dart – Flutter TextField自动完成覆盖

dart – Flutter TextField自动完成覆盖,第1张

概述我正在努力创建具有自动完成覆盖的TextField. 我有TextFields的表单,我想根据TextField中输入的内容显示建议. 像这样的东西: TextField autocomplete 我不确定小部件的层次结构应该是什么样的,以实现在其他小部件上方显示建议框.我应该使用Stack小部件,OverflowBox小部件还是别的什么? 层次结构示例的任何帮助表示赞 我使用Stack实现了我的 我正在努力创建具有自动完成覆盖的TextFIEld.

TextField autocomplete


解决方法 我使用Stack实现了我的应用程序. TextFormFIEld在一个容器中,ListTiles在另一个容器中,并将Listtile作为用户类型覆盖在文本输入字段的容器上.你可以看看
  my app.


> Screenshot 1
> Screenshot 2
> Screenshot 3


import 'package:Flutter/material.dart';import 'package:search_suggestions/suggestions_page.dart';voID main() => runApp(new MyApp());class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {  // This Widget is the root of your application.  @overrIDe  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new MaterialApp(      Title: 'Suggestions Demo',deBUGShowCheckedModeBanner: false,theme: new themeData(        brightness: Brightness.light,primarySwatch: colors.orange,),home: new SuggestionsPage(),);  }}
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;import 'dart:convert';import 'package:Flutter/material.dart';import 'dart:io';import 'dart:async';class SuggestionsPage extends StatefulWidget {  SuggestionsPage({Key key}) : super(key: key);  @overrIDe  _SuggestionsPageState createState() => new _SuggestionsPageState();}class _SuggestionsPageState extends State<SuggestionsPage> {  static const JsonCodec JsON = const JsonCodec();  final key = new GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();  final TextEditingController _searchqueryController =      new TextEditingController();  final FocusNode _focusNode = new FocusNode();  bool _isSearching = true;  String _searchText = "";  List<String> _searchList = List();  bool _onTap = false;  int _onTapTextLength = 0;  _SuggestionsPageState() {    _searchqueryController.addListener(() {      if (_searchqueryController.text.isEmpty) {        setState(() {          _isSearching = false;          _searchText = "";          _searchList = List();        });      } else {        setState(() {          _isSearching = true;          _searchText = _searchqueryController.text;          _onTap = _onTapTextLength == _searchText.length;        });      }    });  }  @overrIDe  voID initState() {    super.initState();    _isSearching = false;  }  @overrIDe  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new Scaffold(      key: key,appbar: buildAppbar(context),body: buildBody(context),);  }  Widget getFutureWidget() {    return new FutureBuilder(        future: _buildSearchList(),initialData: List<ListTile>(),builder:            (BuildContext context,AsyncSnapshot<List<ListTile>> childItems) {          return new Container(            color: colors.white,height: getChildren(childItems).length * 48.0,wIDth: Mediaquery.of(context).size.wIDth,child: new ListVIEw(//            padding: new EdgeInsets.only(left: 50.0),children: childItems.data.isNotEmpty                  ? ListTile                      .divIDeTiles(                          context: context,tiles: getChildren(childItems))                      .toList()                  : List(),);        });  }  List<ListTile> getChildren(AsyncSnapshot<List<ListTile>> childItems) {    if (_onTap && _searchText.length != _onTapTextLength) _onTap = false;    List<ListTile> childrenList =        _isSearching && !_onTap ? childItems.data : List();    return childrenList;  }  ListTile _getListTile(String suggestedPhrase) {    return new ListTile(      dense: true,Title: new Text(        suggestedPhrase,style: theme.of(context).texttheme.body2,onTap: () {        setState(() {          _onTap = true;          _isSearching = false;          _onTapTextLength = suggestedPhrase.length;          _searchqueryController.text = suggestedPhrase;        });        _searchqueryController.selection = TextSelection            .fromposition(new Textposition(offset: suggestedPhrase.length));      },);  }  Future<List<ListTile>> _buildSearchList() async {    if (_searchText.isEmpty) {      _searchList = List();      return List();    } else {      _searchList = await _getSuggestion(_searchText) ?? List();//        ..add(_searchText);      List<ListTile> childItems = new List();      for (var value in _searchList) {        if (!(value.contains(" ") && value.split(" ").length > 2)) {          childItems.add(_getListTile(value));        }      }      return childItems;    }  }  Future<List<String>> _getSuggestion(String hintText) async {    String url = "SOME_TEST_API?s=$hintText&max=4";    var response =        await http.get(Uri.parse(url),headers: {"Accept": "application/Json"});    List decode = JsON.decode(response.body);    if (response.statusCode != httpStatus.OK || decode.length == 0) {      return null;    }    List<String> suggesteDWords = new List();    if (decode.length == 0) return null;    decode.forEach((f) => suggesteDWords.add(f["word"]));//    String data = decode[0]["word"];    return suggesteDWords;  }  Widget buildAppbar(BuildContext context) {    return new Appbar(      Title: new Text('Suggestions Demo'),);  }  Widget buildBody(BuildContext context) {    return new SafeArea(      top: false,bottom: false,child: new SingleChildScrollVIEw(        padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),child: new Stack(          children: <Widget>[            new Column(              children: <Widget>[                Container(                  height: Mediaquery.of(context).size.height,child: new Column(                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,children: <Widget>[                      const SizedBox(height: 80.0),new TextFormFIEld(                        controller: _searchqueryController,focusNode: _focusNode,onFIEldsubmitted: (String value) {                          print("$value submitted");                          setState(() {                            _searchqueryController.text = value;                            _onTap = true;                          });                        },onSaved: (String value) => print("$value saved"),decoration: const inputdecoration(                          border: const Underlineinputborder(),filled: true,icon: const Icon(Icons.search),hintText: 'Type two words with space',labelText: 'Seach words *',const SizedBox(height: 40.0),new Center(                        child: new Raisedbutton(                            color: colors.orangeAccent,onpressed: () => print("pressed"),child: const Text(                              '    Search    ',style: const TextStyle(FontSize: 18.0),)),const SizedBox(height: 200.0),],new Container(                alignment: Alignment.topCenter,padding: new EdgeInsets.only(//                  top: Mediaquery.of(context).size.height * .18,top: 136.0,right: 0.0,left: 38.0),child: _isSearching && (!_onTap) ? getFutureWidget() : null)          ],);  }}

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的dart – Flutter TextField自动完成覆盖全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决dart – Flutter TextField自动完成覆盖所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1003460.html

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