String fenyeSql_1 = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT A.*, ROWNUM RN FROM ("
String fenyeSql_2 = " ) A WHERE ROWNUM <= " + end + " ) WHERE RN >= "+ from + " "
String fenyeCountSql_1 = " select count(*) from ( "
String fenyeCountSql_2 = " ) "
String union = " union "
String sql_gjy_select = " select to_char(t.xm) xm,to_char(t.xb) xb,t.qslc qslc,t.zzlc ,to_char(t.检查日期) 检查日期,to_char(t.上传时间) 上传时间,t.上传单位,t.路局名,t.jcsbid sclx from v$gwsj_jcsjlx t where 1=1 "
String sql_tqi_select = " select t2.xm xm,t2.xb xb,t2.qslc qslc,t2.zzlc,to_char(t2.检查日期,'yyyy-MM-dd') 检查日期,to_char(t2.上传时间,'yyyy-MM-dd') 上传时间,t2.上传单位,t2.路局名,4 sclx from v$tqi_line t2 where 1=1 "
String sql_g4d_select = " select t3.xm xm,t3.xb xb,t3.qslc qslc,t3.zzlc,t3.检查日期 检查日期,to_char(t3.上传时间,'yyyy-MM-dd') 上传时间,t3.上传单位,t3.路局名,5 sclx from v$g4d_line t3 where 1=1 "
// 条件1
if (null != year &&null != month &&!"".equals(year)
&&!"".equals(month)) {
String selectDate = year + "-"
if (month.toCharArray().length == 1) {
selectDate += "0" + month
} else if (month.toCharArray().length == 2) {
selectDate += month
sql_gjy_select += " and t.检查日期 like '%" + selectDate + "%'"
sql_tqi_select += " and t2.检查日期 like '%" + selectDate + "%'"
sql_g4d_select += " and t3.检查日期 like '%" + selectDate + "%'"
if (null != fdwbh &&!"".equals(fdwbh)) {
sql_gjy_select += " and t.上传单位='" + fdwbh + "'"
sql_tqi_select += " and t2.上传单位='" + fdwbh + "'"
sql_g4d_select += " and t3.上传单位='" + fdwbh + "'"
// 查询数据
String sql_select = fenyeSql_1 + sql_gjy_select + union
+ sql_tqi_select + union + sql_g4d_select + fenyeSql_2
// 对应总条数
String sql_count = fenyeCountSql_1 + sql_gjy_select + union
+ sql_tqi_select + union + sql_g4d_select + fenyeCountSql_2
PreparedStatement ps = null
String permissionJson = null
把4张表现连起来,"select * from a,b,c,d where a.id=b.id and b.id=c.id and c.id=d.id"接下来你就能输出4张表中你想要的字段里面的内容了欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出