string fileURL = this.Server.MapPath("你要下载的文件路径")//文件路径,可用相对路径
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileURL)
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachmentfilename=" +
Response.AddHeader("content-length", fileInfo.Length.ToString())//文件大小
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default
public Function WritFile(ByVal byt, ByVal fileName) '写入文件函数
on error resume next
Dim objAso:set objAso=server.createobject("adodb.Stream")
objAso.Type = 1
objAso.Mode = 3
objAso.Position = 0
objAso.Write byt
objAso.SaveToFile fileName, 2
Set objAso = Nothing
WritFile = True
End Function
Public Function Download(ByVal URL, ByVal savePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim ResBody, sStr, vPath, fileName, vErr
vErr = True
vPath = Replace(savePath, "/", "\")
If Right(vPath, 1) <> "\" Then vPath = vPath & "\"
sPos = InStrRev(URL, "/") + 1
sStr = Mid(URL, sPos)
Set Http = Server.CreateObject("MICROSOFT.XMLHTTP")
Http.Open "GET", URL, False
If Http.Readystate = 4 Then
If Http.Status = 200 Then
ResBody = Http.responseBody
head = Http.getResponseHeader("content-disposition")
If head <> "" Then
startpos = InStr(head, "=") + 1
fileName = Mid(head, startpos)
ElseIf InStr(sStr, ".") > 0 And InStr(sStr, "?") <= 0 Then
fileName = sStr
fileName = Getname() & ".dat"
End If
If WritFile(ResBody, vPath & fileName) Then vErr = False
End If
End If
Download = Not vErr
End Function
public Function Getname()
on error resume next
Dim y,m,d,h,mm,S, r
y = Year(Now)
m = Month(Now): If m < 10 Then m = "0" & m
d = Day(Now): If d < 10 Then d = "0" & d
h = Hour(Now): If h < 10 Then h = "0" & h
mm = Minute(Now): If mm < 10 Then mm = "0" & mm
S = Second(Now): If S < 10 Then S = "0" & S
r = 0
r = CInt(Rnd() * 1000)
If r < 10 Then r = "00" & r
If r < 100 And r >= 10 Then r = "0" & r
Getname = y & m & d & h & mm & S & r
End Function
call download("("."))
用Microsoft.XMLHTTP组件。一般服务器都有的。Function GetHttp(U)
On Error Resume Next
If Lcase(Left(U,7))<>"http://" Then Exit Function
Set D=Server.CreateObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP):D.Open "GET",U,false:D.send
If D.status=200 Then GetHttp=D.ResponseBody
Set D=Nothing
End Function
Function SaveAs(B,P)
On Error Resume Next
Set D=server.createobject(OtT(5)):D.type=1:D.Mode=3:D.Open:D.Write B
If D.size>0 Then D.SaveToFile P,2:ErrN=0:
D.Close:Set D=nothing
End Function
SaveAs GetHttp("http://../index.html"),"C:\123.html"