struts1 上传文件 及 获取表单中的值

struts1 上传文件 及 获取表单中的值,第1张

在配置文件里配置表单,页面标签的Name要跟表单里对应起来,,然后再Action里给Form赋值,就得到了..不会写就直接写request.getParameter("userName") 这样就可以了

protected void UploadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Before attempting to save the file, verify

// that the FileUpload control contains a file.

if (FileUpload1.HasFile)

// Call a helper method routine to save the file.



// Notify the user that a file was not uploaded.

UploadStatusLabel.Text = "You did not specify a file to upload."


void SaveFile(HttpPostedFile file)


// Specify the path to save the uploaded file to.

string savePath = "c:\\temp\\uploads\\"

// Get the name of the file to upload.

string fileName = FileUpload1.FileName

// Create the path and file name to check for duplicates.

string pathToCheck = savePath + fileName

// Create a temporary file name to use for checking duplicates.

string tempfileName = ""

// Check to see if a file already exists with the

// same name as the file to upload.

if (System.IO.File.Exists(pathToCheck))


int counter = 2

while (System.IO.File.Exists(pathToCheck))


// if a file with this name already exists,

// prefix the filename with a number.

tempfileName = counter.ToString() + fileName

pathToCheck = savePath + tempfileName

counter ++


fileName = tempfileName

// Notify the user that the file name was changed.

UploadStatusLabel.Text = "A file with the same name already exists." +

"<br />Your file was saved as " + fileName




// Notify the user that the file was saved successfully.

UploadStatusLabel.Text = "Your file was uploaded successfully."


// Append the name of the file to upload to the path.

savePath += fileName

// Call the SaveAs method to save the uploaded

// file to the specified directory.





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