Q: enzyme 是不是 living things A: No
they are non living
they are just proteins in a plex stucture Q:it catalysts reaction
then why doesn't it require energy A: Enzyme do catalyst a reaction
It does not requires energy at all
because the definition of a catalyst (enzyme in this case) is a reagent that provides a reaction pathway that requires less activation energy than a normal reaction would need In an reaction
not all of the molecule can react with each other
ONLY the ones have more than ENOUGHT energy can undergo a reaction Lets assume that minimum energy reuired to let the reaction happened is X If a correct enzyme es in
the energy require to let the reaction happened is less than X Therefore
more product is form In other words
enzyme do not speed up the reaction by providing energy
they let more molecules react Q:enzyme 在high pH value 和 low temperature 的condition 下
会不会denature or just inactive A: pH value ph value represents the amount of H+ or OH- ions that the enzyme is exposed to Under Extremes of ph
H+ or OH- will react will react with the enzyme
and DENATURE the enzyme Low temperature: Again
I repeat my point
only molecule have more than enough energy can react
if the reactant are experiencing COLD environment
that implies they have less energy to react But low temperature can only make the enzyme INACTIVE But under HIGH ph
and LOW temperature
the enzyme will denature
since the denaturation is cause by high pH and it is INREVESIBLE Q: Carbohydrates catalysts the breaking down of carbohydrates then without them
can carbohydrates be broken down into monosacchurides If yes
then what is the cause of the reaction A: Carbohydrates will break down into monosaccharides without the presence of carbohydrate And the main cause of the reaction of reaction is again
whether the molecule has sufficient energy to react or not If they have more than enough
they will react With the presence of the enzyme the process would normally only take few hours
BUT WITHOUT the presence of enzyme
it would take years Hope it is not too long for you to read It is very interesting concept to understand (in person)
参考: Biology text books
and my knowledge
enzyme 是不是 living things enzyme is a protein MOLECULE
do u think a molecule can possibly be living the allest living ani at least have a plete CELL it catalysts reaction
then why doesn't it require energy energy is provided by the surroundings
ie temperature/heat u see
it's why enzymatic activities depends on the temperature enzyme 在high pH value 和 low temperature 的condition 下
会不会denature or just inactive pH: either too high or too low would cause denaturation temperature: too low inactivate
too high denature Carbohydrases catalysts the breaking down of carbohydrates then without them
can carbohydrates be broken down into monosacchurides If yes
then what is the cause of the reaction yes
but in very high temperature with suitable chemicals
eg strong acid u dun have to learn what acid is it for f4
or even for alevel i think
for the sake of exams wat is activation energy is it in the syllabus of HKCEE it's briefly mentioned in chem
but not bio if u study chem too
try to related it to bio activation energy is the energy needed for a reaction to -start- if the reaction is exothermic
the energy given out by the reaction will continute to provide energy for the reaction to go on
if it's endothermic
then u have to give continuous engery input in order to maintain the energy level to at least the activation energy to go on for enzymatic reaction
just as any catalysts(in chem)
the activation energy will be lowered
so less enery is needed to start the reation for the same level of engery
the reaction can occur at the higher rate at this stage
energy level refers(directly proportaional) to temperature my is within the scope of ce syllabus
参考: ce and AL bio + chem
Enzyme is not a living things because it does not have the characteristics of living ani s It is only a kind of protein with a particular structure Enzyme does not require energy but the metabolic reaction requires energy Enzyme just serves to lower the activation energy At extreme pH out of the optimum pH
it will denature and the reaction bees irreversible It loses its catalytic properties At low temperature
it just bees inactive since the kiic energy of the enzyme molecule is low It will bee active again when temperature rises Without carbohydrases
carbohydrates can still be broken down into monosacchurides The reaction is just much slower and more energy is needed to carry out the reaction
emzyme is a biological catalysts which speed up chemical recation But for is it a living thing
I am not so sure with it At extreme pH
denature At low temperature
inactive I am sorry that I can't wer all your question
参考: me
No It provides suitable condition only it depends can 最后不懂sorry
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9,TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol),默认端口号为69/udp
11,SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(E-mail),默认端口号为25/tcp(木马Antigen、Email Password Sender、Haebu Coceda、Shtrilitz Stealth、WinPC、WinSpy都开放这个端口)
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18,Symantec AV/Filter for MSE,默认端口号为 8081
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24,MS SQLSERVER数据库monitor,默认的端口号为1434/tcp 1434/udp
博凌科为生物科技-为你解答:Luminex与CBA的比较Luminex和CBA是两种最近几年来比较热门的检测细胞因子的技术,两者之间的大致区别: CBA: 可在流式细胞仪检测。 可同时检测一个标本中的6-8种细胞因子 可检测50ml的标本(上清液) 检测范围:0-5000 pg/ml Luminex: 只能运行在Luminex机器上(or Bioplex from Biorad) 可检测20-22种细胞因子 可检测25-50 ml的标本 检测范围:0-1667pg/ml
首先保证两台计算机能够ping 通,并知道两台计算机IP地址
如A机器: 192168010 (装有oracle数据库)
B机器: 192168011
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = 192168010)(PORT = 1521))
其中hostname 是数据库服务器IP地址,service_name是数据库服务名(一般情况下与数据库名一致)
在B机器上命令行通过sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl 来连接数据库
请大家原谅 Nucleus:Do you mean the cell's nucleusIf yes
all right
here it is: In cell biology
the nucleus (pl nuclei; from Latin nucleus or nuculeus
"little nut" or kernel) is a membrane-enclosed anelle found in all eukaryotic cells It contains most of the cell's geic material
anized as multiple long linear DNA molecules in plex with a large variety of proteins
such as histones
to form chromosomes The genes within these chromosomes are the cell's nuclear genome The function of the nucleus is to maintain the integrity of these genes and to control the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression The main structures making up the nucleus are the nuclear envelope
a double membrane that encloses the entire anelle and separates its contents from the cellular cytopla
and the nuclear lamina
a meshwork within the nucleus that adds mechanical support
much like the cytoskeleton supports the cell as a whole Because the nuclear membrane is impermeable to most molecules
nuclear pores are required to allow movement of molecules across the envelope These pores cross both of the membranes
providing a channel that allows free movement of all molecules and ions The movement of larger molecules such as proteins is carefully controlled
and requires active trport regulated by carrier proteins Nuclear trport is crucial to cell function
as movement through the pores is required for both gene expression and chromosomal maintenance
Cell membrane and Cytopla i am going to give their wer to you in a minate later! 2008-10-15 16:54:42 补充: cytopla : The cytopla is the contents of a cell that is enclosed within the pla a membrane The cytosol is a plex mixture of cytoskeleton filaments
dissolved molecules
and water that fills much of the volume of a cell The cytosol is a gel
with a neork of fibers dispersed through water 2008-10-15 16:55:13 补充: cytopla 2: The part of the cytopla that is not held within anelles is called the cytosol The cytosol is a plex mixture of cytoskeleton filaments
dissolved molecules
and water that fills much of the volume of a cell The cytosol is a gel
with a neork of fibers dispersed through water 2008-10-15 16:57:11 补充: cell membrane: The cell membrane (also called the pla a membrane
pla alemma
or "phospholipid bilayer") is a selectively permeable lipid bilayer found in all cells 2008-10-15 16:57:28 补充: cell membrane2: The pla a membrane also serves as the attachment point for both the intracellular cytoskeleton and
if present
the extracellular cell wall 2008-10-15 16:59:53 补充: picture: uploadwikimedia/ /mons/3/3a/Cell_membrane_detailed_diagram_4svg
Nucleus -control the activitier of cell -contain chromosomes -made up of DNA -inheritance(遗传) Cell wall -made up of cellulose -free permeable -hard--->protect and support the cell -large spaces beeen the cellulose fibres----->allow laege particles to perate(free permeable) Cell membrane -consist of protein snd lipid -control the movement of material in or out of the cell -control cell membrane is selectively permeable Cytopla -clear
jelly like -consist of an aquesous solution of many substances(protein) -provide a medium for chemical reactions to take place -contain a lot of anelles and granules Chloroplasts -absorb sunlight for photosyntheis Mitochondria -respiration takes place---->release energy -also called"power house" Vacuole -also called"cell sap" -large at the centre -contains a solution of sugars
protein and minerals -provides support when it is fully filled with water Non-living granules -contain crystals of insoluble waste -starch granules This all are found in plant cells
there are 8
参考: 好努力自己打出黎架
Nucleus: -Nucleus controls all cellular activities -Contains chromosomes which carry gentic informations Cell Wall: -Supports and gives shape to cells Cell membrane: -Encloses the cytopla -To control the movement of materials into and out of cells Cytopla : -Provide a place for chemical reactions to take place inside the cell -Contains anelles All of them can be found in plant cells!
参考: myself
just finish the quiz tdyXD
以上就是关于enzyme --- 重要bio concept 中四全部的内容,包括:enzyme --- 重要bio concept 中四、各个端口都代表什么意思、请问Luminex与CBA有何区别等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!