

前2题很简单同上, 网页不让我贴上去. 呵呵 ^_^3. select 图书表.书名 , 借阅表.借书日期 from 读者表 , 借阅表 , 图书表 where 读者表.姓名 =“李%” and 借阅表.借书证号 = 读者表.借书证号 and 借阅表.总编号 = 图书表.总编号4. select 借阅表.借书证号 from 图书表 , 借阅表 where 借阅表.总编号 = 图书表.总编号 and 书名 = "SQL Server大全"5. select 读者表.姓名 , 读者表.所在单位 , 借阅表.借书日期 from 读者表 , 借阅表 where 借阅表.借书日期 = (select 借阅表.借书日期 from 读者表 , 借阅表 where 读者表.姓名 = "赵正义" and 借阅表.借书证号 = 借阅表.借书证号) and 借阅表.借书证号 = 借阅表.借书证号 给你参考了5题了 希望你能在其中找到解决问题的途径剩下的那题希望通过努力你自己能完成,那样你就有进步了.


select count([学号]) as [总人数]

from Studentclass


select [姓名] from Student

where [学号] in (select [学号] from Studentclass where [课程号] = 3)


select a.[学号],a.[姓名],c.[课程名],b.[成绩]

from Student a,Studentclass b,Class c

where a.[学号] = b.[学号] and b.[课程号] = c.[课程号] and a.[姓名] = N'张三'


select a.[学号],a.[姓名]

from Student a

left join Studentclass b

on a.[学号] = b.[学号]

left join Class c

on b.[课程号] = c.[课程号]

where c.[课程名] = N'人工智能'


select [姓名]

from Studentclass

where [学号] in (select [学号] from Studentclass where [成绩] = (select max([成绩]) from Studentclass where [课程号] = 1))


select [姓名] from Student where [姓名] like N'_三%'


select [课程号],count([学号]) as [选课人数] from Studentclass group by [课程号]


select * from Student

where [学号] in (select [学号] from Studentclass where [课程号] = 3 and [成绩] >= 70)


select [省区] from Student

where [系别] = N'化学系'


select * from Student order by [系别],[年龄] desc


select avg([成绩]) from Studentclass group by [课程号] having [课程号] = 4


update Studentclass

set [学分] = 60

where [学分] <60 and [课程号] = 3


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/sjk/6663290.html

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