cocoa – 如何在OSX中访问NSWindow的像素缓冲区?

cocoa – 如何在OSX中访问NSWindow的像素缓冲区?,第1张

概述我正在寻找一种方法来获取像CamTwist“桌面”功能一样的窗口内容.这可以抓住任何窗口,即使它在后台. Apple的OpenGLScreenCapture示例显示了如何从主屏幕捕获而不是从隐藏表面捕获. 知道CamTwist如何访问NSWindow的像素缓冲区吗? AFAIK,官方API可以在CGWindow.h中找到,作为CoreGraphics的一部分: /* Create an image 我正在寻找一种方法来获取像CamTwist“桌面”功能一样的窗口内容.这可以抓住任何窗口,即使它在后台.



解决方法 AFAIK,官方API可以在CGWindow.h中找到,作为CoreGraphics的一部分:

/* Create an image containing a composite of the specifIEd set of windows   contained within a rectangular area. The set of windows is specifIEd   using options from `CGWindowListOption',along with an optional   additional window ID.   The windows List options are:   --- kCGWindowListOptionAll,kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly: Use all   on-screen windows in this user session to construct the image. The   parameter `windowID' should be `kCGNullWindowID'.   --- kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenAboveWindow: Use all on-screen windows in   this user session above the window specifIEd by `windowID',ordered from   front to back,to construct the image. To include the window specifIEd by   `windowID',add the flag `kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow'.   --- kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenBelowWindow: Use all on-screen windows in   this user session below the window specifIEd by `windowID',add the flag `kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow'.   --- kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow: Use only the window specifIEd by   `windowID' to construct the image.   The parameter `screenBounds' specifIEs the rectangle in screen space   (origin at the upper-left; y-value increasing downward). Setting   `screenBounds' to `CGRectInfinite' will include all the windows on the   entire desktop. Setting `screenBounds' to `CGRectNull' will use the   bounding Box of the specifIEd windows as the screen space rectangle.


/* The parameter `imageOptions' allows you to specify whether the window   frame ornamentation,such as a shadow or similar effect,should be   included or excluded in the bounds calculation when `CGRectNull' is   specifIEd for the window bounds.   If no windows meet the specifIEd criteria,or the windows can't be read,then a transparent black image will be returned.   Any on-screen window with sharing type `kCGwindowsharingNone' will not   be included in the image.   This function returns NulL if the caller is not running within a Quartz   GUI session or the window server is @R_404_4610@. */CG_EXTERN CGImageRef CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRect screenBounds,CGWindowListOption ListOption,CGWindowID windowID,CGWindowImageOption imageOption)  CG_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_NA);/* Create an image containing a composite of the specifIEd set of windows   contained within a rectangular area à la `CGWindowListCreateImage'. The   set of windows is specifIEd by `windowArray',an array of window IDs. */CG_EXTERN CGImageRef CGWindowListCreateImageFromArray(CGRect screenBounds,CFArrayRef windowArray,__IPHONE_NA);

抱歉,找不到Apple网站上文档的链接.但是,他们似乎在Son of Grab中有示例代码.


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