

概述下载地址:https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_31293575/18340399项目介绍安卓交通道路查询系统源码+论文(提供指导,二次修改)系统说明目 录摘要...1关键词...1Abstract1Keywords.11绪论...21.1研究背景...21.2研究现状...21.3论文组织结构...3 下载地址:https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_31293575/18340399项目介绍安卓交通道路查询系统源码+论文(提供指导,二次修改)系统说明目  录摘要... 1关键词... 1Abstract 1Keywords. 11 绪论... 21.1研究背景... 21.2研究现状... 21.3论文组织结构... 32 需求分析... 32.1 服务器端需求分析... 32.2 客户端需求分析... 43 技术背景介绍... 43.1 GPS. 43.1.1全球定位系统简介... 43.1.2 GPS的功能... 53.2 AndroID平台... 53.3 AndroID架构... 54程序设计... 74.1系统体系结构... 74.2BaIDu Maps API 申请及使用... 75系统设计与实现... 105.1 主要功能的实现... 105.2 截图及运行说明... 115.3 软件可以改进之处... 266系统测试... 266.1辅助测试工具... 266.2测试实例... 27总结与展望... 31参考文献... 32致谢... 33基于AndroID的交通路线查询系统的设计与实现计算机科学与技术专业学生    滕海霞指导教师    张晓瑗摘要:随着城市的发展,交通路线也随之增多,迷路时间常有发生。为了满足人们日常出行的需求,设计一款交通路线查询系统,该系统融合百度地图导航,GPS定位技术,根据AndroID的深层精准定位和GPS科学研究适用AndroID的总流量路由运用。该系统软件应用Java语言表达和AndroID Studio开发环境开展编写。文中还探讨了开发设计全过程以及解决方法时碰到的难题。该系统软件开启定位进入软件后可获得当前位置的地图,并给客户的出行设计了四种选择方式:驾车,公交,步行以及骑行。每种出行方式下也可有不同的选择方案。其路线下的地图可全图观看,缩小,放大等满足人们的基本需求。关键词:AndroID 交通路线查询 BaIDu MapsDesign and Implementation of second hand transaction system on campus based on AndroIDComputer scIEnce and technology    Teng HaixiaTutor    Xiaoyuan ZhangAbstract:With the development of the city, the traffic routes also increase, and the lost time often occurs. In order to meet the needs of people's daily travel, a traffic route query system is designed. The system integrates BaIDu map navigation and GPS positioning technology. According to the deep precise positioning of AndroID and GPS scIEntific research, it is suitable for the total traffic routing application of AndroID. The system software is written in Java language and AndroID Studio development environment. This paper also discusses the whole process of development and design and the problems encountered in the solution.The system software can get the map of the current location after opening the positioning software, and designs four choices for customers' travel: driving, bus, walking and rIDing. There are also different options for each mode of travel. The map under its route can be vIEwed, reduced and enlarged to meet people's basic needs.Keywords: AndroID Traffic route inquiry BaIDu Maps适用场景:毕业论文、课程设计、公司项目参考运行截图关注【程序代做 源码分享】公众号获取更多免费源码!!! 总结




原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1002408.html

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