objective-c – Cocoa(Mac Os X)打印多页,为什么预览窗口显示2页而不是1页?

objective-c – Cocoa(Mac Os X)打印多页,为什么预览窗口显示2页而不是1页?,第1张

概述我有一个我正在研究的可可应用程序,我在其中创建了一个我要发送到打印机的customView.在子类NSView中,我也设置了一些框架选项,代码如下.我有2个全局变量来保存在main()函数外声明的打印信息. - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame{ extern NSPrintInfo *globalPrintInfo; extern NSPrintO 我有一个我正在研究的可可应用程序,我在其中创建了一个我要发送到打印机的customVIEw.在子类NSVIEw中,我也设置了一些框架选项,代码如下.我有2个全局变量来保存在main()函数外声明的打印信息.

- (ID)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame{    extern nsprintInfo *globalPrintInfo;    extern nsprintoperation *globalPrintoperation;    //Modify the frame before it's sent to it's super method.  Also set the global variables to there default values.    globalPrintoperation = [nsprintoperation printoperationWithVIEw:self];    globalPrintInfo = [globalPrintoperation printInfo];//Get the print information from it.    [globalPrintInfo setBottommargin:0.0];    [globalPrintInfo setleftmargin:0.0];    [globalPrintInfo settopmargin:0.0];    [globalPrintInfo setRightmargin:0.0];    [globalPrintoperation setPrintInfo:globalPrintInfo];//save the printInfo changes.    //modify the frame to reflect the correct height & wIDth of the paper.    frame.size.height = globalPrintInfo.paperSize.height-globalPrintInfo.topmargin-globalPrintInfo.bottommargin;    frame.size.wIDth = globalPrintInfo.paperSize.wIDth-globalPrintInfo.leftmargin-globalPrintInfo.rightmargin;    frame.origin.x=0;    frame.origin.y=0;    NSLog(@"Printer name=%@,Printer Type=%@",globalPrintInfo.printer.name,globalPrintInfo.printer.type);    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];    if (self) {        // Initialization code here.    }    return self;}


- (voID)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect{    if ( [NSGraphicsContext currentContextDrawingToScreen] ) {        NSLog(@"Drawing To Screen");    } else {        NSLog(@"Drawing To Printer");    }    // Draw common elements here    CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];    //Set color of drawing to green,and fill the rectangle green,so we can see it's boundarIEs.    [[NScolor greencolor] setFill];    NSRectFill(dirtyRect);    CGContextSelectFont(myContext,"Helvetica-Bold",18,kCGEnCodingMacRoman);    CGContextSetCharacterSpacing(myContext,10);    CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(myContext,kCGTextFillstroke);    CGContextSetRGBFillcolor(myContext,1);//black    CGContextSetRGBstrokecolor (myContext,1,1);//blue stroke    CGContextshowtextAtPoint(myContext,40,"Here is some text!",18);}

当我使用全局变量运行打印 *** 作时,就像这样……

- (IBAction)print:(ID)sender {    NSLog(@"Testing Print");    extern nsprintoperation *globalPrintoperation;    [globalPrintoperation runoperation];}



我的最终目标是创建一个用户选择他们想要的程序,并根据他们选择的选项打印特定页面,但首先我要弄清楚如何在“1”页面上获得我期望的“内容” ‘2’.我可以通过实验手动找出宽度和高度,但对于我假设的不同纸张尺寸,这不会是非常动态的.




//METHOD OVERIDES- (ID)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame{    extern nsprintInfo *globalPrintInfo;    extern nsprintoperation *globalPrintoperation;    //Modify the frame before it's sent to it's super method.  Also set the global variables to there default values.    globalPrintoperation = [nsprintoperation printoperationWithVIEw:self];//use whatever is currently there as the default print operation.    globalPrintInfo = [globalPrintoperation printInfo];//Get the print information from it.    [globalPrintInfo setBottommargin:0.0];    [globalPrintInfo setleftmargin:0.0];    [globalPrintInfo settopmargin:0.0];    [globalPrintInfo setRightmargin:0.0];    [globalPrintoperation setPrintInfo:globalPrintInfo];//save the printInfo changes.    //modify the frame to reflect the correct height & wIDth of the paper.    frame.size.height = (globalPrintInfo.paperSize.height-globalPrintInfo.topmargin-globalPrintInfo.bottommargin);    frame.size.wIDth = globalPrintInfo.paperSize.wIDth-globalPrintInfo.leftmargin-globalPrintInfo.rightmargin;    frame.origin.x=0;    frame.origin.y=0;    NSLog(@"Printer name=%@,globalPrintInfo.printer.type);    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];    if (self) {        // Initialization code here.    }    return self;}- (voID)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect{    if ( [NSGraphicsContext currentContextDrawingToScreen] ) {        NSLog(@"Drawing To Screen");    } else {        NSLog(@"Drawing To Printer");    }    // Draw common elements here    CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];    //Set color of drawing to green,18);}- (BOol)kNowsPageRange:(NSRangePointer)range {    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];    float printHeight = [self calculatePrintHeight];    range->location = 1;    range->length = NSHeight(bounds) / printHeight + 1;    NSLog(@"Calculated Page Range");    return YES;}// Return the drawing rectangle for a particular page number- (NSRect)rectForPage:(int)page {    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];    float pageHeight = [self calculatePrintHeight];    NSLog(@"Created Rect For VIEw");    return NSMakeRect( NSMinX(bounds),NSMaxY(bounds) - page * pageHeight,NSWIDth(bounds),pageHeight );}//CUSTOM METHODS// Calculate the vertical size of the vIEw that fits on a single page- (float)calculatePrintHeight {    extern nsprintInfo *globalPrintInfo;    extern nsprintoperation *globalPrintoperation;    // Obtain the print info object for the current operation    // Calculate the page height in points    NSSize paperSize = [globalPrintInfo paperSize];    float pageHeight = paperSize.height - [globalPrintInfo topmargin] - [globalPrintInfo bottommargin];    // Convert height to the scaled vIEw    float scale = [[[globalPrintInfo dictionary] objectForKey:nsprintScalingFactor]                   floatValue];    NSLog(@"Calculated Print Height:%f",(pageHeight/scale));    return (pageHeight / scale);}@end



解决方法 所以我改进了我的打印类,使其对许多页面更加灵活,并希望共享代码.我仍然在底部有令人讨厌的白色边框,我无法弄清楚但是当我去打印它似乎并不存在?所以我需要一些帮助来解决这个问题,但除此之外,我设计了一个类,您只需向它发送一个视图数组,它将按照您收到它们的顺序打印视图.

为此,我创建了2个类,PSPrint& PSPrintVIEw.两者都是NSVIEw的子类

这是PSPrint.h&的代码. PSPrint.m

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>#import "PSPrintVIEw.h"@interface PSPrint : NSVIEw@property NSMutableArray *printVIEws;@property (strong) nsprintoperation *printoperation;- (voID)printTheVIEws;@end#import "PSPrint.h"#import "PSPrintVIEw.h"@implementation PSPrint- (ID)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame{    NSLog(@"Initializing Main PSPrintVIEw");    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];    if (self) {        // Initialization code here.        _printVIEws = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithCapacity:1];//start it with capacity of 1    }    return self;}- (voID)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect{}- (BOol)kNowsPageRange:(NSRangePointer)range {    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];    float printHeight = [self calculatePrintHeight];    range->location = 1;    range->length = NSHeight(bounds) / printHeight + 0;    NSLog(@"Calculated Page Range");    return YES;}- (voID)printTheVIEws{    NSLog(@"Starting printTheVIEws Function of PSPrint");    nsprintInfo *sharedPrintInfo = [nsprintInfo sharedPrintInfo];    NSUInteger numOfVIEws = _printVIEws.count;     NSLog(@"Creating %ld SubVIEws",numOfVIEws);    NSUInteger totalHeight = 0;//if not initialized to 0 weird problems occur after '3' clicks to print,Todo: Find out why? Maybe because address space in memory not guaranteed to be 0 again?    NSUInteger heightOfVIEw = 0;    PSPrintVIEw *tempVIEw;    for (NSUInteger i=0; i<numOfVIEws; i++) {        tempVIEw = [_printVIEws objectAtIndex:i];        heightOfVIEw = tempVIEw.frame.size.height;        totalHeight = totalHeight + heightOfVIEw;    }    //Change the frame size to reflect the amount of pages.    NSSize newsize;    newsize.wIDth = sharedPrintInfo.paperSize.wIDth-sharedPrintInfo.leftmargin-sharedPrintInfo.rightmargin;    newsize.height = totalHeight;    [self setFrameSize:newsize];    NSLog(@"Total Height Of Main Print VIEw Is %f",_frame.size.height);    NSInteger incrementor=-1;//default the incrementor for the loop below.  This controls what page a 'vIEw' will appear on.    //Add the vIEws in reverse,because the Y position is bottom not top.  So Page 3 will have y coordinate of 0.  Doing this so order vIEws is placed in array reflects what is printed.    for (NSInteger i=numOfVIEws-1; i>=0; i--) {        incrementor++;        tempVIEw = [_printVIEws objectAtIndex:i];//starts with the last item added to the array,in this case rectangles,and then does circle and square.        heightOfVIEw = tempVIEw.frame.size.height;        NSPoint origin;        origin.x = 0;        origin.y = heightOfVIEw*incrementor;//So for the rectangle it's placed at position '0',or the very last page.        [tempVIEw setFrameOrigin:origin];        [self addSubvIEw:tempVIEw];    }    _printoperation = [nsprintoperation printoperationWithVIEw:self printInfo:sharedPrintInfo];    [_printoperation runoperation];}// Return the drawing rectangle for a particular page number- (NSRect)rectForPage:(int)page {    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];    float pageHeight = [self calculatePrintHeight];    NSLog(@"Created Rect For VIEw");    return NSMakeRect( NSMinX(bounds),pageHeight );}// Calculate the vertical size of the vIEw that fits on a single page- (float)calculatePrintHeight {    nsprintInfo *sharedPrintInfo = [nsprintInfo sharedPrintInfo];    // Obtain the print info object for the current operation    // Calculate the page height in points    NSSize paperSize = [sharedPrintInfo paperSize];    float pageHeight = paperSize.height - [sharedPrintInfo topmargin] - [sharedPrintInfo bottommargin];    // Convert height to the scaled vIEw    float scale = [[[sharedPrintInfo dictionary] objectForKey:nsprintScalingFactor]                   floatValue];    NSLog(@"Calculated Print Height:%f",(pageHeight/scale));    return (pageHeight / scale);}@end

PSPrintVIEw.h的代码& PSPrintVIEw.m如下

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>@interface PSPrintVIEw : NSVIEwenum optionsForVIEw{drawRectangle,drawCircle,drawSquare};@property enum optionsForVIEw myOptions;- (voID)drawSquare;- (voID)drawCircle;- (voID)drawRectangle;@end#import "PSPrintVIEw.h"@implementation PSPrintVIEw- (ID)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame{    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];    if (self) {        // Initialization code here.    }    return self;}- (voID)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect{    NSLog(@"Drawing Green VIEw BoundarIEs");    nsprintInfo *sharedPrintInfo = [nsprintInfo sharedPrintInfo];    //So we kNow the boundarIEs for the page. Remove in actual application.    [[NScolor greencolor] setFill];    NSRectFill(dirtyRect);    Nsstring *drawType;    const char *cString;    if(sharedPrintInfo.orIEntation == NSPortraitOrIEntation){        drawType = @"Portrait";    }else{        drawType = @"Landscape";    }    cString = [drawType cStringUsingEnCoding:NSASCIIStringEnCoding];    //Draw the print mode for reference.    CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];    CGContextSelectFont(myContext,30,kCGTextFillstroke);    CGContextSetRGBFillcolor(myContext,1);//white stroke    CGContextshowtextAtPoint(myContext,cString,drawType.length);    //Control what type of page is drawn.    switch (_myOptions){        case drawSquare:            [self drawSquare];            break;        case drawCircle:            [self drawCircle];            break;        case drawRectangle:            [self drawRectangle];            break;    }}- (voID)drawSquare{    NSLog(@"Drawing Square");    //Because this function can only be called from drawRect we are guaranteed with the function below to be in the correct graphics context    CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];    NSRect redSquare = CGRectMake (0,200,200 );    redSquare.origin.y = self.bounds.size.height-redSquare.size.height;//move it to the top of the page.    CGContextSetRGBFillcolor (myContext,1);//set to red color    CGContextFillRect (myContext,redSquare);//Y coordinate set to height to put it in upper left,200 is total height of the vIEw.}-(voID)drawCircle{    NSLog(@"Drawing Circle");    //Because this function can only be called from drawRect we are guaranteed with the function below to be in the correct graphics context    CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];    CGContextSetRGBFillcolor (myContext,1);//set to red color    NSRect ovalFrame = CGRectMake (0,200 );    ovalFrame.origin.x=0;//from within the vIEw it's self.    ovalFrame.origin.y=0;//at the top of the page.    CGContextFillEllipseInRect(myContext,ovalFrame);}-(voID)drawRectangle{    NSLog(@"Drawing Rectangle");    //Because this function can only be called from drawRect we are guaranteed with the function below to be in the correct graphics context    CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];    NSRect redRectangle = CGRectMake (0,300,100 );    redRectangle.origin.y = self.bounds.size.height-redRectangle.size.height-(self.bounds.size.height/2);//move it to the top of the page.    CGContextSetRGBFillcolor (myContext,redRectangle);//Y coordinate set to height to put it in upper left,200 is total height of the vIEw.}@end



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>#import "PSPrint.h"#import "PSPrintVIEw.h"@interface AppController : NSObject- (IBAction)printResultsbutton:(ID)sender;@property (weak) IBOutlet NSbutton *squareCheckBox;@property (weak) IBOutlet NSbutton *circleCheckBox;@property (weak) IBOutlet NSbutton *rectangleCheckBox;@property (strong) PSPrint *PSPrintObject;- (IBAction)pageSetup:(ID)sender;@end#import "AppController.h"#import "PSPrint.h"#import "PSPrintVIEw.h"@implementation AppController- (IBAction)printResultsbutton:(ID)sender {    NSLog(@"Print button pressed");    //First get the shared print info object so we kNow page sizes.  The shared print info object acts like a global variable.    nsprintInfo *sharedPrintInfo = [nsprintInfo sharedPrintInfo];    //initialize it's base values.    sharedPrintInfo.leftmargin = 0;    sharedPrintInfo.rightmargin = 0;    sharedPrintInfo.topmargin = 0;    sharedPrintInfo.bottommargin = 0;    PSPrintVIEw *printPageVIEw;    NSRect frame;    frame.size.height = sharedPrintInfo.paperSize.height-sharedPrintInfo.topmargin-sharedPrintInfo.bottommargin;    frame.size.wIDth = sharedPrintInfo.paperSize.wIDth-sharedPrintInfo.leftmargin-sharedPrintInfo.rightmargin;    //Initiate the printObject without a frame,it's frame will be decIDed later.    _PSPrintObject = [[PSPrint alloc]init];    //[_PSPrintObject.printVIEws initWithCapacity:1];//start it off with a capacity of '1'    if(_squareCheckBox.state == NSOnState){        //Allocate a new instance of NSVIEw into the variable printPageVIEw        printPageVIEw =[[PSPrintVIEw alloc] initWithFrame:frame];        //Set the option for the printVIEw for what it should draw.        printPageVIEw.myOptions=drawSquare;        //Finally append the vIEw to the PSPrint Object.        [_PSPrintObject.printVIEws addobject:printPageVIEw];        NSLog(@"Added Square Print VIEw To Mutable Array");    }    if(_circleCheckBox.state == NSOnState){        //Allocate a new instance of NSVIEw into the variable printPageVIEw        printPageVIEw =[[PSPrintVIEw alloc] initWithFrame:frame];        //Set the option for the printVIEw for what it should draw.        printPageVIEw.myOptions=drawCircle;        //Finally append the vIEw to the PSPrint Object.        [_PSPrintObject.printVIEws addobject:printPageVIEw];        NSLog(@"Added Circle Print VIEw To Mutable Array");    }    if(_rectangleCheckBox.state == NSOnState){        //Allocate a new instance of NSVIEw into the variable printPageVIEw        printPageVIEw =[[PSPrintVIEw alloc] initWithFrame:frame];        //Set the option for the printVIEw for what it should draw.        printPageVIEw.myOptions=drawRectangle;        //Finally append the vIEw to the PSPrint Object.        [_PSPrintObject.printVIEws addobject:printPageVIEw];        NSLog(@"Added Rectangle Print VIEw To Mutable Array");    }    NSLog(@"Attempting to print all vIEws...");    [_PSPrintObject printTheVIEws];//print all the vIEws,each vIEw being a 'page'.}- (IBAction)pageSetup:(ID)sender {    NSPageLayout *pageLayout = [NSPageLayout pageLayout];    [pageLayout runModal];//runs the model for the page layout UI.  It saves the global copy of printInfo in printoperation,which can be used to make decisions}@end



以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的objective-c – Cocoa(Mac Os X)打印多页,为什么预览窗口显示2页而不是1页?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决objective-c – Cocoa(Mac Os X)打印多页,为什么预览窗口显示2页而不是1页?所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1013508.html

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