where c_id = s_cid and c_stu>20 and sno like '[^not null]006%'
order by s_no desc
[^not null] 与--写法不同但含义 应该是相同的
1.select Sno,Sname from student2.select sno from sc where score is not null or score<>0
3.select sno,score from sc where score<60
4.select sname,sno from student where sdept in('化学系','计算机系')
5.select sname,sno from students where sdept not in('化学系,'计算机系')
6.select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname like '金%'
7.select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname like '金%' and len(sname)=3
8.select Cno,Ccredit from course where cname='DB-DESIGN'
9.select sno,cname from students,course,scwhere student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno and sc.score is null
10.select count(*) from student
第1:select 客户.名称,客户.联系人,客户.电话号码,订购单.订单号,订购单.订购日期 form 客户 inner join 订购单on 客户.客户号=订购单.客户号 where
select * from 客户 where not( 名称 like ‘%北京%')