在网上发现了这篇文档——Import bare repositories into your GitLab instance,并按之进行了 *** 作。
vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
比如这里设置为:git_data_dir "/gitlab/repos"
这时会在 /gitlab/repos 下创建 /gitlab/repos/repositories/cnblogs 文件夹。
cp -r /data/git/* /gitlab/repos/repositories/cnblogs
chown -R git:git /gitlab/repos/repositories/cnblogs
cd /var/opt/gitlab
gitlab-rake gitlab:import:repos
Processing cnblogs/CNBlogsJob.git
* Created CNBlogsJob (cnblogs/CNBlogsJob.git)
cd /gitlab/repos/repositories/cnblogs/项目名称.git
rm -rf *
cp -r /data/git/CNBlogsJob/* /gitlab/repos/repositories/cnblogs/CNBlogsJob.git
chown -R git:git /gitlab/repos/repositories/cnblogs
如果不修改所有者,客户端无法进行git push。
备注: *** 作系统是CentOS 6.2,GitLab版本是7.8.4。
Tetracorder专家系统通过一种或多种可诊断的吸收特征来识别地表物体,就算是对吸收特征比较接近的矿物,也能取得良好的识别效果(Dalton et al.,2004)。Tetracorder采用的算法中有两种是最基本的(Clark et al.,1990,2003;Clark and Swayze,1995):一是连续去除光谱法,旨在提取出吸收特征;二是最小二乘法,旨在计算出遥感光谱与库参照光谱之间的拟合程度。
图1 Cuprite矿区AVIRIS数据的Tetracorder分析结果
(据USGS于1995年获得的内华达州Cuprite矿区的AVIRIS数据,图件由Tetracorder 3.3生成)
图2 莱德维尔地区的Tetracorder分析矿物图(与正射影像图相叠加)
Clark R N,Swayze G A,Gallagher A J et al.1993.The U S Geological Survey,Digital Spectral Library:Version 1:0.2 to 3.0 microns.US Geological Survey Open File Report,93~592
Clark R N,Swayze G A,Livo K E et al.2003.Imaging spectroscopy:Earth and planetary remote sensing with the USGS Tetracorder and expert systems,J.Geophys.Res.,108(E12),5131,doi:10.1029/2002 JE001847,pages 5~1 to 5~44(http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/PAPERS/tetracorde)
Dalton J B,Bove D J,Mladinich C S et al.2004.Identification of spectrally similar materials using the USGS Tetracorde ralgorithm:the calcite⁃epidote⁃chlorite problem.Remote Sensing of Environment,89,455~466
加密 CryptHelper encrypt(password)
解密 CrypHelper decrypt(password)
CryptUtils java
package gdie lab crypt
import java io IOException
import javax crypto Cipher
import javax crypto KeyGenerator
import javax crypto SecretKey
import apache xerces internal impl dv util Base
public class CryptUtils {
private static String Algorithm = DES
private static byte[] DEFAULT_KEY=new byte[] { }
private static String VALUE_ENCODING= UTF
* 生成密钥
* @return byte[] 返回生成的密钥
* @throws exception
* 扔出异常
public static byte[] getSecretKey() throws Exception {
KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator getInstance(Algorithm)
SecretKey deskey = keygen generateKey()
// if (debug ) System out println ( 生成密钥 +byte hex (deskey getEncoded
// ()))
return deskey getEncoded()
* 将指定的数据根据提供的密钥进行加密
* @param input
* 需要加密的数据
* @param key
* 密钥
* @return byte[] 加密后的数据
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {
SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)
// if (debug )
// {
// System out println ( 加密前的二进串 +byte hex (input ))
// System out println ( 加密前的字符串 +new String (input ))
// }
Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)
c init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE deskey)
byte[] cipherByte = c doFinal(input)
// if (debug ) System out println ( 加密后的二进串 +byte hex (cipherByte ))
return cipherByte
public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {
return encryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)
* 将给定的已加密的数据通过指定的密钥进行解密
* @param input
* 待解密的数据
* @param key
* 密钥
* @return byte[] 解密后的数据
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {
SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)
// if (debug ) System out println ( 解密前的信息 +byte hex (input ))
Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)
c init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE deskey)
byte[] clearByte = c doFinal(input)
// if (debug )
// {
// System out println ( 解密后的二进串 +byte hex (clearByte ))
// System out println ( 解密后的字符串 +(new String (clearByte )))
// }
return clearByte
public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {
return decryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)
* 字节码转换成 进制字符串
* @param byte[] b 输入要转换的字节码
* @return String 返回转换后的 进制字符串
public static String byte hex(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder hs = new StringBuilder()
for(byte b : bytes)
hs append(String format( % $ X b))
return hs toString()
public static byte[] hex byte(String content) {
int l=content length()》
byte[] result=new byte[l]
for(int i= i<li++) {
int j=i《
String s=content substring(j j+ )
result[i]=Integer valueOf(s ) byteValue()
return result
* 将字节数组转换为base 编码字符串
* @param buffer
* @return
public static String bytesToBase (byte[] buffer) {
//BASE Encoder en=new BASE Encoder()
return Base encode(buffer)
// return encoder encode(buffer)
* 将base 编码的字符串解码为字节数组
* @param value
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static byte[] base ToBytes(String value) throws IOException {
//return Base decodeToByteArray(value)
// System out println(decoder decodeBuffer(value))
// return decoder decodeBuffer(value)
return Base decode(value)
* 加密给定的字符串
* @param value
* @return 加密后的base 字符串
public static String encryptString(String value) {
return encryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)
* 根据给定的密钥加密字符串
* @param value 待加密的字符串
* @param key 以BASE 形式存在的密钥
* @return 加密后的base 字符串
* @throws IOException
public static String encryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {
return encryptString(value base ToBytes(key))
* 根据给定的密钥加密字符串
* @param value 待加密的字符串
* @param key 字节数组形式的密钥
* @return 加密后的base 字符串
public static String encryptString(String value byte[] key) {
try {
byte[] data=value getBytes(VALUE_ENCODING)
data=CryptUtils encryptData(data key)
return bytesToBase (data)
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto generated catch block
e printStackTrace()
return null
* 解密字符串
* @param value base 形式存在的密文
* @return 明文
public static String decryptString(String value) {
return decryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)
* 解密字符串
* @param value base 形式存在的密文
* @param key base 形式存在的密钥
* @return 明文
* @throws IOException
public static String decryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {
String s=decryptString(value base ToBytes(key))
return s
* 解密字符串
* @param value base 形式存在的密文
* @param key 字节数据形式存在的密钥
* @return 明文
public static String decryptString(String value byte[] key) {
try {
byte[] data=base ToBytes(value)
data=CryptUtils decryptData(data key)
return new String(data VALUE_ENCODING)
}catch(Exception e) {
e printStackTrace()
return null
package gdie lab crypt
import java io IOException
import javax crypto Cipher
import javax crypto KeyGenerator
import javax crypto SecretKey
import apache xerces internal impl dv util Base
public class CryptUtils {
private static String Algorithm = DES
private static byte[] DEFAULT_KEY=new byte[] { }
private static String VALUE_ENCODING= UTF
* 生成密钥
* @return byte[] 返回生成的密钥
* @throws exception
* 扔出异常
public static byte[] getSecretKey() throws Exception {
KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator getInstance(Algorithm)
SecretKey deskey = keygen generateKey()
// if (debug ) System out println ( 生成密钥 +byte hex (deskey getEncoded
// ()))
return deskey getEncoded()
* 将指定的数据根据提供的密钥进行加密
* @param input
* 需要加密的数据
* @param key
* 密钥
* @return byte[] 加密后的数据
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {
SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)
// if (debug )
// {
// System out println ( 加密前的二进串 +byte hex (input ))
// System out println ( 加密前的字符串 +new String (input ))
// }
Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)
c init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE deskey)
byte[] cipherByte = c doFinal(input)
// if (debug ) System out println ( 加密后的二进串 +byte hex (cipherByte ))
return cipherByte
public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {
return encryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)
* 将给定的已加密的数据通过指定的密钥进行解密
* @param input
* 待解密的数据
* @param key
* 密钥
* @return byte[] 解密后的数据
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {
SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)
// if (debug ) System out println ( 解密前的信息 +byte hex (input ))
Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)
c init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE deskey)
byte[] clearByte = c doFinal(input)
// if (debug )
// {
// System out println ( 解密后的二进串 +byte hex (clearByte ))
// System out println ( 解密后的字符串 +(new String (clearByte )))
// }
return clearByte
public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {
return decryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)
* 字节码转换成 进制字符串
* @param byte[] b 输入要转换的字节码
* @return String 返回转换后的 进制字符串
public static String byte hex(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder hs = new StringBuilder()
for(byte b : bytes)
hs append(String format( % $ X b))
return hs toString()
public static byte[] hex byte(String content) {
int l=content length()》
byte[] result=new byte[l]
for(int i= i<li++) {
int j=i《
String s=content substring(j j+ )
result[i]=Integer valueOf(s ) byteValue()
return result
* 将字节数组转换为base 编码字符串
* @param buffer
* @return
public static String bytesToBase (byte[] buffer) {
//BASE Encoder en=new BASE Encoder()
return Base encode(buffer)
// return encoder encode(buffer)
* 将base 编码的字符串解码为字节数组
* @param value
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static byte[] base ToBytes(String value) throws IOException {
//return Base decodeToByteArray(value)
// System out println(decoder decodeBuffer(value))
// return decoder decodeBuffer(value)
return Base decode(value)
* 加密给定的字符串
* @param value
* @return 加密后的base 字符串
public static String encryptString(String value) {
return encryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)
* 根据给定的密钥加密字符串
* @param value 待加密的字符串
* @param key 以BASE 形式存在的密钥
* @return 加密后的base 字符串
* @throws IOException
public static String encryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {
return encryptString(value base ToBytes(key))
* 根据给定的密钥加密字符串
* @param value 待加密的字符串
* @param key 字节数组形式的密钥
* @return 加密后的base 字符串
public static String encryptString(String value byte[] key) {
try {
byte[] data=value getBytes(VALUE_ENCODING)
data=CryptUtils encryptData(data key)
return bytesToBase (data)
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto generated catch block
e printStackTrace()
return null
* 解密字符串
* @param value base 形式存在的密文
* @return 明文
public static String decryptString(String value) {
return decryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)
* 解密字符串
* @param value base 形式存在的密文
* @param key base 形式存在的密钥
* @return 明文
* @throws IOException
public static String decryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {
String s=decryptString(value base ToBytes(key))
return s
* 解密字符串
* @param value base 形式存在的密文
* @param key 字节数据形式存在的密钥
* @return 明文
public static String decryptString(String value byte[] key) {
try {
byte[] data=base ToBytes(value)
data=CryptUtils decryptData(data key)
return new String(data VALUE_ENCODING)
}catch(Exception e) {
e printStackTrace()
return null
CryptHelper java
package gdie lab crypt
import javax crypto Cipher
import javax crypto SecretKey
import javax crypto SecretKeyFactory
import javax crypto spec DESKeySpec
import javax crypto spec IvParameterSpec
import springframework util DigestUtils
public class CryptHelper{
private static String CRYPT_KEY = zhongqian
private static Cipher ecip
private static Cipher dcip
static {
try {
String KEY = DigestUtils md DigestAsHex(CRYPT_KEY getBytes()) toUpperCase()
KEY = KEY substring( )
byte[] bytes = KEY getBytes()
DESKeySpec ks = new DESKeySpec(bytes)
SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory getInstance( DES )
SecretKey sk = skf generateSecret(ks)
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(bytes)
ecip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )
ecip init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE sk iv )
dcip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )
dcip init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE sk iv )
}catch(Exception ex) {
ex printStackTrace()
public static String encrypt(String content) throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = ecip doFinal(content getBytes( ascii ))
return CryptUtils byte hex(bytes)
public static String decrypt(String content) throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = CryptUtils hex byte(content)
bytes = dcip doFinal(bytes)
return new String(bytes ascii )
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String password = gly
String en = encrypt(password)
System out println(en)
System out println(decrypt(en))
package gdie lab crypt
import javax crypto Cipher
import javax crypto SecretKey
import javax crypto SecretKeyFactory
import javax crypto spec DESKeySpec
import javax crypto spec IvParameterSpec
import springframework util DigestUtils
public class CryptHelper{
private static String CRYPT_KEY = zhongqian
private static Cipher ecip
private static Cipher dcip
static {
try {
String KEY = DigestUtils md DigestAsHex(CRYPT_KEY getBytes()) toUpperCase()
KEY = KEY substring( )
byte[] bytes = KEY getBytes()
DESKeySpec ks = new DESKeySpec(bytes)
SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory getInstance( DES )
SecretKey sk = skf generateSecret(ks)
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(bytes)
ecip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )
ecip init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE sk iv )
dcip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )
dcip init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE sk iv )
}catch(Exception ex) {
ex printStackTrace()
public static String encrypt(String content) throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = ecip doFinal(content getBytes( ascii ))
return CryptUtils byte hex(bytes)
public static String decrypt(String content) throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = CryptUtils hex byte(content)
bytes = dcip doFinal(bytes)
return new String(bytes ascii )
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String password = gly
String en = encrypt(password)
System out println(en)
System out println(decrypt(en))