DS2155 Internal BERT Programmi
Abstract: ApplicaTIon note 389 describes how to use the internal Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) controll
DS2155 and DS26502 Software Co
Abstract: This applicaTIon note discusses the differences between the DS2155 T1E1J1 Single Chip Tr
摘要:DS21458是一款四端口T1E1J1单片收发器(SCT),具有和DS2155单端口T1E1J1 SCT相同的寄存器组。DS2155和DS21458具有相同的软件架构,因而从单端口的DS
DS2155, DS21Q55, DS2156 Progra
Abstract: This applicaTIon note provides a detailed descripTIon for using the SLC-96 mulTIframe in t