

概述转载注明出处:袁方的技术博客 http://blog.csdn.net/yf210yf 【目标板】ICETEK-OMAPL138-KB 【安装源】 (1) Qt_SDK_Lin32_offline_v1_1_2_en.run http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/sdk-linux-x11-32bit-cpp-offline (2) qt-everywhere-opensou




(1) Qt_SDK_lin32_offline_v1_1_2_en.run


(2) qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3.tar.gz


(3) tslib1.4.tar.gz

(4) arm-linux-gcc 4.3.2





# ./configure -prefix /opt/QtEmbedded-4.7.3 -release -shared -fast -pch -no-qt3support -qt-sql-sqlite -no-libtiff -no-libmng -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-freetype -no-openssl -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tools -optimized-qmake -no-phonon -no-nis -no-opengl -no-cups -no-xcursor -no-xfixes -no-xrandr -no-xrender -no-xkb -no-sm -no-xinerama -no-xshape -no-separate-deBUG-info -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -embedded arm -depths 16 -no-qvfb -qt-gfx-linuxfb -no-gfx-qvfb -no-kbd-qvfb -no-mouse-qvfb -confirm-license -qt-mouse-tslib -I/Opt/tslib/include -L/opt/tslib/lib




(5)make install


(6)装qt SDK,将Qt_SDK_lin32_offline_v1_1_2_en.run拷贝到指定目录,并进入目录执行

chmod u+xQt_SDK_lin32_offline_v1_1_2_en.run







当进入解压好的源码包后,使用./configure –help命令,可以获得相应帮助
#./configure –help
Usage: configure [-h] [-prefix <dir>] [-prefix-install] [-bindir <dir>] [-libdir <dir>]
[-docdir <dir>] [-headerdir <dir>] [-plugindir <dir> ] [-importdir <dir>] [-datadir <dir>]
[-translationdir <dir>] [-sysconfdir <dir>] [-examplesdir <dir>]
[-demosdir <dir>] [-buildkey <key>] [-release] [-deBUG]
[-deBUG-and-release] [-developer-build] [-shared] [-static] [-no-fast] [-fast] [-no-largefile]
[-largefile] [-no-exceptions] [-exceptions] [-no-accessibility]
[-accessibility] [-no-stl] [-stl] [-no-sql-<driver>] [-sql-<driver>]
[-plugin-sql-<driver>] [-system-sqlite] [-no-qt3support] [-qt3support]
[-platform] [-D <string>] [-I <string>] [-L <string>] [-help]
[-qt-zlib] [-system-zlib] [-no-gif] [-qt-gif] [-no-libtiff] [-qt-libtiff] [-system-libtiff]
[-no-libpng] [-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-no-libmng] [-qt-libmng]
[-system-libmng] [-no-libjpeg] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg] [-make <part>]
[-nomake <part>] [-R <string>] [-l <string>] [-no-rpath] [-rpath] [-continue]
[-verbose] [-v] [-silent] [-no-nis] [-nis] [-no-cups] [-cups] [-no-iconv]
[-iconv] [-no-pch] [-pch] [-no-dbus] [-dbus] [-dbus-linked] [-no-gui]
[-no-separate-deBUG-info] [-no-mmx] [-no-3dNow] [-no-sse] [-no-sse2]
[-no-sse3] [-no-ssse3] [-no-sse4.1] [-no-sse4.2] [-no-avx] [-no-neon]
[-qtnamespace <namespace>] [-qtlibinfix <infix>] [-separate-deBUG-info] [-armfpa]
[-no-optimized-qmake] [-optimized-qmake] [-no-xmlpatterns] [-xmlpatterns]
[-no-multimedia] [-multimedia] [-no-phonon] [-phonon] [-no-phonon-backend] [-phonon-backend]
[-no-media-backend] [-media-backend] [-no-audio-backend] [-audio-backend]
[-no-openssl] [-openssl] [-openssl-linked]
[-no-gtkstyle] [-gtkstyle] [-no-svg] [-svg] [-no-webkit] [-webkit] [-webkit-deBUG]
[-no-JavaScript-jit] [-JavaScript-jit]
[-no-script] [-script] [-no-scripttools] [-scripttools]
[-no-declarative] [-declarative][-no-declarative-deBUG] [-declarative-deBUG]
[additional platform specific options (see below)]

Installation options:

These are optional,but you may specify install directorIEs.

-prefix <dir> ...... This will install everything relative to <dir>
(default /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.3)

* -prefix-install .... Force a sandBoxed "local" installation of
Qt. This will install into
/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.3,if this option is
Disabled then some platforms will attempt a
"system" install by placing default values to
be placed in a system location other than

You may use these to separate different parts of the install:

-bindir <dir> ......... Executables will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/bin)
-libdir <dir> ......... librarIEs will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/lib)
-docdir <dir> ......... documentation will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/doc)
-headerdir <dir> ...... headers will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/include)
-plugindir <dir> ...... Plugins will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/plugins)
-importdir <dir> ...... imports for QML will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/imports)
-datadir <dir> ........ Data used by Qt programs will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX)
-translationdir <dir> . Translations of Qt programs will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/translations)
-sysconfdir <dir> ..... Settings used by Qt programs will be looked for in <dir>
(default PREFIX/etc/settings)
-examplesdir <dir> .... Examples will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/examples)
-demosdir <dir> ....... Demos will be installed to <dir>
(default PREFIX/demos)

You may use these options to turn on strict plugin loading.

-buildkey <key> .... Build the Qt library and plugins using the specifIEd
<key>. When the library loads plugins,it will only
load those that have a matching key.

Configure options:

The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default value
that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds,the feature is
included. Here is a short explanation of each option:

* -release ........... Compile and link Qt with deBUGging turned off.
-deBUG ............. Compile and link Qt with deBUGging turned on.
-deBUG-and-release . Compile and link two versions of Qt,with and without
deBUGging turned on (Mac only).

-developer-build ... Compile and link Qt with Qt developer options (including auto-tests exporting)

-opensource ........ Compile and link the Open-Source Edition of Qt.
-commercial ........ Compile and link the Commercial Edition of Qt.

* -shared ............ Create and use shared Qt librarIEs.
-static ............ Create and use static Qt librarIEs.

* -no-fast ........... Configure Qt normally by generating Makefiles for all
project files.
-fast .............. Configure Qt quickly by generating Makefiles only for
library and subdirectory targets. All other Makefiles
are created as wrappers,which will in turn run qmake.

-no-largefile ...... disables large file support.
+ -largefile ......... Enables Qt to access files larger than 4 GB.

-no-exceptions ..... disable exceptions on compilers that support it.
* -exceptions ........ Enable exceptions on compilers that support it.

-no-accessibility .. Do not compile Accessibility support.
* -accessibility ..... Compile Accessibility support.

-no-stl ............ Do not compile STL support.
* -stl ............... Compile STL support.

-no-sql-<driver> ... disable sql <driver> entirely.
-qt-sql-<driver> ... Enable a sql <driver> in the Qtsql library,by default
none are turned on.
-plugin-sql-<driver> Enable sql <driver> as a plugin to be linked to
at run time.

Possible values for <driver>:
[ db2 ibase MysqL oci odbc psql sqlite sqlite2 sqlite_symbian tds ]

-system-sqlite ..... Use sqlite from the operating system.

-no-qt3support ..... disables the Qt 3 support functionality.
* -qt3support ........ Enables the Qt 3 support functionality.

-no-xmlpatterns .... Do not build the QtXmlPatterns module.
+ -xmlpatterns ....... Build the QtXmlPatterns module.
QtXmlPatterns is built if a decent C++ compiler
is used and exceptions are enabled.

-no-multimedia ..... Do not build the QtMultimedia module.
+ -multimedia ........ Build the QtMultimedia module.

-no-audio-backend .. Do not build the platform audio backend into QtMultimedia.
+ -audio-backend ..... Build the platform audio backend into QtMultimedia if available.

-no-phonon ......... Do not build the Phonon module.
+ -phonon ............ Build the Phonon module.
Phonon is built if a decent C++ compiler is used.
-no-phonon-backend.. Do not build the platform phonon plugin.
+ -phonon-backend..... Build the platform phonon plugin.

-no-svg ............ Do not build the SVG module.
+ -svg ............... Build the SVG module.

-no-webkit ......... Do not build the WebKit module.
+ -webkit ............ Build the WebKit module.
WebKit is built if a decent C++ compiler is used.
-webkit-deBUG ...... Build the WebKit module with deBUG symbols.

-no-JavaScript-jit . Do not build the JavaScriptCore JIT compiler.
+ -JavaScript-jit .... Build the JavaScriptCore JIT compiler.

-no-script ......... Do not build the QtScript module.
+ -script ............ Build the QtScript module.

-no-scripttools .... Do not build the QtScriptTools module.
+ -scripttools ....... Build the QtScriptTools module.

-no-declarative ..... Do not build the declarative module.
+ -declarative ....... Build the declarative module.

-no-declarative-deBUG ..... Do not build the declarative deBUGging support.
+ -declarative-deBUG ....... Build the declarative deBUGging support.

-platform target ... The operating system and compiler you are building
on (linux-g++).

See the README file for a List of supported
operating systems and compilers.
-graphiCSSystem <sys> Sets an alternate graphics system. Available options are:
raster - Software rasterizer
opengl - Rendering via OpenGL,Experimental!
openvg - Rendering via OpenVG,Experimental!

-no-mmx ............ Do not compile with use of MMX instructions.
-no-3dNow .......... Do not compile with use of 3DNow instructions.
-no-sse ............ Do not compile with use of SSE instructions.
-no-sse2 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE2 instructions.
-no-sse3 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE3 instructions.
-no-ssse3 .......... Do not compile with use of SSSE3 instructions.
-no-sse4.1.......... Do not compile with use of SSE4.1 instructions.
-no-sse4.2.......... Do not compile with use of SSE4.2 instructions.
-no-avx ............ Do not compile with use of AVX instructions.
-no-neon ........... Do not compile with use of NEON instructions.

-qtnamespace <name> Wraps all Qt library code in 'namespace <name> {...}'.
-qtlibinfix <infix> Renames all libQt*.so to libQt*<infix>.so.

-D <string> ........ Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.
-I <string> ........ Add an explicit include path.
-L <string> ........ Add an explicit library path.

-help,-h .......... display this information. Third Party librarIEs: -qt-zlib ........... Use the zlib bundled with Qt. + -system-zlib ....... Use zlib from the operating system. See http://www.gzip.org/zlib -no-gif ............ Do not compile GIF reading support. * -qt-gif ............ Compile GIF reading support. See also src/gui/image/qgifhandler_p.h -no-libtiff ........ Do not compile TIFF support. -qt-libtiff ........ Use the libtiff bundled with Qt. + -system-libtiff .... Use libtiff from the operating system. See http://www.libtiff.org -no-libpng ......... Do not compile PNG support. -qt-libpng ......... Use the libpng bundled with Qt. + -system-libpng ..... Use libpng from the operating system. See http://www.libpng.org/pub/png -no-libmng ......... Do not compile MNG support. -qt-libmng ......... Use the libmng bundled with Qt. + -system-libmng ..... Use libmng from the operating system. See http://www.libmng.com -no-libjpeg ........ Do not compile JPEG support. -qt-libjpeg ........ Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt. + -system-libjpeg .... Use libjpeg from the operating system. See http://www.ijg.org -no-openssl ........ Do not compile support for OpenSSL. + -openssl ........... Enable run-time OpenSSL support. -openssl-linked .... Enabled linked OpenSSL support. -ptmalloc .......... OverrIDe the system memory allocator with ptmalloc. (Experimental.) Additional options: -make <part> ....... Add part to the List of parts to be built at make time. (libs tools examples demos docs translations) -nomake <part> ..... Exclude part from the List of parts to be built. -R <string> ........ Add an explicit runtime library path to the Qt librarIEs. -l <string> ........ Add an explicit library. -no-rpath .......... Do not use the library install path as a runtime library path. + -rpath ............. link Qt librarIEs and executables using the library install path as a runtime library path. Equivalent to -R install_libpath -continue .......... Continue as far as possible if an error occurs. -verbose,-v ....... Print verbose information about each step of the configure process. -silent ............ Reduce the build output so that warnings and errors can be seen more easily. * -no-optimized-qmake ... Do not build qmake optimized. -optimized-qmake ...... Build qmake optimized. -no-gui ............ Don't build the Qt GUI library -no-nis ............ Do not compile NIS support. * -nis ............... Compile NIS support. -no-cups ........... Do not compile CUPS support. * -cups .............. Compile CUPS support. Requires cups/cups.h and libcups.so.2. -no-iconv .......... Do not compile support for iconv(3). * -iconv ............. Compile support for iconv(3). -no-pch ............ Do not use @R_229_3013@ header support. * -pch ............... Use @R_229_3013@ header support. -no-dbus ........... Do not compile the QtDBus module. + -dbus .............. Compile the QtDBus module and dynamically load libdbus-1. -dbus-linked ....... Compile the QtDBus module and link to libdbus-1. -reduce-relocations ..... Reduce relocations in the librarIEs through extra linker optimizations (Qt/X11 and Qt for Embedded linux only; experimental; needs GNU ld >= 2.18). * -no-separate-deBUG-info . Do not store deBUG information in a separate file. -separate-deBUG-info .... Strip deBUG information into a separate .deBUG file. Qt/X11 only: -no-gtkstyle ....... Do not build the GTK theme integration. + -gtkstyle .......... Build the GTK theme integration. * -no-nas-sound ...... Do not compile in NAS sound support. -system-nas-sound .. Use NAS libaudio from the operating system. See http://radscan.com/nas.HTML -egl ............... Use EGL instead of GLX to manage contexts. When building for desktop OpenGL,this option will make Qt use EGL to manage contexts rather than the GLX,which is the default. Note: For OpenGL ES,EGL is always used. -no-opengl ......... Do not support OpenGL. + -opengl <API> ...... Enable OpenGL support. With no parameter,this will auto-detect the "best" OpenGL API to use. If desktop OpenGL is available,it will be used. Use desktop,es1,or es2 for <API> to force the use of the Desktop (OpenGL 1.x or 2.x),OpenGL ES 1.x Common profile,or 2.x APIs instead. -no-openvg ........ Do not support OpenVG. + -openvg ........... Enable OpenVG support. Requires EGL support,typically supplIEd by an OpenGL or other graphics implementation. -no-sm ............. Do not support X Session Management. * -sm ................ Support X Session Management,links in -lSM -liCE. -no-xshape ......... Do not compile XShape support. * -xshape ............ Compile XShape support. Requires X11/extensions/shape.h. -no-xvIDeo ......... Do not compile XVIDeo support. * -xvIDeo ............ Compile XVIDeo support. Requires X11/extensions/Xv.h & Xvlib.h. -no-xsync .......... Do not compile XSync support. * -xsync ............. Compile XSync support. Requires X11/extensions/sync.h. -no-xinerama ....... Do not compile Xinerama (multihead) support. * -xinerama .......... Compile Xinerama support. Requires X11/extensions/Xinerama.h and libXinerama. By default,Xinerama support will be compiled if available and the shared librarIEs are dynamically loaded at runtime. -no-xcursor ........ Do not compile Xcursor support. * -xcursor ........... Compile Xcursor support. Requires X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h and libXcursor. By default,Xcursor support will be compiled if available and the shared librarIEs are dynamically loaded at runtime. -no-xfixes ......... Do not compile Xfixes support. * -xfixes ............ Compile Xfixes support. Requires X11/extensions/Xfixes.h and libXfixes. By default,Xfixes support will be compiled if available and the shared librarIEs are dynamically loaded at runtime. -no-xrandr ......... Do not compile Xrandr (resize and rotate) support. * -xrandr ............ Compile Xrandr support. Requires X11/extensions/Xrandr.h and libXrandr. -no-xrender ........ Do not compile Xrender support. * -xrender ........... Compile Xrender support. Requires X11/extensions/Xrender.h and libXrender. -no-mitshm ......... Do not compile MIT-SHM support. * -mitshm ............ Compile MIT-SHM support. Requires sys/ipc.h,sys/shm.h and X11/extensions/XShm.h -no-Fontconfig ..... Do not compile FontConfig (anti-aliased Font) support. * -Fontconfig ........ Compile FontConfig support. Requires Fontconfig/Fontconfig.h,libFontconfig,freetype.h and libfreetype. -no-xinput ......... Do not compile Xinput support. * -xinput ............ Compile Xinput support. This also enabled tablet support which requires IRIX with wacom.h and libXi or XFree86 with X11/extensions/Xinput.h and libXi. -no-xkb ............ Do not compile XKB (X KeyBoard extension) support. * -xkb ............... Compile XKB support. -no-glib ........... Do not compile Glib support. + -glib .............. Compile Glib support. -release 这个参数显而易见,就是编译Qt以发布版的模式进行,一般来说,最后系统完成后,库就应该是发布版。 -deBUG 调试版 -developer-build 选了这个后,可以进行自动测试 -opensource -commercial 这两个参数是指是编译是商业版本的,还是开源版本呢,视个人情况而定。 -shared -static 这两个参数是指Qt的lib以动态还是静态编译生成,这自然也是视个人需要的。 -no-fast -fast 这两个就很有关系,如果对自己的电脑性能很有信心,那就选第一个,那所有的工程文件都会生成到makefiles中,那编译的时间,估计可以看完变形金刚了。如果选第二个,那就加入子目录和库到makefiles,这样就能加快编译的速度。 -no-largefile -largefile 顾名思义,支不支持大文件,一般来说,嵌入式里是不会有从超过4G的大文件的,那就选第一个吧。 -no-exceptions -exceptions 异常情况,选则编译器支持抛出异常,否则不支持。 -no-accessibility -accessibility 可访问性的支持 -no-stl -stl 是都加入stl的支持,stl,这应该算是C++程序员应该都了解了,再不济,那也总听说过大名吧。 no-sql-<driver> -qt-sql-<driver> -plugin-sql-<driver> 一般来说,对于一个优秀的项目开发,数据库是必不可少的,qt也自带了大多数数据库驱动,可以完美地支持数据库的使用。对于数据库的使用,我们可以直接qt驱动编译进去,或者以插件的形式编译进去。一般来说,最简单地就是直接编译进去,但使用插件形式的可以更加灵活,针对不同的需求将驱动插件添加。其中,<>代表的是驱动名,如果我想直接添加sqlite的支持话,形式如下:-qt-sql-sqlite。其他名称可以自己查看参数里,有详细地介绍。 -system-sqlite 这个参数意思是使用 *** 作系统上的sqlite数据库,如果是不太会移植的,可以考虑直接使用qt自带的驱动。 -no-qt3support -qt3support 加不加对qt3的支持。 no-xmlpatterns -xmlpatterns 选择对xml的支持,如果对网络无需求的话,就不用加了。 -no-phonon -phonon phonon是qt中处理多媒体的模块-no-phonon-backend -phonon-backend 与上面类似,只不过这两是以插件的形式加入支持。 -no-svg -svg 是否加入svg的支持,svg即可缩放矢量图形。 -no-webkit -webkit 是否加入webkit的支持,这可是个好东西,不过如果跟网络不搭界的话,还是不支持吧。 -no-scripttools -scripttools 是否加入脚本工具的支持 -platform target 目标平台,这可是关键了,如果不注意的话,编译出来是x86上的话,哪怕是再牛的嵌入式工程师来也没法帮你移植到开发板上。通常,是linux-arm-g++。 -no-mmx -no-3dNow -no-sse -no-sse2 这四个参数是针对cpu的指令集 -qtnamespace 把qt的库封装到命名空间 -qtlibinfix 将所有的qt的.so库重命名





原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/sjk/1182728.html

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