这篇文章主要介绍如何使用jdbc配置连接数据库(oracle的RAC配置的数据库)达到负载均衡的情况 该例子是以 个NODE的情况说明 希望对大家有所帮助
我的问题是我需要设置oracle x的thin客户端连接到oracle的RAC环境上
Hi Tom
I couldn t find this information easily on the net So I m submitting it hereand hope you make it available for anyone else looking for this information
My problem was I needed to configure the Oracle x thin driver (type IV) toconnect to an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) environment
For example assuming you have a database called RAC_DB with o nodes node and node
You would need to configure your tnsnames ora with the following information inthe following way:
Now if you start a SQLPLUS session then you should see a connection on thenode instance If you start another SQLPLUS session then Oracle shouldconnect you to the node instance (automatic load balancing) It s actuallypretty cool to see the first time
To pass this same information to the Oracle s JDBC thin driver you essentiallyconcatenate a shorten version of the tnsnames information above and pass this tothe driver
String userid = scott ; String password = tiger ;
String url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@ + tnsnames_info;
DriverManager registerDriver(new oracle jdbc OracleDriver()); Connection dbConnection = DriverManager getConnection(url userid password);
That s it If your application creates multiple connection to the database then you should see these connections load balance across the o instances
One last note Oracle only supports connection to a RAC configuration with the i drivers so you should try to get the latest Oracle JDBC thin driver
HTH Peter
and we said
you made it really hard you just needed the service! the load balancing andall could be/should be setup on the listener side!
you have one listener both databases register with it as a service
that would be another option
I think we tried that and it didn t work September Reviewer: Peter Tran from Houston TX USA
Hi Tom
I m pretty sure we tried that but it didn t work with the thin driver Thatapproach will work if you use the OCI driver but not with the thin driver
Please send me an example of what you mean or what files I should configure totest it out
I m always opened to easier options
Thanks Peter
Followup:you need to set up mts and a single listener thats it
pmon on each of the rac instances will tell the listener about the load and awayit goes you might not see the round robin right off (both are not yetloaded ) so it ll be an unbalanced load balance initially but as the systemramps it ll balance out
Unknown territory September Reviewer: Peter Tran from Houston TX USA
I m sorry but I really lost you with that last remendation Rather thanfrustrate you with my ignorance can you remend the Oracle documentation thatI should read to brush up on this information
I ll read this first and e back with questions if I m still lost
For example I don t understand why you want me to setup the database as MTS Why can t I use dedicated server mode
Thanks for the quick response
Followup:in order for a single listener to service many instances on differentmachines the listener must be servicing shared server connections thelistener cannot fork/exec a dedicated server since the listener may well notbe running on the machine the instance is on it needs to know dispatcheraddresses to redirect the client request to
1在ndb_mgmd、mysqld、Node A、Node B上安装MySQL50
2配置 Node A、Node B、mysqld:
# cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/my-mediumcnf /etc/mycnf # vi /etc/mycnf 在文件尾加入 # mycnf # example additions to mycnf for MySQL Cluster # (valid in MySQL 50) # enable ndbcluster storage engine, and provide connectstring for # management Server host (default port is 1186) [mysqld] ndbcluster ndb-connectstring=1921685630 # provide connectstring for management Server host (default port: 1186) [ndbd] connect-string=1921685630 # provide connectstring for management Server host (default port: 1186) [ndb_mgm] connect-string=1921685630 # provide location of cluster configuration file [ndb_mgmd] config-file=/var/lib/mysql-cluster
在Node A、Node B上创建日志文件夹
• 负载均衡优化了访问请求在服务器组之间的分配,消除了服务器之间的负载不平衡,从而提高了系统的反应速度与总体性能;
• 负载均衡可以对服务器的运行状况进行监控,及时发现运行异常的服务器,并将访问请求转移到其它可以正常工作的服务器上,从而提高服务器组的可靠性采用了负均衡器器以后,可以根据业务量的发展情况灵活增加服务器,系统的扩展能力得到提高,同时简化了管理。
以上就是关于关于JDBC客户端如何连接ORACLE数据库RAC的负载均衡全部的内容,包括:关于JDBC客户端如何连接ORACLE数据库RAC的负载均衡、对于实现mysql数据库集群负载均衡和高可使用 哪些措施具有实际意义、负载均衡服务器有什么优缺点等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!