objective-c – NSTask和Git – 权限问题

objective-c – NSTask和Git – 权限问题,第1张

概述在我的 Cocoa应用程序中,我正在尝试使用NSTask来运行一些基本的 Git命令.每当我运行一个需要权限(SSH密钥)来访问远程的命令(例如git push,git pull)时,它就会失败并出现以下错误: Permission denied (publickey). The remote end hung up unexpectedly 从终端运行相同的命令工作正常,所以我认为这可能是NST 在我的 Cocoa应用程序中,我正在尝试使用NSTask来运行一些基本的 Git命令.每当我运行一个需要权限(SSH密钥)来访问远程的命令(例如git push,git pull)时,它就会失败并出现以下错误:

Permission denIEd (publickey). The remote end hung up unexpectedly


[task setEnvironment:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:NSHomeDirectory(),@"HOME",NSUsername(),@"USER",nil]];





解决方法 您可以尝试按照教程“ Wrapping rsync or SSH in an NSTask”(从 Ira开始),它提到了SSH_AUTH_SOCK变量:

Since writing this post I’ve realised that I omitted an important additional step in setting up the environment variables for the NSTask.
In order to make passwordless key-based authentication work it’s necessary to grab the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable from the user’s environment and include this in the NSTask’s environment.
So,when setting environment variables for example;

NSTask *task;NSDictionary *environmentDict = [[nsprocessInfo processInfo] environment];// Environment variables needed for password based authentication NSMutableDictionary *env = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:                         @"NONE",@"disPLAY",askPasspath,@"SSH_ASKPASS",username,@"AUTH_USERname",hostname,@"AUTH_HOSTname",nil];// Environment variable needed for key based authentication[env setobject:[environmentDict objectForKey:@"SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] forKey:@"SSH_AUTH_SOCK"];// Setting the task's environment[task setEnvironment:env];

但是,OP indragie评论:

I had trIEd this earlIEr but since it was being invoked with XCode,the SSH_AUTH_SOCK env var. wasn’t being passed to it.
opening the app from Finder corrects this issue.

With askPasspath being the path for the Askpass executable,which is included as part of the application’s main bundle. (In order to do this,find the executable under “Products” in xcode,and then drag it into “copy Bundle Resources” on the main application’s target.)

// Get the path of the Askpass program,which is// setup to be included as part of the main application bundleNsstring *askPasspath = [NSBundle pathForResource:@"Askpass"              ofType:@""               inDirectory:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]];

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1022802.html

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