MyjspForm mf = (MyjspForm) form// TODO Auto-generated method stub
FormFile fname=mf.getFname()
byte [] fn = fname.getFileData()
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("D:\\"+fname.getFileName())
Date date = new Date()
String title = fname.getFileName()
String url = "d:\\"+fname.getFileName()
Upload ul = new Upload()
UploadDAO uld = new UploadDAO()
DownloadForm downloadForm = (DownloadForm)form
String fname = request.getParameter("furl")
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(fname)
byte[] bt = new byte[fi.available()]
String contentDisposition = "attachmentfilename=" + "java.txt"
ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream()
return null
FileInputStreamhFile=newFileInputStream(url) //得到文件大小
bytedata[]=newbyte[i] //读数据
hFile.read(data) //得到向客户端输出二进制数据的对象
OutputStreamtoClient=response.getOutputStream() //输出数据
如果只是得到信息,原样不动,不进行修改 *** 作,例如文件上传旦枝和下载,这时就使用字节流。文件上传:在服务器端把浏览器端信息提取出来。文件下载:把服务器端内容竖配写给浏览器端。
如果要 *** 作的是自定义信息,这时使用字符流。
ServletOutputStream response.getOutputStream()
PrintWriter response.getWriter()
<! #include FILE="upload inc" >谈如 <% dim upload file formName formPath iCount filename fileExt set upload=new upload_ xSoft 建立上传对象 formPath="uploadimages/" 在目录后启戚加(/) if right(formPath )<>"/" then formPath=formPath&"/" iCount= for each formName in upload file 列出所有上传了的文件 set file=upload file(formName) 生成一个文件对象 if file filesize<then response write "<font size= ><br>请先选择你要上传的图片 [ <a href=# onclick=history go( )>重新上传</a>]</font>" response end end if if file filesize>then 含旁启 response write "<font size= ><br>图片大小超过了限制 [ <a href=# onclick=history go( )>重新上传</a>]</font>" response end end if
fileExt=lcase(right(file filename ))
if fileEXT<>" jpg" and fileEXT<>" gif" then response write "<font size= ><br>文件格式只能为jpg和gif格式 [ <a href=# onclick=history go( )>重新上传</a>]</font>" response end end if randomize ranNum=int( *rnd)+ filename=formPath&year(now)&month(now)&day(now)&hour(now)&minute(now)&second(now)&fileExt filename =year(now)&month(now)&day(now)&hour(now)&minute(now)&second(now)&fileExt if file FileSize>then 如果 FileSize >说明有文件数据 file SaveAs Server mappath(filename) 保存文件 response write "<script>parent form img value= "&FileName &" </script>"
iCount=iCount+ end if set file=nothing next set upload=nothing 删除此对象
Response Write "<img src= "&" /UpLoad/UpLoadImages/"&FileName &" onload = DrawImage(this) >" response end %>
下面是upload inc的代码
<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT>dim upfile_ xSoft_Stream Class upload_ xSoft dim Form File Version Private Sub Class_Initialize dim iStart iFileNameStart iFileNameEnd iEnd vbEnter iFormStart iFormEnd theFile dim strDiv mFormName mFormValue mFileName mFileSize mFilePath iDivLen mStr if Request TotalBytes<then Exit Sub set Form=CreateObject("Scripting Dictionary") set File=CreateObject("Scripting Dictionary") set upfile_ xSoft_Stream=CreateObject("Adodb Stream") upfile_ xSoft_Stream mode= upfile_ xSoft_Stream type= upfile_ xSoft_Stream open upfile_ xSoft_Stream write Request BinaryRead(Request TotalBytes) vbEnter=Chr( )&Chr( ) iDivLen=inString( vbEnter)+ strDiv=subString( iDivLen) iFormStart=iDivLen iFormEnd=inString(iformStart strDiv) while iFormStart <iFormEnd iStart=inString(iFormStart "name=""") iEnd=inString(iStart+ """") mFormName=subString(iStart+ iEnd iStart ) iFileNameStart=inString(iEnd+ "filename=""") if iFileNameStart>and iFileNameStart<iFormEnd then iFileNameEnd=inString(iFileNameStart+ """") mFileName=subString(iFileNameStart+ iFileNameEnd iFileNameStart ) iStart=inString(iFileNameEnd+ vbEnter&vbEnter) iEnd=inString(iStart+ vbEnter&strDiv) if iEnd>iStart then mFileSize=iEnd iStart else mFileSize= end if set theFile=new FileInfo theFile FileName=getFileName(mFileName) theFile FilePath=getFilePath(mFileName) theFile FileSize=mFileSize theFile FileStart=iStart+ theFile FormName=FormName file add mFormName theFile else iStart=inString(iEnd+ vbEnter&vbEnter) iEnd=inString(iStart+ vbEnter&strDiv)
if iEnd>iStart then mFormValue=subString(iStart+ iEnd iStart ) else mFormValue="" end if form Add mFormName mFormValue end if
iFormStart=iformEnd+iDivLen iFormEnd=inString(iformStart strDiv) wend End Sub
Private Function subString(theStart theLen) dim i c stemp upfile_ xSoft_Stream Position=theStart stemp="" for i= to theLen if upfile_ xSoft_Stream EOS then Exit for c=ascB(upfile_ xSoft_Stream Read( )) If c >Then if upfile_ xSoft_Stream EOS then Exit for stemp=stemp&Chr(AscW(ChrB(AscB(upfile_ xSoft_Stream Read( )))&ChrB(c))) i=i+ else stemp=stemp&Chr(c) End If Next subString=stemp End function
Private Function inString(theStart varStr) dim i j bt theLen str InString= Str=toByte(varStr) theLen=LenB(Str) for i=theStart to upfile_ xSoft_Stream Size theLen if i>upfile_ xSoft_Stream size then exit Function upfile_ xSoft_Stream Position=i if AscB(upfile_ xSoft_Stream Read( ))=AscB(midB(Str )) then InString=i for j= to theLen if upfile_ xSoft_Stream EOS then inString= Exit for end if if AscB(upfile_ xSoft_Stream Read( ))<>AscB(MidB(Str j )) then InString= Exit For end if next if InString<>then Exit Function end if next End Function
Private Sub Class_Terminate form RemoveAll file RemoveAll set form=nothing set file=nothing upfile_ xSoft_Stream close set upfile_ xSoft_Stream=nothing End Sub Private function GetFilePath(FullPath) If FullPath <>"" Then GetFilePath = left(FullPath InStrRev(FullPath "")) Else GetFilePath = "" End If End function Private function GetFileName(FullPath) If FullPath <>"" Then GetFileName = mid(FullPath InStrRev(FullPath "")+ ) Else GetFileName = "" End If End function
Private function toByte(Str) dim i iCode c iLow iHigh toByte="" For i= To Len(Str) c=mid(Str i ) iCode =Asc(c) If iCode<Then iCode = iCode + If iCode>Then iLow = Left(Hex(Asc(c)) ) iHigh =Right(Hex(Asc(c)) ) toByte = toByte &chrB("&H"&iLow) &chrB("&H"&iHigh) Else toByte = toByte &chrB(AscB(c)) End If Next End function End Class