[Swift]LeetCode42. 接雨水 | Trapping Rain Water

[Swift]LeetCode42. 接雨水 | Trapping Rain Water,第1张

概述Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it is able to trap after raining. The above elevation map is represented by array [

Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the wIDth of each bar is 1,compute how much water it is able to trap after raining.

The above elevation map is represented by array [0,1,2,3,1]. In this case,6 units of rain water (blue section) are being trapped. Thanks marcos for contributing this image!


input: [0,1]Output: 6

给定 n 个非负整数表示每个宽度为 1 的柱子的高度图,计算按此排列的柱子,下雨之后能接多少雨水

上面是由数组 [0,1] 表示的高度图,在这种情况下,可以接 6 个单位的雨水(蓝色部分表示雨水)。 感谢 marcos 贡献此图。


输入: [0,1]输出: 6
right_max left_max ]right_max[一世]>left_max[一世] (从元素0到6),被困水取决于left_max,类似情况 left_max right_max ]left_max[一世]>right_max[一世](从要素8到11)。
left_maxleft_max 和 right_maxright_max 在迭代期间,但现在我们可以使用2个指针在一次迭代中完成,在两者之间切换。


Initialize \text{left}left pointer to 0 and \text{right}right pointer to size-1 While \text{left}&lt; \text{right}left<right,do: If \text{height[left]}height[left] is smaller than \text{height[right]}height[right] If height[left]>=left_maxheight[left]>=left_max,update left_maxleft_max Else add left_maxheight[left]left_max−height[left] to \text{ans}ans Add 1 to \text{left}left. Else If height[right]>=right_maxheight[right]>=right_max,update right_maxright_max Else add right_maxheight[right]right_max−height[right] to \text{ans}ans Subtract 1 from \text{right}right.
 1 class Solution { 2     func trap(_ height: [Int]) -> Int { 3         var leftMax = 0,rightmax = 0 4         var leftPointer = 0,rightPointer = height.count - 1 5         var trappeDWater = 0 6          7         while leftPointer < rightPointer { 8             if height[leftPointer] < height[rightPointer] { 9                 if height[leftPointer] > leftMax {10                     leftMax = height[leftPointer]11                 } else {12                     trappeDWater += leftMax - height[leftPointer]13                 }14                 leftPointer += 115             } else {16                  if height[rightPointer] > rightmax {17                     rightmax = height[rightPointer]18                 } else {19                     trappeDWater += rightmax - height[rightPointer]20                 }21                 rightPointer -= 122             } 23         }24         return trappeDWater25     }26 }

【动态编程】 16ms

 1 class Solution { 2   func trap(_ height: [Int]) -> Int { 3     var leftMax = [Int]() 4     var rightmax = [Int]() 5     var maxL = 0 6     var maxR = 0 7     for i in 0..<height.count { 8       if maxL < height[i] { 9         maxL = height[i]10       }11       leftMax.append(maxL)12       if maxR < height[height.count - 1 - i] {13         maxR = height[height.count - 1 - i]14       }15       rightmax.append(maxR)16     }17     rightmax.reverse()18     var result = 019     for i in 0..<height.count {20       let wall = max(min(leftMax[i],rightmax[i]),height[i])21       result += wall - height[i]22     }23     return result24   }25 }


 1 class Solution { 2     func trap(_ height: [Int]) -> Int { 3         if height.count <= 0 { 4             return 0 5         } 6         var maxL = height[0] 7         var rights : Array = Array<Int>(repeating: 0,count: height.count) 8         var result = 0 9         var maxR = 010         11         for i in height.enumerated().reversed() {12             if height[i.offset] > maxR {13                 maxR = i.element14                 rights[i.offset] = maxR15             }else {16                 rights[i.offset] = maxR17             }18         }19         20         for i in 0..<height.count {21             if height[i] > maxL {22                 maxL = height[i]23             }24             result += max(min(maxL,rights[i]) - height[i],0)25         }26         27         28         return result29     }30 }


 1 class Solution { 2     func trap(_ height: [Int]) -> Int { 3         guard height.count > 2 else { return 0 } 4         var res: Int = 0 5         var leftMax = Array(repeating: 0,count: height.count) 6         var rightmax = Array(repeating: 0,count: height.count) 7      8         leftMax[0] = height[0] 9         for i in 1..<height.count {10             leftMax[i] = max(leftMax[i - 1],height[i])11         }12         13         rightmax[height.count - 1] = height[height.count - 1]14         for i in (0..<height.count - 1).reversed() {15             rightmax[i] = max(rightmax[i + 1],height[i])16         }17     18         for i in 1..<height.count - 1 {19             res += min(leftMax[i],rightmax[i]) - height[i]20         }21         22         return res23     }24 }


 1 class Solution { 2     func trap(_ height: [Int]) -> Int { 3         var stack = Stack<Int>() 4          5         var ans = 0 6          7         var current = 0 8          9         while current < height.count {10             while !stack.isEmpty && height[current] > height[stack.peek()] {11                 let top = stack.pop()12 13                 if stack.isEmpty {14                     break15                 }16                 17                 let distance = current - stack.peek() - 118                 19                 let height = min(height[current],height[stack.peek()]) - height[top]20                 21                 ans += distance * height22             }23             stack.push(current)24             current += 125         }26         27         return ans28     }29 }30 31 class Stack<T> {32     private var arr = [T]()33     34     var isEmpty: Bool {35         return arr.isEmpty36     }37     38     func peek() -> T {39         return arr.last!40     }41     42     func push(_ t: T) {43         arr.append(t)44     }45     46     func pop() -> T {47         return arr.removeLast()48     }49 }

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1023078.html

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