There are n
citIEs connected by m
flights. Each fight starts from city u
and arrives at v
with a price w
Now given all the citIEs and flights,together with starting city src
and the destination dst
,your task is to find the cheapest price from src
to dst
with up to k
stops. If there is no such route,output -1
Example 1:input: n = 3,edges = [[0,1,100],[1,2,[0,500]]src = 0,dst = 2,k = 1Output: 200Explanation: The graph looks like this:
The cheapest price from city to city with at most 1 stop costs 200,as marked red in the picture.02
Example 2:input: n = 3,k = 0Output: 500Explanation: The graph looks like this:
The cheapest price from city to city with at most 0 stop costs 500,as marked blue in the picture.02
The number of nodesn
will be in range [1,100]
,with nodes labeled from 0
to n
- 1
. The size of flights
will be in range [0,n * (n - 1) / 2]
. The format of each flight will be (src,
. The price of each flight will be in the range [1,10000]
. k
is in the range of [0,n - 1]
. There will not be any duplicated flights or self cycles. 有 n
个城市通过 m
个航班连接。每个航班都从城市 u
开始,以价格 w
抵达 v
现在给定所有的城市和航班,以及出发城市 src
和目的地 dst
,你的任务是找到从 src
到 dst
最多经过 k
站中转的最便宜的价格。 如果没有这样的路线,则输出 -1
示例 1:输入: n = 3,k = 1输出: 200解释: 城市航班图如下
从城市 0 到城市 2 在 1 站中转以内的最便宜价格是 200,如图中红色所示。
示例 2:输入: n = 3,k = 0输出: 500解释: 城市航班图如下
从城市 0 到城市 2 在 0 站中转以内的最便宜价格是 500,如图中蓝色所示。
范围是 [1,100]
,城市标签从 0
到 n
- 1
. 航班数量范围是 [0,n * (n - 1) / 2]
. 每个航班的格式 (src,price)
. 每个航班的价格范围是 [1,10000]
. k
范围是 [0,n - 1]
. 航班没有重复,且不存在环路 68ms
1 class Solution { 2 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ flights: [[Int]],_ src: Int,_ dst: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 3 var grID = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 0,count: n),count: n) 4 for flight in flights { 5 grID[flight[1]][flight[0]] = flight[2] 6 } 7 var k = K 8 var dsts = [(dst,0)],nextDst = [(Int,Int)]() 9 var ans = Int.max 10 while dsts.count > 0 && k >= 0 { 11 let (valIDDst,v) = dsts.removeFirst() 12 for i in grID[valIDDst].indices { 13 if grID[valIDDst][i] != 0 { 14 if i == src { ans = min(ans,grID[valIDDst][i] + v) } 15 else { 16 if ans >= grID[valIDDst][i] + v { 17 nextDst.append((i,grID[valIDDst][i] + v)) 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 } 22 if dsts.count == 0 { 23 dsts = nextDst 24 nextDst.removeAll() 25 k -= 1 26 } 27 } 28 return ans == Int.max ? -1 : ans 29 } 30 31 func mainBFS(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 32 33 var queue = Queue<City>() 34 queue.enqueue(src) 35 36 var visited = Set<City>() 37 var stops = 0 38 var cheapestPrice = 0 39 40 let graph = genGraph(flights) 41 42 while let fromCity = queue.dequeue() { 43 44 if fromCity == dst { 45 return cheapestPrice 46 } 47 48 if stops == K { 49 // check if we can make it to the destination 50 // or return -1 since we will have exceeded max layovers 51 var pricetoDst = -1 52 if let nextCitIEs = graph[fromCity] { 53 var i = 0 54 var foundDst = false 55 while i < nextCitIEs.count && !foundDst { 56 if nextCitIEs[i] == dst { 57 pricetoDst = cheapestPrice + price(flights,from: fromCity,to: nextCitIEs[i]) 58 foundDst = true 59 } 60 i += 1 61 } 62 } 63 return pricetoDst 64 } 65 66 // Look ahead and choose the next cheapest flight (Dijkstra‘s algorithm) 67 // important! This only works with positive edge values. 68 if let toCity = nextCheapestCity(from: fromCity,graph: graph,flights: flights) { 69 70 // Don‘t revisit a city we have already traveled to 71 if !visited.contains(toCity) { 72 // visited.insert(toCity) 73 74 // Cheapest prices so far 75 cheapestPrice += price(flights,to: toCity) 76 77 // Stops 78 stops += 1 79 80 // Enqueue next city 81 queue.enqueue(toCity) 82 } 83 } 84 } 85 print("returned here with cheapest price -> \(cheapestPrice)") 86 return -1 87 } 88 89 func mainDFS(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 90 var minPrice = Int.max 91 var curPrice = 0 92 var curLayovers = 0 93 var visited = Set<Int>() 94 var found = false 95 let graph = genGraph(flights) 96 visited.insert(src) 97 dfs(flights,dst: dst,k: K,vertex: src,curPrice: &curPrice,curLayovers: &curLayovers,visited: &visited,found: &found,minPrice: &minPrice) 98 return found ? minPrice : -1 99 }100 101 func dfs(_ flights: [[Int]],dst: Int,k: Int,graph: [City: [City]],vertex: Int,curPrice: inout Int,curLayovers: inout Int,visited: inout Set<Int>,found: inout Bool,minPrice: inout Int) {102 if vertex == dst {103 found = true104 if curPrice < minPrice {105 minPrice = curPrice106 }107 return108 }109 if curLayovers > k {110 return111 }112 113 if let destinations = graph[vertex] {114 destinations.forEach { neighbor in115 if !visited.contains(neighbor) {116 var toprice = price(flights,from: vertex,to: neighbor)117 curPrice += toprice118 curLayovers += 1119 dfs(flights,k: k,vertex: neighbor,minPrice: &minPrice)120 visited.remove(neighbor)121 curPrice -= toprice122 curLayovers -= 1123 }124 }125 }126 127 }128 129 // Helpers130 131 typealias City = Int132 typealias Price = Int133 134 struct Queue<Element> {135 var storage = [Element]()136 mutating func enqueue(_ element: Element) {137 }139 mutating func dequeue() -> Element? {140 guard > 0 else { return nil }141 return }143 }144 145 func genGraph(_ flights: [[Int]]) -> [City: [City]] {146 var graph = [Int: [Int]]()147 flights.forEach { flight in 148 let from = flight[0]149 let to = flight[1]150 if var edges = graph[from] {151 edges.append(to)152 graph[from] = edges153 } else {154 graph[from] = [to]155 }156 }157 return graph158 }159 160 func price(_ flights: [[Int]],from: Int,to: Int) -> Int {161 var i = 0162 while i < flights.count {163 let flight = flights[i]164 if from == flight[0],to == flight[1] {165 return flight[2]166 }167 i += 1168 }169 return -1170 }171 172 // Note: This can be done when creating the graph instead for the BFS solution to improve performance173 func nextCheapestCity(from city: City,flights: [[Int]]) -> City? {174 var nextCity: City?175 var minPrice = Int.max176 if let toCitIEs = graph[city] {177 toCitIEs.forEach { toCity in178 let pricetoCity = price(flights,from: city,to: toCity)179 if pricetoCity < minPrice {180 minPrice = pricetoCity181 nextCity = toCity182 }183 }184 }185 return nextCity186 } 187 // Helpers - end188 }
1 class Solution { 2 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 3 var grID = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 0,count: n) 4 for flight in flights { 5 grID[flight[1]][flight[0]] = flight[2] 6 } 7 var k = K 8 var dsts = [(dst,Int)]() 9 var ans = Int.max10 while dsts.count > 0 && k >= 0 {11 let (valIDDst,v) = dsts.removeFirst()12 for i in grID[valIDDst].indices {13 if grID[valIDDst][i] != 0 {14 if i == src { ans = min(ans,grID[valIDDst][i] + v) }15 else {16 if ans >= grID[valIDDst][i] + v {17 nextDst.append((i,grID[valIDDst][i] + v))18 }19 }20 }21 }22 23 if dsts.count == 0 {24 dsts = nextDst25 nextDst.removeAll()26 k -= 127 }28 }29 return ans == Int.max ? -1 : ans30 }31 }Runtime: 96 ms Memory Usage: 18.9 MB
1 class Solution { 2 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 3 var dp:[Double] = [Double](repeating:1e9,count:n) 4 dp[src] = 0 5 for i in 0...K 6 { 7 var t:[Double] = dp 8 for x in flights 9 {10 t[x[1]] = min(t[x[1]],dp[x[0]] + Double(x[2]))11 }12 dp = t13 }14 return (dp[dst] >= 1e9) ? -1 : Int(dp[dst])15 }16 }
1 class Solution { 2 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 3 4 5 let maxValue = 2147483647 6 7 var ShortestPath = [Int](repeating: maxValue,count: n) 8 ShortestPath[src] = 0 9 10 for _ in 0...K{11 var currentShortestPath = ShortestPath12 13 for i in 0..<flights.count{14 let flight = flights[i]15 let originCity = flight[0]16 let destinationCity = flight[1]17 let flightCost = flight[2]18 19 20 21 currentShortestPath[destinationCity] = min(currentShortestPath[destinationCity],22 ShortestPath[originCity] + flightCost)23 24 } 25 ShortestPath = currentShortestPath26 }27 28 29 if ShortestPath[dst] == maxValue{30 return -131 }else{32 return ShortestPath[dst]33 }34 }35 }
1 class Solution { 2 typealias Flight = (dst: Int,cost: Int) 3 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ start: Int,_ end: Int,_ k: Int) -> Int { 4 guard flights.isEmpty == false else { 5 return 0 6 } 7 var dict: [Int: [Flight]] = [:] 8 for flight in flights { 9 dict[flight[0],default: []].append((flight[1],flight[2]))10 }11 12 var res = Int.max13 var queue: [Flight] = []14 queue.append((start,0))15 var stops = -116 17 while queue.isEmpty == false {18 let n = queue.count19 for _ in 0..<n {20 let curFlight = queue.removeFirst()21 let curStop = curFlight.dst22 let cost = curFlight.cost23 if curStop == end {24 res = min(res,cost)25 continue26 }27 for flight in (dict[curStop] ?? []) {28 if cost + flight.cost > res {29 continue30 }31 queue.append((flight.dst,cost + flight.cost))32 }33 }34 stops += 135 if stops > k {36 break37 }38 }39 return (res == Int.max) ? -1 : res40 }41 }
1 class Solution { 2 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 3 var flightsMap = Dictionary<Int,Array<Flight>>() 4 var cache = Dictionary<CacheState,Int>() 5 for flight in flights { 6 let stFlight = Flight(destination: flight[1],cost: flight[2]) 7 if var array = flightsMap[flight[0]] { 8 array.append(stFlight) 9 flightsMap[flight[0]] = array10 } else {11 flightsMap[flight[0]] = [stFlight]12 }13 }14 let ans = dfs(K,src,dst,flightsMap,&cache)15 if ans == Int.max { return -1 }16 return ans17 }18 func dfs(19 _ remainingK: Int,20 _ currentNode: Int,21 _ dst: Int,22 _ flightsMap: Dictionary<Int,Array<Flight>>,23 _ cache: inout Dictionary<CacheState,Int>) -> Int {24 if currentNode == dst { return 0 }25 guard remainingK >= 0 else { return Int.max }26 var cacheState = CacheState(source: currentNode,K: remainingK) 27 if let val = cache[cacheState] { return val } 28 var ans = Int.max29 guard let array = flightsMap[currentNode] else { return Int.max }30 for flight in array {31 let curAns = dfs(remainingK - 1,flight.destination,&cache)32 if curAns != Int.max {33 ans = min(ans,curAns + flight.cost)34 }35 }36 cache[cacheState] = ans37 return ans38 }39 }40 41 struct Flight {42 let destination: Int43 let cost: Int44 }45 struct CacheState: Hashable {46 let source: Int47 let K: Int48 }
1 class Solution { 2 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 3 let dict = flights.reduce(into: [Int: [(Int,Int)]]()) { 4 $0[$1[0],default:[]].append(($1[1],$1[2])) 5 } 6 var cache: [[Int?]] = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: nil,count: K+1),count: n) 7 let c = dfs(dict,K,&cache) 8 return c 9 }10 11 func dfs(_ flights: [Int: [(Int,Int)]],_ K: Int,_ cache: inout [[Int?]]) -> Int {12 guard src != dst else { return 0 }13 guard K >= 0 else { return -1 }14 var m : Int?15 if let dests = flights[src] { 16 for f in dests {17 let c = cache[f.0][K] ?? dfs(flights,f.0,K-1,&cache)18 if c != -1 {19 cache[f.0][K] = c20 m = min(m ?? Int.max,c+f.1) 21 } else {22 cache[f.0][K] = -123 }24 }25 }26 return m ?? -127 }28 }
1 class Solution { 2 var res = Int.max 3 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int { 4 var graph: [Int: [(Int,Int)]] = [:] 5 6 for f in flights { 7 let start = f[0],end = f[1],price = f[2] 8 graph[start,default: []].append((end,price)) 9 }10 var visited = Set<Int>()11 var dp: [Int: Int] = [:]12 dfs(graph,&dp,0,&visited,K)13 return res == Int.max ? -1 : res14 }15 16 private func dfs(_ graph: [Int: [(Int,_ dp: inout [Int: Int],_ cost: Int,_ visited: inout Set<Int>,_ remaining: Int) {17 if start == end {18 res = min(cost,res)19 }20 21 if remaining < 0 || cost >= res {22 return23 }24 25 if let lowest = dp[start] {26 if lowest < cost {27 return28 }29 }30 dp[start] = cost31 32 var forwardcost = Int.max33 if let outgoing = graph[start] {34 for edge in outgoing {35 dfs(graph,cost + edge.1,&visited,edge.0,end,remaining - 1)36 }37 }38 }39 }
1 class Solution { 2 var dp = [[Int]]() 3 var graph = [[Int]]() 4 5 func find(_ flights: [[Int]],_ k: Int,_ n: Int) -> Int { 6 if src == dst { 7 dp[src][k] = 0 8 return dp[src][k] 9 }10 if k == 0 {11 dp[dst][k] = graph[dst][src]12 return dp[dst][k]13 }14 if dp[dst][k] != Int.max {15 return dp[dst][k]16 }17 18 for i in 0..<n {19 if graph[dst][i] != Int.max && find(flights,i,k-1,n) != Int.max {20 dp[dst][k] = min(dp[dst][k],graph[dst][i] + find(flights,k-1,n))21 }22 }23 return dp[dst][k]24 }25 26 func findCheapestPrice(_ n: Int,_ K: Int) -> Int {27 dp = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: Int.max,count: n)28 graph = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: Int.max,count: n)29 for f in flights {30 graph[f[1]][f[0]] = f[2]31 }32 return find(flights,n) == Int.max ? -1 : dp[dst][K]33 }34 }总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的[Swift]LeetCode787. K 站中转内最便宜的航班 | Cheapest Flights Within K Stops全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决[Swift]LeetCode787. K 站中转内最便宜的航班 | Cheapest Flights Within K Stops所遇到的程序开发问题。