Sometimes people repeat letters to represent extra feeling,such as "hello" -> "heeellooo","hi" -> "hiiii". Here,we have groups,of adjacent letters that are all the same character,and adjacent characters to the group are different. A group is extended if that group is length 3 or more,so "e" and "o" would be extended in the first example,and "i" would be extended in the second example. As another example,the groups of "abbcccaaaa" would be "a","bb","ccc",and "aaaa"; and "ccc" and "aaaa" are the extended groups of that string.
For some given string S,a query word is stretchy if it can be made to be equal to S by extending some groups. Formally,we are allowed to repeatedly choose a group (as defined above) of characters c
,and add some number of the same character c
to it so that the length of the group is 3 or more. Note that we cannot extend a group of size one like "h" to a group of size two like "hh" - all extensions must leave the group extended - IE.,at least 3 characters long.
Given a List of query words,return the number of words that are stretchy.
Example:input: S = "heeellooo"words = ["hello","hi","helo"]Output: 1Explanation: We can extend "e" and "o" in the word "hello" to get "heeellooo".We can‘t extend "helo" to get "heeellooo" because the group "ll" is not extended.
0 <= len(S) <= 100
. 0 <= len(words) <= 100
. 0 <= len(words[i]) <= 100
. S
and all words in words
consist only of lowercase letters 有时候人们会用额外的字母来表示额外的情感,比如 "hello" -> "heeellooo","hi" -> "hiii"。我们将连续的相同的字母分组,并且相邻组的字母都不相同。我们将一个拥有三个或以上字母的组定义为扩张状态(extended),如第一个例子中的 "e" 和" o" 以及第二个例子中的 "i"。 此外,"abbcccaaaa" 将有分组 "a","dddd";其中 "ccc" 和 "aaaa" 处于扩张状态。
对于一个给定的字符串 S ,如果另一个单词能够通过将一些字母组扩张从而使其和 S 相同,我们将这个单词定义为可扩张的(stretchy)。我们允许选择一个字母组(如包含字母 c
),然后往其中添加相同的字母 c
使其长度达到 3 或以上。注意,我们不能将一个只包含一个字母的字母组,如 "h",扩张到一个包含两个字母的组,如 "hh";所有的扩张必须使该字母组变成扩张状态(至少包含三个字母)。
示例:输入: S = "heeellooo"words = ["hello","helo"]输出:1解释:我们能通过扩张"hello"的"e"和"o"来得到"heeellooo"。我们不能通过扩张"helo"来得到"heeellooo"因为"ll"不处于扩张状态。
0 <= len(S) <= 100
。 0 <= len(words) <= 100
。 0 <= len(words[i]) <= 100
。 S
和所有在 words
中的单词都只由小写字母组成。 Runtime: 20 ms Memory Usage: 19.6 MB 1 class Solution { 2 func expressiveWords(_ S: String,_ words: [String]) -> Int { 3 let lenS = S.count 4 if lenS == 0 { // S 不能为空 5 return 0 6 } 7 var n = words.count,res = 0,arrS = Array(S) 8 for i in 0..<n { 9 let lenW = words[i].count10 // words[i] 不能为空或者长度不小于S11 if lenW == 0 || lenW >= lenS {12 return 013 }14 var j = 0,k = 0,streched = false,arrW = Array(words[i])15 while j < lenS && k < lenW {16 var startS = j17 var startW = k18 if arrS[j] == arrW[k] {19 while j < lenS - 1 && arrS[j] == arrS[j+1] {20 j += 121 }22 while k < lenW - 1 && arrW[k] == arrW[k+1] {23 k += 124 }25 // 如果S分组后的字符串是由某个字符重复2次及以上组成,则认为是可扩展26 if j - startS >= 2 {27 streched = true28 }29 //如果不可扩展,对应位置的字符串必须相同30 else if j - startS != k - startW {31 streched = false32 break33 }34 }35 else {36 streched = false37 break38 }39 j += 140 k += 141 }42 if streched {43 res += 144 } 45 }46 return res47 }48 }
1 class Solution { 2 func expressiveWords(_ S: String,_ words: [String]) -> Int { 3 var sRLE = getRLE(Array(S)) 4 var result = 0 5 for word in words { 6 let wRLE = getRLE(Array(word)) 7 guard sRLE.count == wRLE.count else { 8 continue 9 }10 var index = 011 while index < sRLE.count {12 guard sRLE[index].0 == wRLE[index].0 else {13 break14 }15 if !((sRLE[index].1 >= 3 && sRLE[index].1 >= wRLE[index].1) || sRLE[index].1 == wRLE[index].1) {16 break17 }18 index += 119 }20 if index == sRLE.count {21 result += 122 }23 }24 return result25 }26 27 private func getRLE(_ chars: [Character]) -> [(Character,Int)] {28 var start = 029 var pointer = 030 var result = [(Character,Int)]()31 while pointer < chars.count {32 while pointer < chars.count && chars[pointer] == chars[start] {33 pointer += 134 }35 result.append((chars[start],pointer - start))36 start = pointer37 }38 return result39 }40 }
1 class Solution { 2 func expressiveWords(_ S: String,_ words: [String]) -> Int { 3 func compress(_ s: String) -> [(Character,Int)] { 4 return s.reduce(into: [(Character,Int)]()) { 5 if let (char,count) = $0.last,char == $1 { 6 $0[$0.count-1] = (char,count+1) 7 } else { 8 $0.append(($1,1)) 9 }10 }11 }12 13 func isExpressive(_ s: [(Character,Int)],_ t: [(Character,Int)]) -> Bool {14 guard s.count == t.count else { return false }15 for i in s.indices {16 if s[i] == t[i] { continue }17 if s[i].0 != t[i].0 || s[i].1 == 2 || s[i].1 < t[i].1 { return false }18 }19 return true20 }21 22 let set = Set(words)23 let sCompressed = compress(S)24 return words.filter{ isExpressive(sCompressed,compress($0)) }.count25 } 26 }Runtime: 44 ms Memory Usage: 19.9 MB
1 class Solution { 2 func expressiveWords(_ S: String,_ words: [String]) -> Int { 3 var arrS:[Character] = Array(S) 4 var res:Int = 0 5 var m:Int = S.count 6 var n:Int = words.count 7 for word in words 8 { 9 var arrWord = Array(word)10 var i:Int = 011 var j:Int = 012 while(i < m)13 {14 if j < word.count && arrS[i] == arrWord[j]15 {16 j += 117 }18 else if i > 0 && arrS[i] == arrS[i - 1] && i + 1 < m && arrS[i] == arrS[i + 1]19 {20 i += 121 }22 else if !(i > 1 && arrS[i] == arrS[i - 1] && arrS[i] == arrS[i - 2])23 {24 break25 }26 i += 127 }28 if i == m && j == word.count29 {30 res += 131 }32 }33 return res34 }35 }总结
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