Given a string,determine if a permutation of the string Could form a palindrome.
For example,"code"
-> False, "aab"
-> True, "carerac"
-> True.
ConsIDer the palindromes of odd vs even length. What difference do you notice? Count the frequency of each character. If each character occurs even number of times,then it must be a palindrome. How about character which occurs odd number of times?例如,
考虑奇数和偶数的回文长度。你注意到了什么区别? 计算每个字符的频率。 如果每个字符出现偶数次,那么它必须是回文。奇数次出现的字符怎么样?1 class Solution { 2 func canPermutepalindrome(_ s:String) -> Bool { 3 var t:Set<Character> = Set<Character>() 4 for a in s.characters 5 { 6 if !t.contains(a) 7 { 8 t.insert(a) 9 }10 else11 {12 t.remove(a)13 }14 }15 return t.isEmpty || t.count == 116 }17 }总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的[Swift]LeetCode266.回文全排列 $ Palindrome Permutation全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决[Swift]LeetCode266.回文全排列 $ Palindrome Permutation所遇到的程序开发问题。