数据库原理问题 已知某数据库系统中包含如下三个基本表:

数据库原理问题 已知某数据库系统中包含如下三个基本表:,第1张

(1)select * from sales where qty between 1000 and 10000

(2)select gname,price,type,qty

from goods,sales

where goods.g#=sales.g# and fact='青岛海尔集团' and s# in(select s# from shops where sname='北京东方大厦')

(3)select g#

from (select g#,max(a.aqty) from (select g#,AVG(QTY) as aqty from sales group by g#) as a

group by g#) as b

本来这题用top 做简单、但是考虑到有销售量相同的、还是用上面这个

(4)delete from sales where qty is null

(5)create view S_VIEW


select *

from shops

where addr like '南京路%'


create table Customers


客户ID int primary key,

客户姓名 varchar(20) not null,

客户公司 varchar(20),

库存 varchar(200),

客户电话 varchar(16) check(客户电话 like '123[0-9]{4}')



create table Orders


客户ID int,

产品ID int ,

产品名称 varchar(20)not null,

定货数量 int not null,

总金额 decimal(8,2) not null,

下单时间 datetime not null ,

foreign key (产品ID) references Products(产品ID),

foreign key (客户ID) references Customers(客户ID)



create table Products


产品ID int primary key,

产品名称 varchar(20) not null,

产品单价 decimal(5,2),

库存量 int




select 产品名称,定货数量,总金额 from Orders where 下单时间 like '2012%'


select max(产品单价) as 单价最大值,min(产品单价) as 单价最小值,avg(产品单价) as 单价平均值 from Products


create view v_cus_pro_ord as

select o.客户ID,c.客户姓名,o.产品ID,o.产品名称,p.产品单价,定货数量,总金额,下单时间 from Orders o,Products p,Customers c

where 总金额 >=5000 and o.客户ID=c.客户ID and o.产品ID=p.产品ID



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/sjk/9991944.html

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