EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from test.dbo.Apo_village"
queryout "c:/Apo_SFZ.xlsx" -c -S"服务器" -U"sa" -P"密码"'
--这是用C#写的存储过程,不知道你会不会编译到SQL Server
--Exec BulkCopyToXls 'SQL查询语句','路径','文件名',最大记录数
--Exec BulkCopyToXls 'select * from 表','G:\Test','Table',60000
using System
using System.Data
using System.Data.SqlClient
using System.Data.SqlTypes
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
public partial class myProcedure
public static void BulkCopyToXls(SqlString sql, SqlString savePath, SqlString tableName, SqlInt32 maxRecordCount)
if (sql.IsNull || savePath.IsNull || tableName.IsNull)
SqlContext.Pipe.Send(" 输入信息不完整!")
ushort _maxRecordCount = ushort.MaxValue - 1
if (maxRecordCount.IsNull == false &&maxRecordCount.Value <ushort.MaxValue &&maxRecordCount.Value >0)
_maxRecordCount = (ushort)maxRecordCount.Value
ExportXls(sql.Value, savePath.Value, tableName.Value, _maxRecordCount)
private static void ExportXls(string sql, string savePath, string tableName, System.UInt16 maxRecordCount)
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(savePath) == false)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
using (SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = sql
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
int i = 0
int totalCount = 0
int tick = System.Environment.TickCount
SqlContext.Pipe.Send(" 开始导出数据")
while (true)
string fileName = string.Format(@"{0}/{1}.{2}.xls", savePath, tableName, i++)
int iExp = Write(reader, maxRecordCount, fileName)
long size = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName).Length
totalCount += iExp
SqlContext.Pipe.Send(string.Format(" 文件{0}, 共{1} 条, 大小{2} 字节", fileName, iExp, size.ToString("###,###")))
if (iExp <maxRecordCount) break
tick = System.Environment.TickCount - tick
SqlContext.Pipe.Send(" 导出数据完成")
SqlContext.Pipe.Send(string.Format(" 共{0} 条数据,耗时{1}ms", totalCount, tick))
private static void WriteObject(ExcelWriter writer, object obj, System.UInt16 x, System.UInt16 y)
string type = obj.GetType().Name.ToString()
switch (type)
case "SqlBoolean":
case "SqlByte":
case "SqlDecimal":
case "SqlDouble":
case "SqlInt16":
case "SqlInt32":
case "SqlInt64":
case "SqlMoney":
case "SqlSingle":
if (obj.ToString().ToLower() == "null")
writer.WriteString(x, y, obj.ToString())
writer.WriteNumber(x, y, Convert.ToDouble(obj.ToString()))
writer.WriteString(x, y, obj.ToString())
private static int Write(SqlDataReader reader, System.UInt16 count, string fileName)
int iExp = count
ExcelWriter writer = new ExcelWriter(fileName)
for (System.UInt16 j = 0j <reader.FieldCountj++)
writer.WriteString(0, j, reader.GetName(j))
for (System.UInt16 i = 1i <= counti++)
if (reader.Read() == false)
iExp = i - 1
for (System.UInt16 j = 0j <reader.FieldCountj++)
WriteObject(writer, reader.GetSqlValue(j), i, j)
return iExp
public class ExcelWriter
System.IO.FileStream _wirter
public ExcelWriter(string strPath)
_wirter = new System.IO.FileStream(strPath, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
private void _writeFile(System.UInt16[] values)
foreach (System.UInt16 v in values)
byte[] b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(v)
_wirter.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
public void BeginWrite()
_writeFile(new System.UInt16[] { 0x809, 8, 0, 0x10, 0, 0 })
public void EndWrite()
_writeFile(new System.UInt16[] { 0xa, 0 })
public void WriteNumber(System.UInt16 x, System.UInt16 y, double value)
_writeFile(new System.UInt16[] { 0x203, 14, x, y, 0 })
byte[] b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value)
_wirter.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
public void WriteString(System.UInt16 x, System.UInt16 y, string value)
byte[] b = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(value)
_writeFile(new System.UInt16[] { 0x204, (System.UInt16)(b.Length + 8), x, y, 0, (System.UInt16)b.Length })
_wirter.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
收缩 Tempdb 的方法此方法要求您重新启动 SQL Server。
1. 停止 SQL Server。打开命令提示符,然后键入以下命令启动 SQL Server:
sqlservr -c -f
-c 和 -f 参数使 SQL Server 以最小配置模式启动,让数据文件的 tempdb 大小为 1 MB,日志文件的 tempdb 为 0.5 MB。
注意:如果使用 SQL Server 命名实例,必须切换到适当的文件夹 (Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL$instance name/Binn),并使用 -s 开关 (-s%instance_name%)。
2. 用查询分析器连接到 SQL Server,然后运行下列 Transact-SQL 命令: ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE
(NAME = 'tempdev', SIZE = target_size_in_MB)
--Desired target size for the data file
(NAME = 'templog', SIZE = target_size_in_MB)
--Desired target size for the log file
3. 通过在命令提示符窗口中按 Ctrl-C 停止 SQL Server,将 SQL Server 作为服务重新启动,然后验证 Tempdb.mdf 和 Templog.ldf 文件的大小。
此方法的局限是它只能对默认的 tempdb 逻辑文件 tempdev 和 templog 进行 *** 作。如果将其他文件添加到了 tempdb,您可以在将 SQL Server 作为服务重新启动后收缩它们。在启动过程中将重新创建所有 tempdb 文件;因此,它们是空的并可删除。要删除 tempdb 中的其他文件,请使用带有 REMOVE FILE 选项的 ALTER DATABASE 命令。
3、使用 “source + 路径+文件名”