

      蓝屏或死机,说明系统非常不稳定或者硬件出现问题。重装系统是最简单快捷的解决方法,重装系统后能够正常使用,也能排除硬件问题。电脑重装系统有很多方法,以下所列可择一 *** 作。


1.开机或重启后按F11键或F8键,看有没有安装一键GHOST(如果没有则可以“一键还原”作为关键词搜索下载安装该软件,并在系统重装之后或平时能够正常运行时运行该程序,选择“备份”并等待其重启后将当前正常的系统以GHO文件格式保存在硬盘非系统分区,这样以后再出现系统问题时就能随时一键还原了),有则选择一键还原按回车确定,进入一键还原 *** 作界面后,再选择“还原”确定即可。如果以前刚装机时进行过一键备份,则能恢复到备份时的状态。

2.如果没有一键还原,则使用系统U盘重装系统。插入U盘后开机连按DEL键(笔记本一般为F2或根据屏幕底行提示字符)进入CMOS,进入BOOT选项卡设置USB磁盘为第一启动项。重启进入U盘启动菜单,选择克隆安装,再按提示 *** 作即可。

系统U盘制作及重装系统的 *** 作步骤为:


2).复制系统文件:上网到系统之家网站下载WINXP或WIN7等 *** 作系统的GHO文件,复制到U盘或启动工具指定的U盘文件夹下。


4).U盘启动并重装系统:插入U盘启动电脑,进入U盘启动界面之后,选择“将系统克隆安装到C区”,回车确定后按提示 *** 作,电脑会自动运行GHOST软件将下载来的GHO文件克隆安装到C区,整个过程基本无需人工干预,直到最后进入系统桌面。

3.如果有系统光盘(没有也可以去电脑商店购买),则将系统光盘插入光驱,开机后按DEL键(笔记本一般为F2或根据屏幕底行提示字符)进入CMOS,并在BOOT选项卡中设置光驱(CD-ROM或DVD-ROM)为第一启动项。重启进入光盘启动菜单,选择将系统安装到C区,再按提示 *** 作即可。




1 学不到对话和写作用语

2 学不到日常交流时的语气和节奏。





1 所选影片一定要有英文字幕


2 准备一本字典

遇到不懂的生词就可以翻阅字典,这是学字学句的最佳办法。最好再准备一本习语字典(Idiom Dictionary),然后看影片的时候不时按"暂停",查字,"重播",直至学会所有词句。

3 做笔记


4 学习的心态


扩展:So that, such that

I have been studying English for nearly thirty years, but I'm still a learner. I often listen to Its easy and pleasant for me.

Theres a story about bees and elephants in Kenya in the BBCs "Words in the News" (10 October, 2007) program. One of its sentences says: "This is the gentle buzz of bees in the English countryside, but the angry buzz of their fiercer cousins in Kenya is such that it terrifies the giant beasts."

Why "is such"? I felt that "is such" is expressive1, but I can not explain why and I can't use the expression myself.

Could you explain it for me? It seems to me that you can explain almost everything.

My comments:

The "almost" in "you can explain almost everything" is redundant2, lol.

As a matter of fact, the expressive expression you were pointing to is not "is such", but "such that." "Is", you see, is just one form of "be" – it can be replaced by "are", or "was", or "were", or "has been, have been, had been", etc.

Anyways, "such that" is used to give a reason or, if you like, an explanation for something. For instance, you could've said: My English is such that I still feel like a beginner even though I've been studying the language for 30 years.

"Such that" is considered formal and used by literary people, such as writers at the BBC. But one easy way to remember this two-word combination is to treat it as a variation of the more commonplace "so that". In fact, a "such that" sentence can always be turned into a "so... that" sentence.

Or almost always.

For example, the sentence you quoted from the BBC may be rewritten this way, with "such that" replaced by "so... that":

This is the gentle buzz of bees in the English countryside, but the angry buzz of their cousins in Kenya is so fierce that it terrifies the giant beasts.

Or this way:

This is the gentle buzz of bees in the English countryside, but the angry buzz of their cousins in Kenya is fierce, so fierce that it terrifies the giant beasts.

Or even this way:

This is the gentle buzz of bees in the English countryside, but the angry buzz of their cousins in Kenya is much fiercer, so much so that it terrifies the giant beasts.

The re-writings sound less BBC-like, but you get my drift.

Here are a few more examples of "such that", just so that you may get very familiar and comfortable with these two words whenever you see them side by side. Be familiar and comfortable with them, you see, is what it's about. In other words, keep studying.

1. John Tanner's remarks came during an Oct. 5 panel discussion on minority voters before the National Latino Congreso in Los Angeles. Tanner addressed state laws that require photo identification for voting, saying that elderly voters disproportionately don't have the proper IDs.

"That's a shame, you know, creating problems for elderly persons just is not good under any circumstance," Tanner said, according to video posted on YouTube. "Of course, that also ties into the racial aspect because our society is such that minorities don't become elderly the way white people do. They die first."

- Obama Wants Official Fired for Comments (Associated Press, October 20, 2007)

2. The bald facts are these: Manchester United last night became the first English side in history to win the treble, beating Bayern Munich 2-1 in Barcelona to win the European Champions' League. But the manner of their victory was such that no one, not their manager Alex Ferguson, nor the thousands of delirious3 English supporters, not even the scriptwriters of Roy of the Rovers would dare to suggest. With the stadium clock showing 90 minutes, United scored not once but twice to wipe out an early goal scored by Bayern Munich and take home the European Cup, the largest piece of silverware in world football.

- Drama at the death as United make history (The Guardian4, May 27, 1999)

3. Neil Woodford could be dubbed5 the UK Equity6 Income King. Based in Henley-on-Thames, well away from the hubbub7 of the City of London, he has managed Invesco Perpetual High Income fund since 1988 and the closely related Invesco Perpetual Income fund since 1990. Both have had dull patches, notably8 in the late 1990s. But Woodford's reluctance9 to join the rush into technology, media and telecommunications companies at the height of the dotcom euphoria was fully10 vindicated11 in the subsequent bear market, and the funds' short and long-term success has been such that they have attracted of over £12 billion of investor's money.

相关 文章 :

1. 英语听力训练材料

2. 英语听力提高的方法最新版

3. 练习英语听力

4. 英语高考英语听力

5. 大学英语四级听力练习材料

6. 英语听力训练的方法介绍

1. Nepenthe: 意为忘忧草,好心情照常营业,烦心事永远打烊。

2. matey: 意为朋友,天下快意之事莫若友,快乐之事莫若谈。

3. amigo: 意为朋友,朋友一生一起走。

4. freunde: 意为朋友,人生于世上有几个知己,多少友谊能长存。

5. match: 意为相配,我们在上辈子一定是情人,才有这么默契的灵魂。

6. minded: 意为志同道合,一辈子能有多少个知己,一个眼神就心有灵犀。

7. ARI: Aries意为白羊座,迷人而又倔强的你是人间最欢愉的理想!

8. cap: Capricom代表摩羯座,你是人间四月天,同春光一般浪漫!

9. leo: Leo意为狮子座,你从黑暗中走来,却给我带来全世界的光!

10. lib: Libra意为天秤座,温柔可爱的你,是疲惫生活里的小美好。

11. psc: Pisces代表双鱼座,感性和理性明明一样迷人,不是吗?

12. sco: Scorpip代表天蝎座,每次都能被你的“独到”击倒。

13. sgr: Sagittarius为射手座,冷静,但对生活永远充满热枕。

14. tau: Taurus意为金牛座,既踏实又努力,是因为你知道走过的每一步都算数!

15. vir: Virgo为处女座,什么强迫症?在我看来明明全是可爱!

16. gem: Gemini为双子座,环顾整个银河这都没有比你更亮眼的星!

17. cnc: Cancer为巨蟹座,那个全宇宙最温暖的可人的小孩!

18. aqr: Aquarius为水瓶座,“有趣”总是不经意,但“可爱”却无时无刻!

19. goat: Greatest Of All Times的缩写,走过的每一天都是“史上最佳”

20. lol: Laughing Out Loud的缩写,开心另一种可爱表达!

21. ftw: For The Win的缩写,今天的你也棒棒哒!

22. yolo: You Only Live Once的缩写,尽情快乐吧,只活一次的人生!

23. cya: 意为see ya,再见,再次相见。

24. ta: Thank you的俚语表达,谢谢两个字,要说很多次。

25. superman: 意为超人,因为你,我可以飞天也能入地。

26. joker: 意为小丑,你的快乐就是我的保护色。

27. fw: FlameWielder的缩写,意为火舞者,在烈火中翩翩起舞绽放自己。

28. artist: 意为艺术家,生活本身就是艺术,而你是那个艺术家。

29. Magician: 意为魔法师 拥有着把不可能变为可能的超能力。

30. Knight: 意为骑士,我的一腔热血和激情都属于最可爱的你。

31.Bandsman: 意为乐手,生活中的12345对我而言就是一首快乐舞曲。

32. Tiezi: 懂我奇奇怪怪,陪你可可爱爱。

33. Pal: 青春有你何其欢喜。

34. Maji: 性格不同却能趣味相投。

35. Ladybro: 姐妹成对,快乐加倍。

36. Dude: 与你分享过的青春,不比初恋少半分。

37. Copain: 好朋友是自己选择的没有血缘的亲人。

38. Chum : 我要陪你一年又一年。

39. Bestie: 很庆幸遇到你,这是属于我我们的友谊。

40. Amireux: 法语,友达以上 恋人未满

41. Breeze : 英语,微风。就像你一样,忽。远忽近,但却永远抓不住。

42. Cwtch: 威尔士语,拥抱,所爱之人给予的安心之处。

43. Dejavu: 法语,与君初相见,犹如故人归。

44. Euphoria: 英语,欢欣之意皆由你。

45. Flechazo: 西班牙语,一见钟情。

46. Gezellig: 荷兰语,和所爱之人在一起时一种积极而温暖的感受。

47. Hygge: 丹麦语,没有烦恼 从身边温和和治愈的事物中获取快乐。

48. Ideal: 英语,理想的。

49. Jubar: 星光,光明,灿烂。

50. Komorebi: 日语“穿过了树叶之间的缝隙”。

51. Llinx: 法语,“再肆无忌惮的破坏中产生快乐的感觉”。

52. Mangata: 瑞典语,月光映照在粼粼的水面上,像是一条梦幻般的路。

53. Naz:乌尔都语,知道有人无条件地爱着自己的自信。

54. Oath:英语,誓言。

55. pumpkin:俚语,最重要的人。

56. Queenie:英语,女王。

57. Resfeber:德语,在一段旅行开始前,那种既焦虑又期待、心怦怦跳的感受。

58. Abovo:意为从头开始,新一年,不负自己,不负所爱。

59. Ciao:意大利语:是你好,也是再见。凡是过往,皆为序章。

60. Dukting:瑞典语:优秀还努力。愿你付出甘之如饴,所得归于欢喜。

61. Luron:意为乐天派,每一天,都要全力以赴的去快乐。

62. Mazeltoy: 希伯来语:祝你走运!平安喜乐,得偿所愿。

63. Aurora:西班牙语:曙光。天寒地冻不会太久,春风正在来的路上。

64. Zing:意为:生命力。风雨压不垮,苦难中开花。

65. WabiSabi:日语:在不美好中寻找美好。如果事与愿违,请相信一定另有安排。

66. Warrior:意为:勇士。明日晨曦终会抵达,因为平凡才伟大。

67. Viraha印地语:分别时才领会到彼此的爱。爱和希望比病毒蔓延的更快。

68. Saudade:远在他乡思亲念友。天气在慢慢变暖,往后的日子都充满了希望。

69. Sokach:周日的幸福感。

70. Tiam:波斯语,初遇某人时眼里闪烁的光芒。

71. Ustinian:荷兰语,“阴沉天空中有一束照着你的阳光”。

72. Volta:希腊语,“在太阳下山的时候,在大街上或沙滩上轻松地漫步”。

73. Wax: 英语,月亮的渐盈渐满。

74. Xanthe: 希腊语,金黄色。

75. Yore: 英语,往昔。

76. Zenosyne: 外网自造词,觉得时间越过越快。

77. A:位于瑞典语挪威两地之间,是“河流”的意思。

78. Why:位于美国亚利桑那州,找不到答案的时候就去看看这个世界。

79. TwoEgg:位于美国佛罗里达州,煎是让事务变美味的方法哦。

80. BathBat:位于英格兰,以古罗马温泉著名。泡温泉,会令人变得温暖把。

81. Kissing:位于德国,传说亲吻的动作就是在这里发明的哦。

82. ZZYZX:位于美国加州,每个人都有独特的地方,所有的最好,不如刚刚好。

83. Llanfair:位于英国威尔士,去最远的地方爱最值得的你。

84. Ha!Ha!:位于加拿大,唯一名称中拥有2个惊叹号的市镇,何以解忧,唯有HaHa。

85. Wedding:位于德国首都柏林,相信每个女孩心里都有一个梦幻的婚礼。

86. Matamata:位于新西兰的一个小镇,电影《指环王》和《霍比特人》取景地之一。

87. Mercury:水星因快速运动被称为Mercury,是罗马神话中快速奔跑的信使神。

88. Venus:金星,英文自罗马神话的纳维斯,古希腊人称为阿佛洛狄忒。

89. Earth:地球希腊文称之为“Gaia",这是希腊神话中大地女神盖亚的名字。

90. Saturn:以中国古人根据五行学说结合肉眼观测到的颜色来命名,亦称镇星。



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