>通过automator脚本applescripting notification center scheduling do not disturb.
>通过代码编写默认值programmatic equivalent of defaults write command e.g. how to use NSUserDefaults,但是如何使用args -currentHost(在上面链接的文章中提到)
这是一个AppleScript by philastokes,它考虑到这个选项 – 点击在menubar中的通知中心图标完全正是我们想要的:它切换了DND模式!
(* copyright © philastokes from applehelpwriter.com *)(* link: http://applehelpwriter.com/2014/12/10/applescript-toggle-notification-centre-yosemite *)tell application "System Events" tell application process "systemUIServer" try (* Replace "Notification Center" with "NotificationCenter" here if you're targeting OS X 10.10 *) if exists menu bar item "Notification Center,Do Not disturb enabled" of menu bar 2 then key down option (* Replace "Notification Center" with "NotificationCenter" here if you're targeting OS X 10.10 *) click menu bar item "Notification Center,Do Not disturb enabled" of menu bar 2 key up option else key down option click menu bar item "Notification Center" of menu bar 2 key up option end if on error key up option end try end tellend tell
Please note that you need to replace
"Notification Center"
everywhere if you’re targeting OS X 10.10Also,executing this code requires your application to have Accessibility enabled for it.
最后一步是将其包含到Objctive-C / Swift代码中:
Nsstring *source = ... // the AppleScript codeNSAppleScript *script = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: source];NSDictionary *errorInfo = nil;[script executeAndReturnError: &errorInfo];
#2.直接使用Accessibility API
我们可以使用系统中提供的Accessibility API,而不是让AppleScript引擎处理用户交互:
Executing this code requires your application to have Accessibility enabled for it.
pID_t systemUIServerPID = [[NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIDentifIEr: @"com.apple.systemUIserver"].firstObject processIDentifIEr];assert(systemUIServerPID != 0);AXUIElementRef target = AXUIElementCreateApplication(systemUIServerPID);assert(target != nil);CFArrayRef attributes = nil;AXUIElementcopyAttributenames(target,&attributes);assert([(__brIDge NSArray *)attributes containsObject: @"AXExtrasMenubar"]);CFTypeRef menubar;AXUIElementcopyAttributeValue(target,CFSTR("AXExtrasMenubar"),&menubar);CFTypeRef children;AXUIElementcopyAttributeValue(menubar,CFSTR("AXChildren"),&children);// XXX: I hate mixing CF and Objective-C like this but it's just a PoC code.// Anyway,I'm sorryNSArray *items = (__brIDge NSArray *)children;for (ID x in items) { AXUIElementRef child = (__brIDge AXUIElementRef)x; CFTypeRef Title; AXUIElementcopyAttributeValue(child,CFSTR("AXTitle"),&Title); assert(CfgetTypeID(Title) == CFStringGetTypeID()); // XXX: the proper check would be to match the whole "Notification Center" string,// but on OS X 10.10 it's "NotificationCenter" (without the space in-between) and // I don't feel like having two conditionals here if (CFStringHasPrefix(Title,CFSTR("Notification"))) { optionKeyDown(); AXUIElementPerformAction(child,kAXPressAction); optionKeyUp(); break; }}
#define kOptionKeyCode (58)static voID optionKeyDown(voID){ CGEventRef e = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(NulL,kOptionKeyCode,true); CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap,e); CFRelease(e);}static voID optionKeyUp(voID){ CGEventRef e = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(NulL,false); CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap,e); CFRelease(e);}
voID turnDoNotdisturbOn(voID){ // The trick is to set DND time range from 00:00 (0 minutes) to 23:59 (1439 minutes),// so it will always be on CFPreferencesSetValue(CFSTR("dndStart"),(__brIDge CFPropertyListRef)(@(0.0f)),CFSTR("com.apple.notificationcenterui"),kcfPreferencesCurrentUser,kcfPreferencesCurrentHost); CFPreferencesSetValue(CFSTR("dndEnd"),(__brIDge CFPropertyListRef)(@(1440.f)),kcfPreferencesCurrentHost); CFPreferencesSetValue(CFSTR("doNotdisturb"),(__brIDge CFPropertyListRef)(@(YES)),kcfPreferencesCurrentHost); // Notify all the related daemons that we have changed Do Not disturb preferences commitDoNotdisturbChanges();}voID turnDoNotdisturbOff(){ CFPreferencesSetValue(CFSTR("dndStart"),NulL,(__brIDge CFPropertyListRef)(@(NO)),kcfPreferencesCurrentHost); commitDoNotdisturbChanges();}voID commitDoNotdisturbChanges(voID){ /// XXX: I'm using kcfPreferencesCurrentUser placeholder here which means that this code must /// be run under regular user's account (not root/admin). If you're going to run this code /// from a privileged helper,use kcfPreferencesAnyUser in order to toggle DND for all users /// or drop privileges and use kcfPreferencesCurrentUser. CFPreferencesSynchronize(CFSTR("com.apple.notificationcenterui"),kcfPreferencesCurrentHost); [[NSdistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationname: @"com.apple.notificationcenterui.dndprefs_changed" object: nil userInfo: nil deliverImmediately: YES];}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的osx – 是否可以以编程方式打开/关闭OS X“不要打扰”全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决osx – 是否可以以编程方式打开/关闭OS X“不要打扰”所遇到的程序开发问题。