[未分类] 2008/07/17 22:40 Word有很多自动功能,这无疑给用户的 *** 作增添了无数的便捷,但有时也会感尺橘尘到有些不方便,比如陵禅仅仅是输入了一个网址或E-mail地址后,Word会自动将其转换为一个超级链接,对于不需要这一链接的用户来说如何去除自动添加呢?
'Base64编码函数,参数sFileName:与编码文件路径,sCodeName:编码文件存储路径Function Base64Encode(ByVal sFileName As String, ByVal sCodeName As String) As String
Dim sCodeTable(0 To 63) As Byte '编码表
Dim tmpBytes3(1 To 3) As Byte '临时存储原字节码
Dim tmpBytes4(1 To 4) As Byte '临时存储字节分解吗
Dim i As Long, k As Long
Dim sFileLen As Long '文件长度
Dim n As Long
Dim m As Long
For i = 0 To 25
sCodeTable(i) = i + 65 '大写字母
sCodeTable(i + 26) = i + 97 '小写字母
For i = 52 To 61
sCodeTable(i) = i - 4
sCodeTable(62) = Asc("+")
sCodeTable(63) = Asc("/")
sFileLen = FileLen(sFileName)
n = sFileLen \ 3 '整除3
m = sFileLen Mod 3 '除以3的余数
Open sFileName For Binary As #1 Len = 32760
Open sCodeName For Binary As #2 Len = 32760
For i = 1 To n
Get #1, , tmpBytes3 '读取3个字节到tmpBytes
tmpBytes4(1) = (tmpBytes3(1) And 252) / 4 '截取前6bit
tmpBytes4(2) = (tmpBytes3(1) And 3) * 16 + (tmpBytes3(2) And 240) / 16 '截取第二个6bit
tmpBytes4(3) = (tmpBytes3(2) And 15) * 4 + (tmpBytes3(3) And 192) / 64 '截取第三个6bit
tmpBytes4(4) = tmpBytes3(3) And 63 '截取第三个6bit
For k = 1 To 4
tmpBytes4(k) = sCodeTable(tmpBytes4(k))
Put #2, , tmpBytes4 '将编码写入编码文件
DoEvents '测试时使用,编译时可以注释掉===========================================
If m = 1 Then
Get #1, , tmpBytes3(1)
tmpBytes3(2) = 0
tmpBytes4(1) = (tmpBytes3(1) And 252) / 4 '绝嫌陵截取前6bit
tmpBytes4(2) = (tmpBytes3(1) And 3) * 16 + (tmpBytes3(2) And 240) / 16 '截取第二个6bit
Put #2, , sCodeTable(tmpBytes4(1))
Put #2, , sCodeTable(tmpBytes4(2))
Put #2, , CByte(Asc("="))
Put #2, , CByte(Asc("="))
ElseIf m = 2 Then
Get #1, , tmpBytes3(1)
Get #1, , tmpBytes3(2)
tmpBytes3(3) = 0
tmpBytes4(1) = (tmpBytes3(1) And 252) / 4 '截取前6bit
tmpBytes4(2) = (tmpBytes3(1) And 3) * 16 + (tmpBytes3(2) And 240) / 16 '截取第二个6bit
tmpBytes4(3) = (tmpBytes3(2) And 15) * 4 + (tmpBytes3(3) And 192) / 64 '截取第三个6bit
Put #2, , sCodeTable(tmpBytes4(1))
Put #2, , sCodeTable(tmpBytes4(2))
Put #2, , sCodeTable(tmpBytes4(3))
Put #2, , CByte(Asc("="))
End If
Close #2
Close #1
End Function
编码很多.... 二进制编码,数据文件一般都用这个格式.当然,还会使用一些加密方式. ASCII,主要是字母,字符 GB2312,简体汉字. GBK,Windows 95就是以GBK为内码,又由于GBK同时也涵盖了Unicode所有CJK汉字. BIG5,又称为大五码或五大码,是使用繁体中文(正体中尺好没文)社群中最常用的陵纳电脑汉字字符集标袜腊准,共收录13060个汉字. UTF8,UTF16,UTF32,写网页的时候常用. 主要就是这些.欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出