荷花(Lotus flower):属毛茛目睡莲科,是莲属二种植物的通称。又名莲花、水芙蓉等。是莲属多年生水生草本花卉。地下茎长而肥厚,有长节,叶盾圆形。花期6至9月,单生于花梗顶端,花瓣多数,嵌生在花托穴内,有红、粉红、白、紫等色,或有彩纹、镶边。坚果椭圆形,种子卵形。
Lotus (Lotus flower): genus Ranunculus. Nymphaeaceae, is known as the two species of nelumbo. Also known as lotus, lotus, etc.. Is a perennial aquatic herb flowers. The underground stem is long and thick, has long section, and the leaf is round. Florescence 6 to 9 months, sheet is born at the top of the stalk, leaf is most, block in thalamus acupuncture point, red, pink, white, purple and other color or color grain, edge. Nut ellipsoid, seed oval.
Lotus species of a lot of, divided into two major categories of ornamental and edible. Native to tropical Asia and temperate regions, cultivated Chinese have recorded early in the Zhou dynasty. Lotus whole body all treasure, lotus seed edible, lotus root, lotus root, lotus leaf, flower and seed germ can be used as medicine. Its out of the mud and not dyed the character of the world's constant praise. "Then days hachisuba infinite Bi, lotus flowers in red" is a true portrayal of the beauty of the lotus. Lotus "pass outside straight, succinct, out of the mud and don't dye, Qinglian Zhuo and not demon" noble character has always been throughout the ages poet Moke singing painting one of the subject matter.
In 1985 May, the lotus was named one of the top ten China. The lotus is the national flower of India, Thailand and vietnam.
According to legend, is the incarnation of the goddess Wang Mu lotus around a beautiful maid -- Yu Ji. Original Ji Yu, see world both on and envy, so moving the fan Xin, in the company of Alpheus daughter stealing out of the temple, came to Hangzhou West Lake. The beautiful scenery of West Lake Yu Ji immersed in the lake indulge in pleasures without stop, play, also reluctant to leave until dawn. The goddess Wang Mu know after lotus throne jade Ji into the lake, and let her into the mud, "never again'". Since then, the temple of a beautiful maid, but many human jade flowers and muscle. [26]
In the classical literary masterpiece "a dream of Red Mansions", said that after the death of Qingwen into lotus fairy, Jia Baoyu in to the lotus girl dirge "Zhong Dao, Qingwen there words:" as its, Yu Qigui, Jinyu insufficientthe for of, is ice and snow less than Yu QijieGod, is star, lack of Yu theits appearance, is on less than Yu color. " Although later Redology experts are of the view that this was nothing more than the author borrow the name of Xu Qingwen and praise the clean of Lin Daiyu, but anyway lotus is always with her daughter like pure together. [26]
The "Lotus" and "poor" sound the same, so there are a lot of writing poetry in Lotus poem, to express love. Such as "West Island" Yuefu song: "Nantang autumn lotus, lotus headsget lotus seeds, lotus seeds such as green water." "Lotus" or "son", "green" or "qing". Here is the real writing is also false writing, pun intended, the homophonic pun, rhetoric, expressed the purity of a woman to love a man profound thoughts and love. Thirty-five Jin "forty-two first" Midnight Song: "hidden lotus lotus fog, see not clear." Fog dew to the true face of the lotus, lotus is not visible and not very clear, which is the use of homophonic puns, write a woman vaguely felt the man love their own. [26]
Related words
Innocence, noble and humble (noble), "the silt but don't dye, Qinglian Zhuo and not demon" (Zhou "reminiscence"), firmness, pure, innocent, honest and quality. In a low-key show of elegance. Lotus is the flower of noble flower. [27]
一、主题 主题思想是文艺作品通过描绘现实生活和塑造艺术形象所揭示出来的问题,表现出来的中心思想。人教版 《自学辅导》书指出,《荷花淀》“表现了根据地人民的爱国主义精神和革命乐观主义精神”。欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出