具体语法:TABLE table_name [ORDER BY column_name] [LIMIT number [OFFSET number]]
其实从语法上看,可以排序,也可以过滤记录集,不过比较简单,没有 SELECT 那么强大。
示例 1
简单的建一张很小的表 y1,记录数为 10 条。表 t1,插入 10 条记录
mysql-(ytt/3305)->create table t1 (r1 int,r2 int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (002 sec)
mysql-(ytt/3305)->insert into t1
with recursive aa(a,b) as (
select 1,1
union all
select a+1,ceil(rand()20) from aa where a < 10
) select from aa;
Query OK, 10 rows affected (000 sec)
Records: 10 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
简单全表扫描mysql-(ytt/3305)->select from t1;+------+------+| r1 | r2 |+------+------+| 1 | 1 || 2 | 9 || 3 | 9 || 4 | 17 || 5 | 17 || 6 | 16 || 7 | 6 || 8 | 1 || 9 | 10 || 10 | 3 |+------+------+10 rows in set (000 sec)TABLE 结果mysql-(ytt/3305)->table t1;+------+------+| r1 | r2 |+------+------+| 1 | 1 || 2 | 9 || 3 | 9 || 4 | 17 || 5 | 17 || 6 | 16 || 7 | 6 || 8 | 1 || 9 | 10 || 10 | 3 |+------+------+10 rows in set (000 sec)
看下 table 的执行计划mysql-(ytt/3305)->explain table t1 order by r1 limit 2\G 1 row id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: t1 partitions: NULL type: ALLpossible_keys: NULL key: NULL key_len: NULL ref: NULL rows: 10 filtered: 10000 Extra: Using filesort1 row in set, 1 warning (000 sec)
其实可以看到 TABLE 内部被 MySQL 转换为 SELECT 了。mysql-(ytt/3305)->show warnings\G 1 row Level: Note Code: 1003Message: / select#1 / select `ytt``t1``r1` AS `r1`,`ytt``t1``r2` AS `r2` from `ytt``t1` order by `ytt``t1``r1` limit 21 row in set (000 sec)
那其实从上面简单的例子可以看到 TABLE 在内部被转成了普通的 SELECT 来处理。示例 2应用于子查询里的子表。这里要注意,内表的字段数量必须和外表过滤的字段数量一致。克隆表 t1 结构mysql-(ytt/3305)->create table t2 like t1;Query OK, 0 rows affected (002 sec)
克隆表 t1 数据mysql-(ytt/3305)->insert into t2 table t1;Query OK, 10 rows affected (000 sec)Records: 10 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
table t1 被当做内表,表 t1 有两个字段,必须同时满足 t2 检索时过滤的字段也是两个。mysql-(ytt/3305)->select from t2 where (r1,r2) in (table t1);+------+------+| r1 | r2 |+------+------+| 1 | 1 || 2 | 9 || 3 | 9 || 4 | 17 || 5 | 17 || 6 | 16 || 7 | 6 || 8 | 1 || 9 | 10 || 10 | 3 |+------+------+10 rows in set (000 sec)
你那表里面存的是什么样的数据呢?就暂且假设你存储的是User 对象(含有username,pwd等字段),那么你就可以这样获得table1中所有的数据
PreparedStatement ps=conprepareStatement("select from table1");
List<User> list=new ArrayList<User>();
User user=new User(regetString(1),regetString(2),);
select t1gbname,t1xname,t1box,t1dev_id,t2kehu_name,t2kehu_code,t2zican_no,t2bxcode from
(select gbname,xname,box,dev_id,rank()over(group by box) box_id from table1) t1,(select kehu_name,kehu_code,zican_no,bxcode,rank()over(group by bxcode) bxcode_id from table2) t2
where t1box=t2bxcode and t1box_id=t2bxcode_id
以上就是关于怎样在mysql数据库中取值放table里显示啊!全部的内容,包括:怎样在mysql数据库中取值放table里显示啊!、java如何读取数据库中table1表中的所有数据。、ORACLE 数据库的 TABLE1 和 TABLE2 两表关联合并查询结果得到最下面的结果(附图片)等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!