </Host_name>;
<Port>; 5432 </Port>;
<Recovery_Port>;7101 </Recovery_Port>;
<lifeCheck_Port>; 7201 </lifeCheck_Port>;
# set Load Balance server information
# o Host_name : hostname
# o Recovery_Port : connection for recovery
<Host_name>; lb.hoo.com </Host_name>;
<Recovery_Port>; 6101 </Recovery_Port>;
<lifeCheck_Port>;6201 </lifeCheck_Port>;
# set PGReplicate server information
# o Replicate_Port : connection for reprication
# o Recovery_Port : connection for recovery
<Replication_Port>; 8001 </Replication_Port>;
<Recovery_Port>; 8101 </Recovery_Port>;
<lifeCheck_Port>; 8201 </lifeCheck_Port>;
4. Start Up / Stop
4-1. replication server
A. Start replication server
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pgreplicate -D /usr/local/pgsql/etc
B. Stop replication server
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pgreplicate -D /usr/local/pgsql/etc stop
usage: pgreplicate [-D path_of_config_file] [-W path_of_work_files] [-U login us
-l: print error logs in the log file.
-n: don't run in daemon mode.
-v: deBUG mode. need '-n' flag
-h: print this help
stop: stop pgreplicate
(config file default path: ./pgreplicate.conf)
4-2. cluster DB server
$PG_HOME = /usr/local/pgsql
$PG_DATA = /usr/local/pgsql/data
A. Start cluster DB server
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -o "-i" start
B. Stop cluster DB server
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data stop
4-3. load balance server
A. Start load balance server
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pglb -D /usr/local/pgsql/etc
B. Stop load balance server
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pglb -D /usr/local/pgsql/etc stop
usage: pglb [-D path_of_config_file] [-W path_of_work_files] [-n][-v][-h][stop]
-l: print error logs in the log file.
-n: don't run in daemon mode.
-v: deBUG mode. need '-n' flag
-h: print this help
stop: stop pglb
(config file default path: ./pglb.conf)
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的PostgreSQL Cluster 全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决PostgreSQL Cluster 所遇到的程序开发问题。