Download kernel source code from Android X86to compile,kernel's config file is copIEd from AndroID X86.On this basis,you need following compiler options to surpport LXC's environment. (1) About namespace
(2)About Cgroups
(3)About MISC
CONfig_VETH CONfig_MACWLAN CONfig_VLAN_8021Q CONfig_Security_file_CAPABIliTIES
Transplant LXC tools to AndroID HostLXC package has executable program and shell script. (1)Compile LXC
./configure --prefix=/system/local makemake install
Note:/usr/local is default prefix of /configure ,and there is no /usr directory in androID下,so you need to change it.
(2)Transplant Shell script
lxc's script is written in GNU linux's bash.Many tools and commands is non-existent or you need modify as follow:
1. Statically link a bash procedure,and transpant to androID
2. copy ubuntu 10.04 file procedure to androID
3. copy zgrep script to androID;zgrep calls ”gzip -cdfq”,and it can't use in AndroID,replace it to ”gzip -c -d -f”
4. lxc-create call command ID -u from 190;this command can't execute in androID,so you should comment revelant code out;lxc-destroy need do some modifications
(3)Modify source code
conf.c in LXC project calls tmpfile(),which dIDn't realize in AndroID's bionic libc.You need write tmpfile_replace(),whose function is same as tmpfile(),and conf.c can call tmpfile_replace()
(4)Compile LXC again
You need compile LXC again after modifying LXC source code; The main process includes following:
1. Modify LXC_PROJECT/src/lxc/,put new code files to Macro pkginclue_headerS and liblxc_so_SOURCES
2. Call autoconf to generate configure file(you need install autotools and libtools)
3. Call ./configure and make again
BusyBox is a binary executable program,which integrates about 100 frequently-used linux commands and tools.
BusyBox is vIEwed as simplest linux system,which contains all tools to create a complete linux filesystem hIErarchy standard,such as init,mount,mknod,and so,if you can run a BusyBox Container,you can also work on our AndroID LXC environment.
(1)Compile statically BusyBox
You need compile statically a complete busyBox to avoID dynamic Shared librarIEs' error when creating container's rootfs(lxc-create) 1. Download busyBox source code from Busybox 2. make menuconfig, --> Build Options, --> Build BusyBox as a static binary
3. make
4. Put compiled busyBox to /system/local/bin directory beneath Host,and add PATH environment variable
adb push bin/busyBox /system/local/bin/export PATH=/system/local/bin:$PATH
(2) Create rootfs of BusyBox
lxc-create -t busyBox -n bb
(3) Modify config of BusyBox
lxc.utsname = bblxc.tty = 1lxc.pts = 1lxc.rootfs = /system/local/var/lib/lxc/bb/rootfs lxc.mount.entry = /lib /system/local/var/lib/lxc/bb/rootfs/lib none ro,bind 0 0lxc.mount.entry = /lib /system/local/var/lib/lxc/bb/rootfs/usr/lib none ro,bind 0 0
(4) Mount cgroup file system
for t in `ls /system/cgroup`do mount -t cgroup -o $t cgroup /system/cgroup/$tdone
(5)Solve problem -- No such file or directory: /dev/shm (optional)
mkdir -p /dev/shmmount -t tmpfs -o nodev,noexec tmpfs /dev/shm
Run AndroID JellyBean container 总结 以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Android Container 系列:大概步骤全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Android Container 系列:大概步骤所遇到的程序开发问题。