Swift 3 – 支持“刷卡删除”的iOS 10 UITableView

Swift 3 – 支持“刷卡删除”的iOS 10 UITableView,第1张

概述关于如何为UITableView启用滑动删除有很多问题,他们都说同样的事情: 覆盖tableView(_:commit editingStyle:forRowAt indexPath :). 除此之外,我已经完成了这项工作,而且我仍然没有刷卡删除功能.我试过的事情: >在代码和IB中将tableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing设置为true和fal 关于如何为UItableVIEw启用滑动删除有很多问题,他们都说同样的事情:

覆盖tableVIEw(_:commit editingStyle:forRowAt indexPath :).


>重写tableVIEw(_:canEditRowAt indexPath :)并返回true.
>重写tableVIEw(_:editingStyleForRowAt indexPath :)并返回.delete.


import UIKitimport FirebaseDatabaseUIclass ScheduleVIEwController: UItableVIEwController {    private let TAG = String(describing: ScheduleVIEwController.self)    private var dataSource: FUItableVIEwDataSource!    overrIDe func vIEwDIDLoad() {        super.vIEwDIDLoad()        dataSource = self.tableVIEw.bind(to: DataManager.instance.habitsquery(),populateCell: populateCell())        self.tableVIEw.dataSource = dataSource        // automatically resize table cells to fit its content.        self.tableVIEw.estimatedRowHeight = ScheduletableVIEwCell.HEIGHT        self.tableVIEw.rowHeight = UItableVIEwautomaticDimension        // I have also        self.tableVIEw.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = false    }    func populateCell() -> (UItableVIEw,IndexPath,FIRDataSnapshot) -> UItableVIEwCell {        return { tableVIEw,indexPath,snapshot in            let cell =                tableVIEw.dequeueReusableCell(withIDentifIEr: ScheduletableVIEwCell.IDENTIFIER,for: indexPath) as! ScheduletableVIEwCell            if let dict = snapshot.value as? Dictionary<String,Any?> {                cell.set(habit: Habit(withKey: snapshot.key,from: dict))            } else {                Log.e(self.TAG,"InvalID data returned from Firebase.")            }            return cell        }    }    // MARK: tableVIEw Delegate    overrIDe func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,canEditRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {        return true    }    overrIDe func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,editingStyleForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UItableVIEwCellEditingStyle    {        return .delete    }    overrIDe func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,commit editingStyle: UItableVIEwCellEditingStyle,forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)    {    }    // MARK: - Navigation    overrIDe func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue,sender: Any?) {    }}
解决方法 最近的firebaseui更新打破了原来的答案.




import UIKitimport FirebaseDatabaseUIclass EditabletableDataSource: FUItableVIEwDataSource {    /// Called to populate each cell in the UItableVIEw.    typealias PopulateCellBlock = (UItableVIEw,FIRDataSnapshot) -> UItableVIEwCell    /// Called to commit an edit to the UItableVIEw.    typealias CommitEditBlock = (UItableVIEw,UItableVIEwCellEditingStyle,IndexPath) -> VoID    private let commitEditBlock: CommitEditBlock?    /// A wrapper around FUItableVIEwDataSource.init(query:vIEw tableVIEw:populateCell:),with the    /// addition of a CommitEditBlock.    public init(query: FIRDatabasequery,populateCell: @escaPing PopulateCellBlock,commitEdit: @escaPing CommitEditBlock)    {        commitEditBlock = commitEdit        super.init(collection: FUIArray.init(query: query),populateCell: populateCell)    }    overrIDe func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)    {        if (commitEditBlock != nil) {            commitEditBlock!(tableVIEw,editingStyle,indexPath)        }    }}extension UItableVIEw {    /// Creates a data source,binds it to the table vIEw,and returns it. Note that this is the    /// `EditabletableVIEwDataSource` equivalent of the     /// `FUItableVIEwDataSource.bind(to:populateCell:)` method.    ///    /// - parameters:    ///   - to:             The Firebase query to bind to.    ///   - populateCell:   A closure that's called to populate each cell.    ///   - commitEdit:     A closure that's called when the user commits some kind of edit. Maps to    ///                     `tableVIEw(:commit:forRowAt:)`.    func bind(to query: FIRDatabasequery,populateCell: @escaPing EditabletableDataSource.PopulateCellBlock,commitEdit: @escaPing EditabletableDataSource.CommitEditBlock)        -> EditabletableDataSource    {        let dataSource = EditabletableDataSource(query: query,populateCell: populateCell,commitEdit: commitEdit)        dataSource.bind(to: self)        return dataSource    }}


import UIKitimport FirebaseDatabaseUIclass ScheduleVIEwController: UItableVIEwController {    private let TAG = String(describing: ScheduleVIEwController.self)    private var dataSource: FUItableVIEwDataSource!    private var dataManager: DataManager!    overrIDe func vIEwDIDLoad() {        super.vIEwDIDLoad()        dataManager = AppManager.defaultInstance.dataManager()        dataSource = tableVIEw.bind(            to: dataManager.scheduledHabitsquery(),populateCell: populateCellBlock(),commitEdit: commitEditBlock())    }    // MARK: tableVIEw Data Source    func populateCellBlock() -> EditabletableDataSource.PopulateCellBlock {        return { tableVIEw,snapshot in            let cell = ScheduledHabittableVIEwCell.from(tableVIEw: tableVIEw,at: indexPath)            cell.set(habit: ScheduledHabit(fromSnapshot: snapshot))            return cell        }    }    func commitEditBlock() -> EditabletableDataSource.CommitEditBlock {        return { tableVIEw,indexPath in            if (editingStyle != .delete) {                return            }            // Delete the data from Firebase.            let snapshot = self.dataSource.snapshot(at: indexPath.row)            self.dataManager.movetoTrash(ScheduledHabit(fromSnapshot: snapshot))            // Deleting the table vIEw row is done automatically by the firebaseui data source.        }    }    // MARK: - Navigation    overrIDe func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue,sender: Any?) {    }}



import UIKitimport FirebaseDatabaseUIclass FUIEditabletableVIEwDataSource: FUItableVIEwDataSource {    /// Called to populate each cell in the UItableVIEw.    typealias PopulateCellBlock = (UItableVIEw,tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,commitEdit: @escaPing CommitEditBlock)    {        commitEditBlock = commitEdit        super.init(query: query,vIEw: tableVIEw,indexPath)        }    }}

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Swift 3 – 支持“刷卡删除”的iOS 10 UITableView全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Swift 3 – 支持“刷卡删除”的iOS 10 UITableView所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1004570.html

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