WIN10玩SCHOOL DAYS HQ重制版 无法运行,第1张

方法一: 开始 - 运行(输入services.msc)- 确定或回车,打开:服务(本地); 我们在服务(本地)窗口找到:Windows Modules Installer服务,查看是否被禁用; 如果Windows Modules Installer服务被禁用,我们必须把它更改为启用 - 手动,重启。

[转贴] [资料]GALGAME汉化列表2009年8月24日整理。



注:颜色意义:完全汉化 大部分汉化完成,基本能打通游戏 部分汉化


《海猫鸣泣之时》EP1~4 BY 六轩岛调查队…………………………100%

《寒蝉鸣泣之时》完整版汉化补丁V2 BY 台湾同好 &寒冰汉化社……100%


《猫猫病院》白色 情人节汉化补丁 BY KDAYS ………………………………31.25%

Active Soft

《DISCIPLINE》 BY神猫在线蓝猫组共同汉化.............................................100%

Alco Entertainment

《情归故里》 BY新天地互动多媒体.......................................................100%


《Triptych》中文补丁Ver 0.1测试版



《G线上の魔王》汉化版v1.0 BY G弦上的魔王汉化委员..........100%


《东月西阳》 保奈美单线 简体中文测试版V1.02 BY 时痕汉化组(工程停止)…………20%

《更胜黎明前的琉璃色》简体中文完整版Ver1.1.1 BY 月桂琉璃汉化组…………100%


《恋爱少女与守护之盾》 简体中文体验版 Ver0.1 BY 言叶党汉化组指尖奶茶应援会


《魔法少年》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优…………100%


《恋姬无双》简中汉化5.1版 BY风之回忆工作室...........................??%


《银河天使队 月夜情人》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%

《银河天使队 永恒情人》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%

《魔法少女 未知的天空艾塔提亚》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%

《DI GI Charat Fantasy~仲夏夜之梦~》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾TGL仲夏夜之梦…100


《真实之泪》 简体中文版 BY 北京 YLT…………100%

繁体中文版 BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%

C's ware

《夜行侦探~零》 BY 新天地互动多媒体......................................................100%

《夜行侦探~迷失者》 BY 新天地互动多媒体..............................................100%

《美人鱼的季节》 BY 新天地互动多媒体......................................................100%


《少女爱上姐姐》简体中文汉化版V2.0 BY 瑞穗姐姐推广协会/WLGO…………100%


《D.C.P.C》 V5.5.2简体中文补丁 BY 月樱华想汉化组&妹乃萌汉化组…………70%

《D.C.II ~featuring Yun!~》 简繁双语中文版V1.0 BY 小熊工作室PIOVA汉化组………100%

《舞-HiME 命运的系统树 修罗》 简体中文测试版V0.9 BY 3DM日文游戏工作组51HiME修罗汉化组………99%

《D.C.Ⅱ地方巡演先行版「春风无敌大作战」》 简体中文完整版V1.10 BY 3DM日文游戏工作组 绯月雪桜汉化组…………100%

《D.C.II~ダ・カーポII~》 中文版汉化中 绯月雪桜汉化组…………15%

《D.C.II~ダ・カーポII~》 V9.9汉化补丁 最终公测版 BY蘑菇汉化组…………100%

《C.D.C.D.2》 1/4(单线)汉化版 BY 夏之空汉化协会………………………………30%

《D.C.II Spring Celebration》测试补丁0.1 BY 蘑菇汉化组...........................60%


《SAKURA ~雪月华~》 双线汉化版 BY CK-GAL中文化协会…………70%


《AYAKASHI -魂兽-》 汉化版 BY CK-GAL(废坑确定)…………30%


《凉宫春日的逆转1》 BY L.S.汉化组………………100%


《花历》 BY 天人互动............................................................100%


《加奈~いもうと~》v0.01b ...................................................................1%


《CLEAVAGE》BY 未来数位.....................100%


《臭 作》序章汉化版(工程停止)……………………………………………………10%

《下级生》中文化 Ver 0.96 测试版…………………………………………90%

《同级生2》中音汉化版 BY 欢乐盒………………………………………………100%

《同级生2 Win版》……………………………………………………100%



Family Soft

《初恋之白色 情人节》 BY 智冠...........................................100%


《染成茜色的坂道》圣诞体验版v0.2 BY KDays....................................................30%


《Cross +Channal》体验版.........................................100%


《美少女梦工厂》全系列1~5 简繁中文版 BY 台湾精讯资讯&北京娱乐通&台湾光谱资讯…………100%

《新世纪福音战士:绫波育成计划》 BY 新天地互动多媒体..................100%


《心动情缘》简体中文版 BY 天人互动………………………………100%

Gene X

《梦幻奇缘》 BY大宇...............................................................100%

《梦幻奇缘2》 BY光谱.............................................................100%

《恋爱物语》 BY Takara ...........................................................100%




《女仆咖啡帕露菲》 简体中文完整版V1.10 BY CK-GAL…………100%

《青空下的约定》 简体中文测试版V1.10 BY CK-GAL…………100%

《フォセット - Cafe au Le Ciel Bleu -》 简体中文测试版V1.0 BY CK-GAL…………100%

《BALDR BULLET》中文版 BY TGL台湾分公司………………………………100%



Idle Fancy

《幼性反応》汉化版ver1.0 …………………………………………………………100%


《恋狱~月狂病~》 简体中文汉化版V1.20 BY FARMER大家族………100%


《壳之少女》push!!|TG整合版·序词“心理试验”BY 臭鸡蛋汉化组……100%

《壳之少女》Ver 4.0 BY 臭鸡蛋汉化组……50%


《河蟹校园》 简体中文版最终版 BY 沐风汉化组…………100%

《A-GA》简体中文汉化补丁 BY 3DM工作室……………………100%

《rapelayR》简体中文汉化补丁 BY 3DM工作室……………………100%

《biko3》简体中文汉化补丁 BY 3DM工作室……………………100%


《心跳回忆——永远属于你》(纯爱手扎)BY 华义国际…………………………100%


《梦之翼》 简体中文版 BY 北京新天地…………100%

《秋之回忆1》 简体中文版 BY 北京新天地…………100%

《秋之回忆2》 简繁中文版 BY 北京新天地&光谱资讯…………100%

《秋之回忆2 雪萤》 简体中文PC移植版 BY KIDFC特别创作组…………100%

《秋之回忆AR1 折鹤》.…………………………………………………………100%

《秋之回忆AR2 想演》.…………………………………………………………100%

《秋之回忆AR3 卒业》.…………………………………………………………100%

《秋之回忆 想君》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《秋之回忆 从今以后》 简繁中文版 BY 北京YLT&KIDFC汉化组&光谱资讯…………100%

《秋之回忆 从今以后 AGAIN》 简体中文PC移植版V1.10 BY CK-GAL中文化协会……100%

《秋之回忆 从今以后 AGAIN》 简体中文版 BY 北京YLTKIDFC汉化组…………100%

《秋之回忆5 中断的电影》 简体繁体中文版 BY 北京YLT…………100%

《秋之回忆5 encore》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《见习天使》简繁中文版 BY 北京YLT&KIDFC汉化组&光谱资讯…………100%

《Ever17》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《Never7》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《Remember11》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

简体中文版 BY 娱乐通………………100%

《12RIVEN》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《散碎的原色SeparateHearts》简体中文版 BY 娱乐通................................100%

繁体中文版 BY 英特卫................................100%

《思念的碎片~Close to》简体中文版 BY 娱乐通&KFC................................100%


《蓝色天使队》 及其资料片繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《蓝色天使队2》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《交响乐之雨》 繁体中文爱藏版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《手机少女》 繁体版三线汉化 BY 美少女梦工场…………43%

《手机少女》(《手机天使》) 简体版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《发明工坊~蓝海之都特利斯提亚》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《发明工房2~重现天空之城的荣光》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《发明工房2 外传 天空之城涅奥思斐亚》 简体中文版 BY 邪恶工房…………100%

《小魔女蕾妮特》 繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%

《小魔女帕妃 黑猫魔法屋》 繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%

《小魔女帕妃2 真心的回忆》 繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%

《魔法花园 芙萝蕾》 繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%

《幸福姊妹花》 简体中文版 BY 北京天人互动…………100%

《精灵协奏曲》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《天使协奏曲》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《天使恋曲》 繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%

《天使小夜曲》 简繁中文版 BY 北京新天地&光谱资讯…………100%

《天使音乐会》 简体中文版 BY 北京新天地…………100%

《战机少女》 简繁中文版 BY 3DM日文游戏工作室&北京娱乐通&台湾英特卫…………100%

《状况开始》BY 光谱资讯...........................................100%

《魔法使·天使拉比☆杰作选》BY 糸色路…………………100%


《3days 満ちてゆく刻の彼方で 》汉化测试版 BY 3days汉化组

《11eyes -罪と罚と赎いの少女》V0.01 BY 11eyes汉化组........................5%


《传颂之物》 简体中文完整版V1.02 BY 传颂之物汉化组…………100%

《Tears to Tiara》 简体中文测试版V1.0 BY 2DJGAME汉化组…………95%

《漫画同人会DCE》 简体中文测试版V1.01 BY CK-GAL中文化协会…………100%

《无天使的12月》 简体中文测试版V1.0 BY CK-GAL中文化协会……100%

《ToHeart2 XRATED》简体中文完整版V1.03增强版 BY CK-GAL中文化协会...98%

《ToHeart2 AnotherDays》简体中文测试版v1.0 BY CK-GAL中文化协会……100%

Liar Soft

《腐り姫~euthanasia~ 》简体汉化v0.2版 BY 赤之森汉化组......................40%


《人偶情缘》 BY 依星........................................................100%

《人偶情缘2》 BY 依星........................................................100%


《EF THE FIRST TALE》 简体中文完整版V1.00 BY 星炮汉化组…………100%

《EF THE FIRST TALE TRIAL VERSION》简体中文完整版 BY 星炮汉化组........100%

《EF THE FIRST TALE FIRST FAN DISC》简体中文完整版 BY 星炮汉化组……100%

《ef - the latter tale》 简体中文版V3 BY 星炮汉化组…………95%


《Shuffle!》0.5汉化版 BY SHUFFLE!中文化制作委员会…………………………45%

NEC Interchannl

《青涩宝贝》 BY上海依星电脑软件有限公司........................................100%

《青涩宝贝2》 BY上海依星电脑软件有限公司........................................100%


《银色》第一章 逢津之垰BY Arikado..............................................15%

《120日元系列》 简繁中文完整版 BY GGM汉化组…………100%

《水色》中文汉化v0.92版 BY 水色汉化组……………………90%


《Scarlett》 简体中文版v1.10 BY CK-GAL中文化小组.....................90%


《沙耶之歌》简体中文汉化版V1.20 BY 民间汉化…………100%

《CHAOSHEAD》简体中文 BY 蘑菇汉化组..................100%


《School Days》简体中文汉化测试版V6.0 BY SchoolDays汉化组


《如果明天天放晴》 汉化版(仅H未汉化) BY星炮汉化组…………98%

《如果明天天放晴》 汉化版Vv0.9.1版 by IMPACT …………90%


《narcissu 》 简体中文版V1.10 BY KEYFC汉化组…………100%

《narcissu -SIDE 2nd- 》 简繁中文版V1.00 BY KEYFC汉化组…………100%


《苍青的月光》 简体中文版 BY EGC汉化工作室

《我的美丽天使》简体中文版 BY EGC汉化工作室

《爱本堡的风》简体中文版 BY EGC汉化工作室

《Men at Work2~欢迎来到猎人学院~》 简体中文完整版V1.51 BY EGC汉化工作室

《Men at Work3 ! 猎人们的青春》 简体中文完整版V1.00 BY EGC汉化工作室

《城堡幻想曲2外传~阿里哈特战记》 简体中文完整版V1.00 BY EGC汉化工作室

《城堡幻想曲3~艾伦希亚战记~重做版》 简体中文完整版V2.01 BY EGC汉化工作室

《流浪者》 简体中文完整版V1.05 BY EGC汉化工作室

《雀神乐》 简体中文完整版V1.00 BY EGC汉化工作室

《雪融化的时刻…》 简体中文完整版V1.01 BY EGC汉化工作室

《城堡幻想曲2~圣魔大战~WinXP对应版》 简体中文完整版V1.01D BY EGC汉化工作室

《城堡幻想曲2~圣魔大战~WinXP对应版》 简体中文完整版V2.11 BY EGC汉化工作室(3CD旧版专用)

《IZUMO零》 简繁中文完整版V1.10A BY 雪飘工作室 晴组

《天神乐》 简繁中文完整版V1.00 BY 雪飘工作室 晴组

《风之继承者》 简繁中文测试版V1.01 BY 雪飘工作室 晴组

《红泪》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优

《乱世奇缘》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优

《城堡幻想曲2~新圣魔大战》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优

《城堡幻想曲3~艾伦希亚战记~》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优

《Men at Work2~永远的羁绊~》 繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优

《人偶遗迹》 中文版



Studio Mebius

《SnowPE》第二版 BY 龙神传承组……………………………………60%


《樱花大战》1~4 简体中文版…………100%


《梦见之药》繁体中文版 BY未来数位.....................100%

Spirit Speak(WILL旗下)

《CC桃色 医院》繁体中文版 BY未来数位.....................100%


《狼少女 辛希雅》繁体中文版 BY未来数位.....................100%


《仰望那份遥远的美丽》 简体中文测试版V1.1BY SST汉化组…………100%

《仰望那份遥远的美丽》 繁体中文版 BY 未来数位…………100%

《雪之华》 繁体中文版 BY 未来数位…………100%


《妖人あやかしびと》 繁体中文版 BY 未来数位…………100%


《TOON》汉化测试版 BY zeas................................100%


《月姬》 简体中文测试版三线V0.48 BY 黄昏草月汉化组…………48%

《月姬》 简体中文新版五线 BY 月姬野人汉化组…………90%

《月姬-歌月十夜》 简体中文测试版V0.1 BY 歌月十夜汉化组…………10%

《Fate/saty night》 全语音全汉化版 BY 民间汉化…………100%

《fate/hollow ataraxia》0.9版 BY 澄空学园FateHA汉化组………………………90%


《七色★星露》汉化版V1.0 奥克汉化…………100%


《AIR》 简体中文最终测试版V1.0 BY 樱花飞舞的季节KEYFC汉化组...99%

《CLANNAD》 简体中文版 BY KEYFC汉化组光坂高校中文部...........99%

《星之梦》 简体中文完整版V1.0 BY KEYFC汉化组…………100%

《KANON》繁体中文版 BY.雪之少女汉化组………100%

《智代アフター~It's a Wonderful Life~》 简体中文完整版V1.1.4 BY KEYFC汉化组……95%

《ONE ~光辉的季节~》全中文正式版 1.01 BY 飞狐军火………………………98%

《Little Busters!EX》汉化测试版 BYLBEX中文化小组...................................30%


《Battle moon wars银》1~3部 BY SOS团………………………………………………100%

《Battle moon wars银》1~4部 BY L.S.汉化组…………………………………………80%


《毕业生 The next generation》 BY 代理公司……………………100%


《雷の戦士ライディ ~破邪の雷光~》 简中汉化版 BY 神猫在线蓝猫组

《H2O~Footprints In The Sand》中文化正式版 BY 月樱华想汉化组...........100%

《Aster》测试版 BY 月樱华想汉化组………………………………1%


《亲吻那片花瓣》 BY 指尖奶茶应援会…………………………100%

《亲吻那片花瓣2-我的王子大人》 BY 曙光社花吻百合汉化组…………100%

《亲吻那片花瓣3-~恋人的羁绊》 BY指尖奶茶应援会·百合会·曙光社..100%

《亲吻那片花瓣4~珍爱的相片》 BY指尖奶茶应援会·百合会·曙光社..100%

《亲吻那片花瓣5~爱上你的幸福》 BY指尖奶茶应援会·百合会·曙光社..100%


《盛夏之梦A Dream of Summer》 BY 大师♂罗庄等............................100%

《君吻 小剧场》繁体中文版一线 BY 美少女梦工场

《PARAPHILIA ~宠物志愿》 (菜单选项未汉化)...................................................90%

《LOLI的时间》简体中文汉化版 BY 蘑菇汉化组..............................100%

《四叶草 よつのは》 公开测试版ver0.1.4 BYKDays汉化小组…………10%

《依赖依赖棒棒2 霞篇》………………………………………………….100%


《ぬる汁》汉化版 BY zeas………………………………………………100%

《ぬる汁通》汉化版 BY zeas………………………………………………100%

《青出于蓝 ~春夏秋冬~》BY 二次元物质化临界游戏汉化组…………100%

《MEMORIES ~将记忆的全部…~》汉化版 ……………………………………100%

《妈妈的运动会》 -v0.01-序章汉化版……………………………………………………2%

Harry Potter 1: • 1-year-old Harry Porter lost his parents, mysteriously appeared in front of the home Yifu aunt. Khalifa family in the Yifu fill of humiliation, spent 10 years extremely painful day. Yifu and aunt like a vicious, the son of Gunshimowang force - an obese, Jiaoguan, bullying people Daikuaitou, Harry is often the fist together. Harry "room" at the foot of the staircase is a small Youan also Wanchu. 10 years, he has never been artificially birthday.

However, in his 11-year-old birthday, everything has changed, messenger owl brought a mysterious letter: Harry invited to a he - as well as all read the story of Harry - will never forget that, incredible place - Hegewoci wizarding schools.

In the wizarding schools Khalifa not only Huazhuo friends, learned to fly the air, riding a 2000 model-round of the flying brooms odd ball playing Quidditch, also received a stealth clothes. He found that where everything - from food to school to sleep were full of magic, but a Moshi there, and it is closely related to the fate of Harry and……

Harry Potter 2: • Harry Potter magic in Hegewoci school year after the summer vacation has begun. He Yifu aunt in the family get through the painful holiday. While he was prepared to run行装to school, more than Little Stars to issue a warning: If the return Hegewoci Khalifa, will be imminent disaster.

But they threw Harry returned to the Hegewoci, new arrivals Jiluode • Luohate Professor posturing, let him nausea: loitering in the girls bathroom, the spectre of "the weeping peach mother" gave his Ning low-grade girls club voted to his attention the concerns that he often does not embarrass others: small boys Colin Creevy • "追星" type of tracking and often he落荒而逃.

However, all this is only a prelude to disaster. As predicted by the more than Khalifa suffered many hardships, and various dangerous, and he painstakingly conundrum: Hegewoci students to become a spate of stone. All this is the moral corruption of students Delake • Maerfu carefully planned masterpiece, or honest kind ge inadvertently cast big mistake? Or otherwise in Hegewoci will create an even greater conspiracy? It all and the legend of the confined space? Khalifa opened the answers to……

Harry Potter 3: Harry Potter magic in the schools have been in Hegewoci spent an extraordinary two years, but have heard that as early as in a magician's heavily guarded garrison of Azkaban Prison, held inside a The notorious prisoner, whose name Jiaoxiao Sirius Black. Black rumor is "black magic" master Voldemort - the perpetrators of the killing of Harry parents - of the faithful, used the end of a series Curse of the 13 lives. Unfortunately, Blake escaped from the Azkaban, Harry bent on pursuing. Black still eat in their sleep endless phrase: "He Hegewoci…… he Hegewoci."

• Although the Harry Potter magic schools are in the castle, both the absolute sincerity to help a friend, also a teacher's meticulous care, but the crisis-ridden campus, Harry's life constantly under threat. Day, the Black finally chose to stand in front of Harry……

Harry Potter 4: In the fourth year, the situation has become even worse. Bad shaman Wodemote open records brutal murder of an innocent person an old book. Hegewoci schools usher in a century, the traditional fun games: Wizards Olympic Games. Harry must be in the past and evil shaman赛height and to the same opponents France and Belgium contest.

Harry Potter 5: Harry in the home Deshili Then, after a summer vacation, but Ron and he seems to Hemin isolation, and even then the Magic have not received news | ((4) <

As Voldemort has returned, Harry guess he should do something, he listened Magua news every day, trying to find out is not normal. +3 V (

One night, he was up at the gates of Niehunguai attacks, he drove them off Niehunguai magic, but immediately expelled from the Department of magic received the letter. Time, we will know, River Gee wife is dumb bombs and then Khalifa family have stormed a group of owls, Tang told him ineffective and more of the magic he is coordination, and must not be left home. farmers Yifu charges stem him go, but the aunt received a note, and resolutely left to Harry. (strange !) g

Commissioner of Kazakhstan at home for a few days, one night Deshili home leave, a group of shamans to his home. Moody's, LU Ping! He did not have a lot of understanding of the shaman! Khalifa was protecting them, and work together to brooms London. Yz

In London, Harry lived in the 12th, Grimmauld Place, here in the 11th and 13th Yoshima, Magua find. Here is the small Sirius Jiuzhai, Deng is ineffective and more secret organization - the Order of the Phoenix rally. Harry finally seen his godfather, here are Hemin, Luo ah, Shilaifu people. members of the Order of the Phoenix guarding a weapons also want Voldemort. Weishilai one, Sinapu, is the Order of the Phoenix members. Fuji charge from the Ministry of Magic, and his jealousy Deng ineffective and more ability for fear of being seized-and then predicted in the daily newspapers erupted on the article, the incident came back negative Voldemort, and Harry is vilified liar. whole magic limits have been These reports confused. Order of the Phoenix is more than one years ago, the anti-Voldemort alone, Harry's parents, Nawei in which the parents. home in the Black Khalifa know that the original Maerfu home is a relative small Sirius! because pure descent Some of the Federation of the shaman. due to external use magic in Harry, he will be on August 12 to participate in the magic of the hearing to decide whether or not be dismissed. Weishilai, took him from a pay phone heard the Department of magic, magic Department in the ground, very magnificent. Khalifa hearing will be in the mindset he had seen the benefit of local pots, Fuji has done its utmost to expel him, but more ineffective Deng eventually persuaded 50 hearing, when he can leave never read a Harry. Percy Weishilaijia a traitor, do not know their parents and become Fuji his hands together more opposed Deng ineffective. Harry finally want to go to school, the school received the letter, and Ron into Shimin the long-Khalifa considerable loss. everyone to the train station to send their small dog Sirius also changed to send him. reliability, ge did not appear, and Harry also see a strange car pull horse, but Shimin Ron are invisible. Luna. Love is Good, the Minnie classmates, but she could see that Ma $ 8

The newly arrived black magic defense can be called Umbridge teacher, but she is actually sent by the Ministry of Magic surveillance Deng Hegewoci and more ineffective, it is a proud and dwarf David, wearing full hand rings terrible woman. B -

Soon, the woman began to put things in order Khalifa. Her class would teach students to read, and not the practice, in order to prevent Tang ineffective use more students to deal with the Department of magic. Khalifa and in the classroom, she could not say Voldemort back Dingzui the fact that she stayed. she wrote to Harry 'I should not lie,' but she gives Humaobi abuse is a terrible tool for people Khalifa each write a word, that word would be back in his regular carved forward and let him bloody, then long, and the results of the two weeks Khalifa bloody life, scar on the back of the enduringly mention. w

Ron Wood left in a goalkeeper, he was always looking at the performance of circumstances has been very. Hemin and Klum also linked to Ron has been Chizuo. Helishi autumn of good progress, although schools people believe that the predicted daily newspapers, but the autumn of his very warm. Umbridge a senior investigator, she checks every honest classes and then report the Department of magic, and all the people hate this snobbish villains. simply because she not teaching students of any mantra, launched a Shimin Association, a group of anxious preparations for the defense of the students, a teacher Harry, the danger of attacks against Voldemort. their magic in October to visit the village of days in a benefit Bar assembly, 20 signed a few people, Zhang Qiu, Luna, Dean, and so in his, but they were so in the bar heard a mysterious person, the next day at school Umbridge posted on the dissolution of the ban on all student organizations to Quidditch Kellet her team to the approval of才行. 0)

At this point more than the emergence of Harry told there is a magic in the seventh floor of a room. Called Room of requirment, where they rally would not have been discovered. Khalifa was decided a week, the assembly is the first time we decided to teach them the groups' ineffective Deng and more troops' short DA. Gelanfen number and the odd赛Slater Linkui, Gelanfen win-win, but Halihemaerfu in battle, Umbridge seized Weishilai twins Harry and the brooms, and the next Immortalized not surprising to participate in the Quebec ban. XP2C)!

Ge finally back, he's covered in wounds, from the Order of the Phoenix back the mandate. Tang wins ineffective Maxim and his wife told him to the Giants France, in the hope that the first step will be before the Giants to Voldemort for personal use. Result of the failure . when Umbridge into ge cottages, Harry Fortunately, there are three stealth clothing, escaped unharmed, but left footprints on the snow Umbridge questionable. ge of the magic of actually, x

Khalifa see the station on the horse, the original only witnessed the death of people can see these creatures. DA in the classroom, autumn-kissed Khalifa. V] fwUb

Harry months has been a dream of their own walk in the corridor, the end of a dark corridor door. That night, he dreamed of a big snake Weishilai Mr. attacks, and the snake is himself. Know this is not his dream. Peter After the struggle to find people around the bedroom he thought he was sick. Professor Then came Macquarie, Erhuabushui him to be more ineffective Deng office. results Poncelet amid Sure enough, snake attacks. injured were rushed Magic to the hospital. Weishilaijia the children had arrived, the door keys with them from returning to London, in the blink of an eye Harry suddenly there is a weak to attack Deng and more terrible feeling. afternoon of the second day they went to the hospital to visit Victoria Mr. Poncelet amid his good spirit, he figures in the implementation of Order of the Phoenix injured. Khalifa extreme panic, he thought it was the attack Weishilai people, and more ineffective without Deng and his more than saying a word. s

In the hospital, Harry and others accident to the wrong floor, Luohate found in the hospital, he still kept selling his autobiography, still not recovered memory. August>

Work after the semester began, Deng weak to allow more Sinapu a spell occlumency Khalifa called for the closure of their own thinking to prevent others read even controlling Khalifa's dream is perhaps he entered Voldemort's thinking and see, and Fude Magic may see his thoughts and control his. Khalifa know the secret Order of the Phoenix, it is very dangerous. Harry always dreamed of corridors, spell no progress. about his initiative in the autumn of magic to the village, dating, and Shimin At noon the same day he shouted to another are important things. dating the same day, Harry told autumn and Zhang Hemin halfway Elements with the invitation to her, autumn is Chizuo Zhang ran into heavy rain, left in tears. Shimin originally found Litasi base, forcing him to write to clarify reports Khalifa innocence, or will she tell the secret magic Agemanishi Department. Khalifa accepted the interview, and the details of Voldemort told Rita, a result of the article received, caused a sensation. The school's team were suddenly a lot of good attitude Khalifa, Umbridge once more under the ban. Telaoni Professor predicted classes are considered to be unqualified, has finally been closed after Umbridge ordered expelled from school, Deng come forward to prevent more ineffective , and predicted that by coming to an on. coming here and therefore prohibited the expulsion of numerous men. DA was betrayed by UMbridge found in the emergency Khalifa was shot more than ineffective Deng, and Deng will be ineffective and more of their return to their own , prove their students are not illegal resistance texture. admitted he is' his army ', we should pay attention to Deng umbridge recapture magic of the weak, ineffective multi-Tang fled, and the principals from the Umbridge. Khalifa school is the opportunity occlumency Shinapu have access to the memory of the meditation pots. results to see his father, and Ping Lu bully small Sirius Shinapu scene, and Harry's mother for Sinapu defence, and James quarrel. Khalifa back Andean reality that `h l

He stood before the Cape, extremely angry Hariri left no time to teach his spell. Khalifa feel disappointment to his father. Fifth-grade Y,

学生将要过OWLs的考试并决定职业方向.哈利告诉麦格教授他想毕业后作傲罗.海格找到落恩赫敏哈利并带他们进入禁林,他在近邻里藏了一个巨人格拉普, is ge brothers. entrusted him with Enkhbayar Minhali the Helapu English and take care of him, because ge forced to leave at any time. OWLs test finally came, the re-examination of astronomy at the rooftop telescopes write-map, Harry, and all the students have seen examination ge shed accident, and fled Macquarie ge Professor stop grasping his people were knocked out. completely lost to Harry, he dreamed of this night corridors, and the corridor is He will be at the hearing to see the secrets of the corridor, he adopted a barred door, has seen a small Voldemort Zazhu Sirius and tortured him. Khalifa eager to save Blake, he wants to use the fireplace to Black's home in London Sirius is still determining where small, but the school only Umbridge unaffected by the fireplace to watch. Hemin and Harry, Ron, Nawei, Luna, the Ni Deng immediately discuss plans. l | TS,

He successfully entered Umbridge, his head to London on the 12th of the fireplace, no one shouting on the Sirius agreed. Domesticated small Black Wizard told him off. Khalifa returned to the office, but found that Hemin, Ron, who was arrested all the. Umbridge Maerfu to let their magic wand, and threatened to tell Harry with whom they call, otherwise tortured to spell Nawei. Hemin of cheating by deceiving Umbridge Tang said he wanted to see her so that they create more poor weapons. results Hemin Khalifa and her encounter with the troops, the troops will be proud Umbridge overthrown, and in their preparations for attacks Khalifa, Helapu rushed to save Harry and Hemin. school in the club, who successfully got rid of Maerfu, they pooled to cut forest. that only Harry, Louna and Nawei to see them get the horse set to the magic of the telephone booth. # f

Khalifa, who went to his dreams seen in the numerous corridors into the door, they did not see the small Sirius, and found a TU-engraved with the names of Harry and Voldemort predicted the ball. Lu Hughes. Maerfu , and others appeared to surrender那只Khalifa glass ball. <tdA

In a scuffle, Nawei, Shimin, then Ron was injured. Moody's, Ping Lu, and a group of small Sirius shaman to help and mostly ineffective Tang arrived, but small Sirius has been killed in combat . Voldemort more positive with Deng ineffective war, finally lost from Voldemort. Gd% QDA

After returning to Hegewoci Khalifa extreme anger and sorrow, in the talk with more ineffective Deng, a tantrum after Deng Khalifa will be ineffective over the years has been more puzzling are clarifying the doubts .... $ W>] v1

Harry almost did not first ask how the Knicks will be also the soul after death, he anxious to see the Soul small Sirius, but Nick has given a vague explanation. Khalifa lost godfather, and he also between Voldemort war just to start. privet Khalifa returned to the road. (most detailed ~ ~)

Harry Potter 6: Harry Mr. Sanders officiating in the home, anxiously awaiting the president's visit, Deng took him to Wembley more than a mysterious place, and Harris told him Voldemort uniform approach. In the wizarding schools, Harry, Ron and Shimin to a group of three learningSinapu Professor Harry still tried to find trouble.

In a class, Harry and Hemin inadvertently found a Jishu, page book has the Half-Blood Prince detailed handwritten notes, heavy homework Harry had no time to study the book, but at the critical moment of this book He can bring good luck.

Christmas, Ron spent a pleasant but not very novel birthday. At this time, Voldemort had occurred and that this time he was killed ge pet Alagege small partners for this spider held a grand funeral.

Deng finally found that more than Sinapu Wembley has been Voldemort's control, and told Harry he should try to protect every Shinapu do not like children. Deng Wembley more with Harry come to a cave. In the cave, Tang Wembley more injuries, is suddenly appeared at Sinapu, even with a magic wand principals will be reduced to ashes. Harry witnessed all this, with the help of partners, killing Sinapu, a Houchu Sinapu dying when he is the Half-Blood Prince, the leadership secrets.



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