1. Test tools
T-Plan Robot (formerly kNown as VNCRobot) is one of the most flexible and universal black Box automated testing tools on the market2. liberary
BoneCP is a fast,free,open-source,Java database connection pool (JDBC Pool) library. (faster database access) - http://jolbox.com/ JasperReports: Java based; Flexible Data Sources3. Code tools
Notepad++ OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine(http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+opengrok/WebHome)4. JExpress is a cross platform Java installer builder. JExpress generates a cross platform installer and native installers on windows,Mac OS X,and linux.
5. Visifire is a set of data visualization components powered by Microsoft Silverlight. It lets you create and embed visually stunning animated Silverlight Charts within minutes. Visifire is easy to use and independent of the server sIDe technology. It can be used with ASP,ASP.Net,PHP,JsP,ColdFusion,Ruby on Rails,or just simple HTML.
6. libssh is a C library to access SSH services from a program. It can remotely execute programs,transfer files,and serve as a secure and transparent tunnel for remote programs
7. CorneliOS is an easy-to-use and cross-browser "Web Desktop Environment
8. msfetch is a remote MS Exchange mail retrIEval utility that retrIEves email from your MS Exchange OWA (2000/2003/2007) mailBox and saves it in .mBox type files. It uses WebDAV to retrIEve emails using http/httpS. WebDAV is used also by Outlook Webaccees (OWA). This means that your administrator must have left OWA available in Exchange in order for this utility to work. Authentication methods supported: "windows Basic","OWA Web Forms 2007",and "OWA Web Forms 2003".
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的good tools-1全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决good tools-1所遇到的程序开发问题。