package com.example.androID_draw.vIEwimport androID.content.Contextimport androID.graphics.Canvasimport androID.util.AttributeSetimport androID.vIEw.VIEw/** * * ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ * │┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐│ * ││Esc│!1 │@2 │#3 │$4 │%5 │^6 │&7 │*8 │(9 │)0 │_- │+= │|\ │`~ ││ * │├───┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴───┤│ * ││ Tab │ Q │ W │ E │ R │ T │ Y │ U │ I │ O │ P │{[ │}] │ BS ││ * │├─────┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴─────┤│ * ││ Ctrl │ A │ S │ D │ F │ G │ H │ J │ K │ L │: ;│" '│ Enter ││ * │├──────┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴────┬───┤│ * ││ Shift │ Z │ X │ C │ V │ B │ N │ M │< ,│> .│? /│Shift │Fn ││ * │└─────┬──┴┬──┴──┬┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴──┬┴───┴┬──┴┬─────┴───┘│ * │ │Fn │ Alt │ Space │ Alt │Win│ HHKB │ * │ └───┴─────┴───────────────────────┴─────┴───┘ │ * └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ * 版权:渤海新能 版权所有 * * @author feiWang * 版本:1.5 * 创建日期:2/8/21 * 描述:AndroID_Draw * E-mail : 1276998208@qq.com * CSDN:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37667770/article * GitHub:https://github.com/luhenchang */class LHC_Cubic_VIEw @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : VIEw(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { init { } overrIDe fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) { super.onDraw(canvas) }}
为了方便观察和绘制进行了网格和坐标轴的绘制。我相信学过上一篇文章的对于画布的变换 *** 作已经熟练掌握了,网格坐标轴的代码我就不再讲解,看图。
首先定义一个函数 y=2x-80
private var number=0..420 //直线方程y=2x-80 private fun drawzxline(canvas: Canvas) { pointList= ArrayList() //绘制方程式y=10x+20 val gPaint = getPaint() number.forEach { t -> val point=PointF() if (t%2==0) {//x轴偶数点进行绘制 point.x = t.tofloat() point.y = 2f * t - 80 pointList.add(point) canvas.drawPoint(point.x, point.y, gPaint) } } }
y=sqrt(160.0.pow(2.0).tofloat() - ((point.x - 10).todouble()).pow(2.0)).tofloat() + 10y=-sqrt(160.0.pow(2.0).tofloat() - ((pointDown.x - 10).todouble()).pow(2.0)).tofloat() + 10
1.移项 (y-10)2=1602-(x-10)2
2.开方 转换为函数Math方程式如下:
//绘制圆圈 number.forEach { t -> val point = PointF() val pointDown = PointF() //(x-10)2+(y-10)2=1602 point.x = t.tofloat() pointDown.x = t.tofloat() //y计算应该不用我说吧。 point.y = sqrt(160.0.pow(2.0).tofloat() - ((point.x - 10).todouble()).pow(2.0)).tofloat() + 10 pointDown.y = -sqrt( 160.0.pow(2.0).tofloat() - ((pointDown.x - 10).todouble()).pow(2.0) ).tofloat() + 10 canvas.drawPoint(point.x, point.y, gPaint) canvas.drawPoint(pointDown.x, pointDown.y, gPaint) }
在AndroID端提供了二阶和三阶 `二次方贝塞尔曲线`: public voID quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) public voID rQuadTo(float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2) `三次方贝塞尔曲线`: public voID cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,float x3, float y3) public voID rCubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,float x3, float y3)
//记录移动的canvas画布坐标,不是手势坐标,由手势坐标转换为canvas坐标进行刷新 private var moveX: float = 160f private var moveY: float = 160f private fun drawQuz(canvas: Canvas) { controllRect = Rect( (moveX - 30f).toInt(), (moveY + 30f).toInt(), (moveX + 30).toInt(), (moveY - 30f).toInt() ) val quePath = Path() canvas.drawCircle(0f, 0f, 10f, getPaintCir(Paint.Style.FILL)) canvas.drawCircle(320f, 0f, 10f, getPaintCir(Paint.Style.FILL)) //第一个点和控制点的连线到最后一个点链线。为了方便观察 val lineleft = Path() lineleft.moveto(0f, 0f) lineleft.lineto(moveX, moveY) lineleft.lineto(320f, 0f) canvas.drawPath(lineleft, getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke)) //第一个p0处画一个圆。第二个p1处画一个控制点圆,最后画一个。 canvas.drawCircle(moveX, moveY, 10f, getPaintCir(Paint.Style.FILL)) quePath.quadTo(moveX, moveY, 320f, 0f) canvas.drawPath(quePath, getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke)) } overrIDe fun ontouchEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean { when (event.action) { ACTION_DOWN, ACTION_MOVE -> { //在控制点附近范围内部,进行移动 Log.e("x=", "ontouchEvent: (x,y)"+(event.x - wIDth / 2).toInt()+":"+(-(event.y - height / 2)).toInt()) //将手势坐标转换为屏幕坐标 moveX = event.x - wIDth / 2 moveY = -(event.y - height / 2) invalIDate() } } return true }
即可。 private fun drawCubic(canvas: Canvas) { val cubicPath=Path() cubicPath.moveto(0f,0f) cubicleftRect= Rect( (moveCubiX - 30f).toInt(), (moveCubiY - 30f).toInt(), (moveCubiX + 30).toInt(), (moveCubiY + 30f).toInt() ) cubicRightRect=Rect( (moveCubiXX - 30f).toInt(), (moveCubiYY - 30f).toInt(), (moveCubiXX + 30).toInt(), (moveCubiYY + 30f).toInt() ) val lineleft = Path() lineleft.moveto(0f, 0f) lineleft.lineto(moveCubiX, moveCubiY) lineleft.lineto(moveCubiXX, moveCubiYY) lineleft.lineto(320f, 0f) canvas.drawPath(lineleft, getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke,color.GRAY)) //canvas.drawRect(cubicleftRect, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL,color.RED)) //canvas.drawRect(cubicRightRect, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL,color.RED)) canvas.drawCircle(moveCubiX, moveCubiY, 10f, getPaintCir(Paint.Style.FILL)) canvas.drawCircle(moveCubiXX, moveCubiYY, 10f, getPaintCir(Paint.Style.FILL)) cubicPath.cubicTo(moveCubiX,moveCubiY,moveCubiXX,moveCubiYY,320f,0f) canvas.drawPath(cubicPath, getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke,color.RED)) } overrIDe fun ontouchEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean { when (event.action) { ACTION_DOWN, ACTION_MOVE -> { //在控制点附近范围内部,进行移动 Log.e( "x=", "ontouchEvent: (x,y)" + (event.x - wIDth / 2).toInt() + ":" + (-(event.y - height / 2)).toInt() ) //二阶曲线 if (controllRect.contains((event.x - wIDth / 2).toInt(),(-(event.y - height / 2)).toInt())) { Log.e("点击来","对" ) moveX = event.x - wIDth / 2 moveY = -(event.y - height / 2) invalIDate() //三阶曲线控制点1 }else if(cubicleftRect.contains((event.x - wIDth / 2).toInt(),(-(event.y - height / 2)).toInt())){ moveCubiX= event.x - wIDth / 2 moveCubiY= -(event.y - height / 2) invalIDate() //三阶曲线控制点2 }else if(cubicRightRect.contains((event.x - wIDth / 2).toInt(),(-(event.y - height / 2)).toInt())){ moveCubiXX= event.x - wIDth / 2 moveCubiYY= -(event.y - height / 2) invalIDate() } } } return true }
图片在AndroID中并没有提供直接 *** 作Bitmap来改变色相饱和度的API,所以我们需要将bitmap绘制到画布上。接下来我们开始写代码。首先新建类LHC_Image_VIEw
<declare-styleable name="LHC_Image_VIEw"> <attr name="defaultImag" format="reference" /></declare-styleable>
`colorMatrix` 用4x5矩阵来表示,用于转换位图的颜色和Alpha分量。 [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t ] 计算如下: R = a*R + b*G + c*B + d*A + e; G = f*R + g*G + h*B + i*A + j; B = k*R + l*G + m*B + n*A + o; A = P*R + q*G + r*B + s*A + t; 通常见的默认标准矩阵 [ 1 0 0 0 0 R=225 R1=225 + 0 + 0 + 0+偏移量=225 0 1 0 0 0 x G=225 = G1=225 + 0 + 0 + 0+偏移量=225 = RGBA=[225,225,225,225] 0 0 1 0 0 B=225 B1=225 + 0 + 0 + 0+偏移量=225 0 0 0 1 0 ] A=225 A1=225 + 0 + 0 + 0+偏移量=225 我想降低绿色和蓝色,那么我们可以将矩阵中的2行2列1变为0.5,3行3列的1变为0.5等 *** 作。 colorMatrix构造方法:我们使用colorMatrix() public colorMatrix() { reset(); } /** * Create a new colormatrix initialized with the specifIEd array of values. */ public colorMatrix(float[] src) { System.arraycopy(src, 0, mArray, 0, 20); } /** * Create a new colormatrix initialized with the specifIEd colormatrix. */ public colorMatrix(colorMatrix src) { System.arraycopy(src.mArray, 0, mArray, 0, 20); }
在colorMatrix中常见的使用方法:setRotate(int axis, float degrees)中用到了degrees * Math.PI / 180d
[ 1 0 0 0 0 R 0 1 0 0 0 x G 0 0 1 0 0 B =R G B A 0 0 0 1 0 ] A [ 1 0 0 0 0 R 0 0 1 0 0 x G =R B -G A 0 -1 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 1 0 ] A 结果红没变,绿变为蓝,蓝色变为负,我们知道红和蓝成黄色。那么我们接下来验证一下我们的结果。
public voID setRotate(int axis, float degrees) { reset(); double radians = degrees * Math.PI / 180d; float cosine = (float) Math.cos(radians); float sine = (float) Math.sin(radians); switch (axis) { // Rotation around the red color case 0: mArray[6] = mArray[12] = cosine; mArray[7] = sine; mArray[11] = -sine; break; // Rotation around the green color case 1: mArray[0] = mArray[12] = cosine; mArray[2] = -sine; mArray[10] = sine; break; // Rotation around the blue color case 2: mArray[0] = mArray[6] = cosine; mArray[1] = sine; mArray[5] = -sine; break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } }
class LHC_Image_VIEw @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : VIEw(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { private val MIDDLE_VALUE=127 private var mdrawable: Drawable? lateinit var bitmap:Bitmap init { val array: TypedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.LHC_Image_VIEw) mdrawable = array.getDrawable(R.styleable.LHC_Image_VIEw_defaultImag) } overrIDe fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) if (mdrawable!=null){ bitmap =mdrawable!!.toBitmap(wIDth,height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) }else{ return } //实例化一支画笔 val mPaint = Paint() mPaint.strokeWIDth=10f //实例化处理色相的颜色矩阵 val colorMatrix = colorMatrix() //获得色相的计算公式 val gress=90f //源码里面0表示红色 colorMatrix.setRotate(0, gress) //将调好的颜色设置给画笔 mPaint.colorFilter = colorMatrixcolorFilter(colorMatrix) //然后我们用调整好的颜色画笔将原来的图片bmp画到新的bitmap上 canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0f, 0f, mPaint) }}
private fun drawGrID(canvas: Canvas) { //1.我们左下角为屏幕的圆点进行 *** 作 canvas.translate(0f, height.tofloat()) canvas.scale(1f,-1f) canvas.save() val xpath=Path() xpath.moveto(0f,0f) xpath.lineto(wIDth.tofloat(), 0f) val paint=Paint() paint.color=color.GRAY paint.strokeWIDth=2f paint.style= Paint.Style.stroke for (index in 0 until 6){ canvas.translate(0f,160f) canvas.drawPath(xpath,paint) } canvas.restore() val ypath=Path() ypath.moveto(0f,0f) ypath.lineto(0f, wIDth.tofloat()-120) val painty=Paint() painty.color=color.GRAY painty.strokeWIDth=2f painty.style= Paint.Style.stroke canvas.save() for (index in 0 until 6){ canvas.translate(160f,0f) canvas.drawPath(ypath,paint) } canvas.restore() }
private fun drawlineAndCubit(canvas: Canvas) { val paint=Paint() paint.color=color.GRAY paint.strokeWIDth=2f paint.style= Paint.Style.stroke //斜线段 val xpath=Path() xpath.moveto(10f,10f) xpath.lineto(wIDth.tofloat(), wIDth.tofloat()-120) canvas.drawPath(xpath,paint) //起点和终点圆圈 paint.style= Paint.Style.FILL paint.color=color.RED canvas.drawCircle(15f,15f,15f,paint) canvas.drawCircle(wIDth.tofloat()-15, wIDth.tofloat()-120-15,15f,paint) val cubicPath=Path() cubicPath.moveto(0f,0f) paint.style= Paint.Style.stroke paint.strokeWIDth=5f cubicPath.quadTo(moveX, moveY,wIDth.tofloat()-15, wIDth.tofloat()-120-15) //绘制曲线 canvas.drawPath(cubicPath,paint) } overrIDe fun ontouchEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean { when (event.action) { MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> { //在控制点附近范围内部,进行移动 moveX= event.x moveY= -(event.y - height) invalIDate() } } return true }
到画布等基本常用 *** 作。下面小案例我们结合曲线动画和相关API进行逐步分析。
//绘制波浪 private fun drawWave(canvas: Canvas) { val wavePath=Path() wavePath.moveto(0f, -waveWIDth * 6) wavePath.lineto(0f, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth, waveHeight, waveWIDth * 2, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth * 3, -waveHeight, waveWIDth * 4, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth * 5, waveHeight, waveWIDth * 6, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth * 7, -waveHeight, waveWIDth * 8, 0f) wavePath.lineto(waveWIDth * 8, -waveWIDth * 6) canvas.drawPath(wavePath, getPaintBefor(Paint.Style.FILL))
//海浪通过画布的平移随之而动。canvas.translate(animal.animatedValue as float, 0f)
private fun clipCanvas(canvas: Canvas,type:Int) { if (type==0) { val rect = Rect( (waveWIDth * 4).toInt(), 160, (waveWIDth * 8).toInt(), (-waveWIDth * 4).toInt() ) canvas.clipRect(rect) }else if (type==1) { val circlePath = Path() circlePath.addCircle(480f, 0f, 160f, Path.Direction.ccw) canvas.drawCircle(480f, 0f, 160f, getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke)) canvas.clipPath(circlePath) }else if (type==2){ val rundRect = Path() rundRect.addRoundRect(waveWIDth * 4,waveWIDth*3,waveWIDth* 8,-waveWIDth*3,60f,60f,Path.Direction.ccw) //canvas.drawPath(rundRect,getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke)) canvas.clipPath(rundRect) } }
= waveWIDth * 4
init { animal=ObjectAnimator.offloat(0f, waveWIDth * 4) animal.duration = 2000 animal.repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE; animal.interpolator = linearInterpolator() animal.addUpdateListener { invalIDate() } }
//可以阅读相关的API,将一个图片绘制到画布坐标系(left,top)的位置。drawBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, float left, float top, @Nullable Paint paint)
val arrList= arraylistof( R.drawable.yu, R.drawable.ziyuan, R.drawable.jingyu) private fun drawFish(canvas: Canvas) { val bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, arrList[0]) canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, waveWIDth * 3, -waveHeight * 2.2f, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL)) val bmpzy = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,arrList[1]) canvas.drawBitmap(bmpzy, waveWIDth, -waveHeight *3f, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL)) val bmpjy= BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,arrList[2]) canvas.drawBitmap(bmpjy, waveWIDth* 6, -waveHeight * 3.5f, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL)) }
package com.example.androID_draw.vIEwimport androID.animation.ObjectAnimatorimport androID.animation.ValueAnimatorimport androID.content.Contextimport androID.graphics.*import androID.util.AttributeSetimport androID.util.Logimport androID.vIEw.MotionEventimport androID.vIEw.MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWNimport androID.vIEw.MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVEimport androID.vIEw.VIEwimport androID.vIEw.animation.linearInterpolatorimport com.example.androID_draw.Rimport kotlin.math.maximport kotlin.random.Random/** * * ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ * │┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐│ * ││Esc│!1 │@2 │#3 │$4 │%5 │^6 │&7 │*8 │(9 │)0 │_- │+= │|\ │`~ ││ * │├───┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴───┤│ * ││ Tab │ Q │ W │ E │ R │ T │ Y │ U │ I │ O │ P │{[ │}] │ BS ││ * │├─────┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴─────┤│ * ││ Ctrl │ A │ S │ D │ F │ G │ H │ J │ K │ L │: ;│" '│ Enter ││ * │├──────┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴────┬───┤│ * ││ Shift │ Z │ X │ C │ V │ B │ N │ M │< ,│> .│? /│Shift │Fn ││ * │└─────┬──┴┬──┴──┬┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴──┬┴───┴┬──┴┬─────┴───┘│ * │ │Fn │ Alt │ Space │ Alt │Win│ HHKB │ * │ └───┴─────┴───────────────────────┴─────┴───┘ │ * └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ * 版权:渤海新能 版权所有 * * @author feiWang * 版本:1.5 * 创建日期:2/8/21 * 描述:AndroID_Draw * E-mail : 1276998208@qq.com * CSDN:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37667770/article * GitHub:https://github.com/luhenchang */@Suppress("DEPRECATION")class LHC_wave_VIEw @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : VIEw(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { private var moveX: float = 0f private var moveY: float = 0f private var hCount: Int = 0 private var wCount: Int = 0 private lateinit var pointList: ArrayList<PointF> //网格的宽度 var grIDWIDth = 80 //半波长 val waveWIDth=80f val waveHeight=30f lateinit var animal:ValueAnimator init { animal=ObjectAnimator.offloat(0f, waveWIDth * 4) animal.duration = 2000 animal.repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE; animal.interpolator = linearInterpolator() animal.addUpdateListener { invalIDate() } } overrIDe fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) //绘制网格线 drawGrIDline(canvas) //绘制文字x和y轴的 draw@R_403_5929@AndY(canvas) //裁剪画布 clipCanvas(canvas,2) //绘制波浪 drawWave(canvas) //绘制 drawFish(canvas) } val arrList= arraylistof( R.drawable.yu, R.drawable.ziyuan, R.drawable.jingyu) private fun drawFish(canvas: Canvas) { val bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, arrList[0]) canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, waveWIDth * 3, -waveHeight * 2.2f, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL)) val bmpzy = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,arrList[1]) canvas.drawBitmap(bmpzy, waveWIDth, -waveHeight *3f, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL)) val bmpjy= BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,arrList[2]) canvas.drawBitmap(bmpjy, waveWIDth* 6, -waveHeight * 3.5f, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL)) } private fun clipCanvas(canvas: Canvas,type:Int) { if (type==0) { val rect = Rect( (waveWIDth * 4).toInt(), 160, (waveWIDth * 8).toInt(), (-waveWIDth * 4).toInt() ) canvas.clipRect(rect) }else if (type==1) { val circlePath = Path() circlePath.addCircle(480f, 0f, 160f, Path.Direction.ccw) canvas.drawCircle(480f, 0f, 160f, getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke)) canvas.clipPath(circlePath) }else if (type==2){ val rundRect = Path() rundRect.addRoundRect(waveWIDth * 4,waveWIDth*3,waveWIDth* 8,-waveWIDth*3,60f,60f,Path.Direction.ccw) //canvas.drawPath(rundRect,getPaint(Paint.Style.stroke)) canvas.clipPath(rundRect) } } //绘制波浪 private fun drawWave(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.translate(animal.animatedValue as float, 0f) //内层海浪 val wavePath=Path() wavePath.moveto(0f, -waveWIDth * 6) wavePath.lineto(0f, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth, waveHeight, waveWIDth * 2, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth * 3, -waveHeight, waveWIDth * 4, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth * 5, waveHeight, waveWIDth * 6, 0f) wavePath.quadTo(waveWIDth * 7, -waveHeight, waveWIDth * 8, 0f) wavePath.lineto(waveWIDth * 8, -waveWIDth * 6) canvas.drawPath(wavePath, getPaintBefor(Paint.Style.FILL)) canvas.translate(animal.animatedValue as float, 0f) //内层海浪 val wavePath_out=Path() wavePath_out.moveto(-waveWIDth * 7, -waveWIDth * 6) wavePath_out.lineto(-waveWIDth * 7, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(-waveWIDth * 7, waveHeight, -waveWIDth * 6, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(-waveWIDth * 5, -waveHeight, -waveWIDth * 4, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(-waveWIDth * 3, waveHeight, -waveWIDth * 2, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(-waveWIDth, -waveHeight, 0f, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(waveWIDth, waveHeight, waveWIDth * 2, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(waveWIDth * 3, -waveHeight, waveWIDth * 4, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(waveWIDth * 5, waveHeight, waveWIDth * 6, 0f) wavePath_out.quadTo(waveWIDth * 7, -waveHeight, waveWIDth * 8, 0f) wavePath_out.lineto(waveWIDth * 8, -waveWIDth * 6) canvas.drawPath(wavePath_out, getPaint(Paint.Style.FILL)) } private fun getPaintIn(style: Paint.Style): Paint { val gPaint = Paint() gPaint.color = color.BLUE gPaint.strokeWIDth = 2f gPaint.isAntiAlias = true gPaint.style = style gPaint.textSize = 26f gPaint.color = color.argb(255, 75, 151, 79) var linearGradIEnt = linearGradIEnt( waveWIDth * 4, -waveWIDth * 8, waveWIDth * 4, 80f, color.argb(255, 47, 26, 253), color.argb(255, 24, 220, 253), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP ) gPaint.shader=linearGradIEnt return gPaint } overrIDe fun ontouchEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean { when (event.action) { ACTION_DOWN, ACTION_MOVE -> { animal.start() //在控制点附近范围内部,进行移动 Log.e( "x=", "ontouchEvent: (x,y)" + (event.x - wIDth / 2).toInt() + ":" + (-(event.y - height / 2)).toInt() ) moveX = event.x - wIDth / 2 moveY = -(event.y - height / 2) invalIDate() } } return true } private fun draw@R_403_5929@AndY(canvas: Canvas) { val gPaint = Paint() gPaint.color = color.BLUE gPaint.strokeWIDth = 2f gPaint.isAntiAlias = true gPaint.style = Paint.Style.stroke gPaint.textSize = 26f gPaint.color = color.argb(255, 75, 151, 79) canvas.scale(-1f, 1f) canvas.save() canvas.scale(1f, -1f) //x轴正方形文字 for (index in 1 until wCount / 2) { val rectText = Rect() canvas.translate(160f, 0f) gPaint.getTextBounds( (80 * index * 2).toString(), 0, (80 * index * 2).toString().length, rectText ) canvas.drawText( (80 * index * 2).toString(), -(rectText.wIDth() / 2).tofloat(), rectText.height().tofloat() * 2f, gPaint ) } canvas.restore() canvas.save() //x轴负方向文字绘制 canvas.scale(1f, -1f) for (index in 1 until wCount / 2) { val rectText = Rect() canvas.translate(-160f, 0f) gPaint.getTextBounds( "-${(80 * index * 2)}", 0, (80 * index * 2).toString().length, rectText ) canvas.drawText( "-${(80 * index * 2)}", -(rectText.wIDth() / 2).tofloat(), rectText.height().tofloat() * 2f, gPaint ) } canvas.restore() canvas.save() //x轴负方向文字绘制 canvas.scale(1f, -1f) canvas.translate(20f, 0f) //y轴负方向 for (index in 1 until hCount / 2) { val rectText = Rect() canvas.translate(0f, 160f) gPaint.getTextBounds( "-${(80 * index * 2)}", 0, (80 * index * 2).toString().length, rectText ) canvas.drawText( "-${(80 * index * 2)}", 0f, rectText.height().tofloat(), gPaint ) } canvas.restore() canvas.save() canvas.scale(1f, 1f) canvas.translate(20f, 0f) //y轴正方向 for (index in 1 until hCount / 2) { val rectText = Rect() canvas.translate(0f, 160f) canvas.save() canvas.scale(1f, -1f) gPaint.getTextBounds( "${(80 * index * 2)}", 0, (80 * index * 2).toString().length, rectText ) canvas.drawText( "${(80 * index * 2)}", 0f, rectText.height().tofloat(), gPaint ) canvas.restore() } canvas.restore() } private fun drawGrIDline(canvas: Canvas) { //初始化一个画笔 val gPaint = Paint() gPaint.color = color.BLUE gPaint.strokeWIDth = 2f gPaint.isAntiAlias = true gPaint.style = Paint.Style.FILL gPaint.shader = RadialGradIEnt( 0f, 0f, max(wIDth, height) / 2f, color.BLUE, color.YELLOW, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP ) //onDraw中已经知道屏幕宽度和高度 val screenWIDth = wIDth val screenHeight = height //宽的格子个数 wCount = screenWIDth / grIDWIDth //高的格子个数 hCount = screenHeight / grIDWIDth //1.将坐标点移动到屏幕的中点 canvas.translate((screenWIDth / 2).tofloat(), (screenHeight / 2).tofloat()) //整体坐标系方向顺时针进行变化 //2.修改y轴上方为正方向。 canvas.scale(1f, -1f) //绘制x轴和y轴 canvas.drawline(-screenWIDth / 2f, 0f, screenWIDth / 2f, 0f, gPaint) canvas.drawline(0f, -screenHeight / 2f, 0f, screenHeight / 2f, gPaint) gPaint.color = color.argb(61, 111, 111, 111) drawGrIDCode(canvas, screenWIDth, gPaint, hCount, screenHeight, wCount) //2.修改y轴下方为正方向。 canvas.scale(1f, -1f) drawGrIDCode(canvas, screenWIDth, gPaint, hCount, screenHeight, wCount) //3.修改x轴左正方向。 canvas.scale(-1f, 1f) drawGrIDCode(canvas, screenWIDth, gPaint, hCount, screenHeight, wCount) //4.修改x作为正y上为正 canvas.scale(1f, -1f) drawGrIDCode(canvas, screenWIDth, gPaint, hCount, screenHeight, wCount) } private fun drawGrIDCode( canvas: Canvas, screenWIDth: Int, gPaint: Paint, hCount: Int, screenHeight: Int, wCount: Int ) { //这里保存好坐标圆点为屏幕中心的快照到堆栈里面。方便后期 *** 作。 canvas.save() //绘制一条横着的线条,重圆点(0,0)开始 //canvas.drawline(0f, 0f, (screenWIDth / 2).tofloat(), 0f, gPaint) //3.绘制完成第一象限的平行x轴的线 for (index in 0 until hCount) { //坐标系圆点不断向上平移grIDWIDth的高度 canvas.translate(0f, grIDWIDth.tofloat()) //在平移完的圆点直接画直线即可 canvas.drawline(0f, 0f, (screenWIDth / 2).tofloat(), 0f, gPaint) } //恢复到快照状态。即圆点在中心 canvas.restore() canvas.save() //4.绘制平行y轴的 //canvas.drawline(0f, 0f, 0f, screenHeight / 2f, gPaint) for (index in 0 until wCount) { //坐标系圆点不断向上平移grIDWIDth的高度 canvas.translate(grIDWIDth.tofloat(), 0f) //在平移完的圆点直接画直线即可 canvas.drawline(0f, 0f, 0f, screenHeight / 2f, gPaint) } //恢复到快照状态。即圆点在中心 canvas.restore() } private fun getPaintBefor(style: Paint.Style): Paint { val gPaint = Paint() gPaint.color = color.BLUE gPaint.strokeWIDth = 2f gPaint.isAntiAlias = true gPaint.style = style gPaint.textSize = 26f gPaint.color = color.argb(255, 75, 151, 79) var linearGradIEnt = linearGradIEnt( waveWIDth * 4, -waveWIDth * 8, waveWIDth * 4, 80f, color.argb(155, 27, 134, 244), color.argb(195, 24, 220, 253), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP ) gPaint.shader=linearGradIEnt return gPaint } private fun getPaint(style: Paint.Style): Paint { val gPaint = Paint() gPaint.color = color.BLUE gPaint.strokeWIDth = 2f gPaint.isAntiAlias = true gPaint.style = style gPaint.textSize = 26f gPaint.color = color.argb(255, 75, 151, 79) var linearGradIEnt = linearGradIEnt( waveWIDth * 4, -waveWIDth * 2, waveWIDth * 4, 80f, color.argb(255, 27, 134, 244), color.argb(255, 24, 220, 253), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP ) gPaint.shader=linearGradIEnt return gPaint }}
//y轴向上为负方向 canvas.scale(1f, -1f) //坐标系向右平移leftWIDth,向下平移动 height-bootomHeight,这里向上是正哦。所以向下平移是负数 canvas.translate(leftWIDth, -(height - bottomHeight))
//新建类LHC_curve_VIEwclass LHC_curve_VIEw @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : VIEw(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { //距离左边的距离 val leftWIDth = 180f //距离最底部的高度 val bottomHeight = 240f //x轴的宽度 var x_scaleWIDth=0f //方格的宽高 private var grID_wIDth=0f init { } overrIDe fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) //2.画布平移 translateCanvas(canvas) } //平移画布 private fun translateCanvas(canvas: Canvas) { //y轴向上为负方向 canvas.scale(1f, -1f) //坐标系向右平移leftWIDth,向下平移动 height-bootomHeight,这里向上是正哦。所以向下平移是负数 canvas.translate(leftWIDth, -(height - bottomHeight)) } }
//绘制平行x轴的线 private fun drawline(canvas: Canvas) { //canvas.drawcolor(color.argb(22, 255, 255, 111)) val line_paint = Paint() line_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f line_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke line_paint.color = color.argb(100, 188, 188, 188) x_scaleWIDth = (wIDth - leftWIDth - 80f) grID_wIDth = x_scaleWIDth / 6 //绘制最底部一条线 val x_path = Path() x_path.moveto(0f, 0f) x_path.lineto(x_scaleWIDth, 0f) canvas.drawPath(x_path, line_paint) canvas.save() //通过平移画布绘制剩余的平行x轴线 (0 until 3).forEach { index -> canvas.translate(0f, grID_wIDth-40f) canvas.drawPath(x_path, line_paint) } canvas.restore() }
//水平方向的x轴下面的文字 private fun drawDownOfXlineText(canvas: Canvas) { val text_paint = Paint() text_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f text_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke text_paint.color = color.argb(100, 111, 111, 111) text_paint.textSize=24f val rectText=Rect() canvas.save() //将文字旋转摆正,此时坐标系y向下是正 canvas.scale(1f,-1f) (0 until 7).forEach { index -> if(index>0) { canvas.translate(grID_wIDth, 0f) } val strTx= "11.${11+index}" text_paint.getTextBounds(strTx,0,strTx.length,rectText) canvas.drawText(strTx, -rectText.wIDth().tofloat()/2, rectText.height().tofloat()*2.5f,text_paint) } canvas.restore() } private fun drawleftOfYlineText(canvas: Canvas) { val text_paint = Paint() text_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f text_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke text_paint.color = color.argb(100, 111, 111, 111) text_paint.textSize=24f val rectText=Rect() canvas.save() //将文字旋转摆正,此时坐标系y向下是正 (0 until 4).forEach { index -> if(index>0) { canvas.translate(0f, grID_wIDth-40f) } var strTx="" if(index==0){ strTx="${index}" }else if(index==1){ strTx="${500}" }else if(index==2){ strTx="1k" }else{ strTx="1.5k" } canvas.save() canvas.scale(1f,-1f) text_paint.getTextBounds(strTx,0,strTx.length,rectText) canvas.drawText(strTx, -rectText.wIDth().tofloat()-42f, rectText.height().tofloat()/2,text_paint) canvas.restore() } canvas.restore() }
如上图我们不难得出控制点 controX=( x 1 x_1 x1+ x 2 x_2 x2)/2、controY=( y 1 y_1 y1+ y 2 y_2 y2)/2。接下来我们进行绘制曲线。x轴grID_wIDth=1天的时间。不难计算出中间控制点的x。y轴500=grID_wIDth-40f。
private fun drawCaves(canvas: Canvas) { val text_paint = Paint() text_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f text_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke text_paint.color = color.argb(100, 111, 111, 111) val caves_path=Path() //500=grID_wIDth-40 每个单位的长度的=像素长度 val danweiY=(grID_wIDth-40)/500 val danweiX=(grID_wIDth) for (index in 0 until dataList.size-1){ if (dataList[index]==dataList[index+1]){ caves_path.quadTo( (grID_wIDth * index + grID_wIDth * (1 + index)) / 2, 0f, grID_wIDth * (index + 1), (dataList[index + 1].tofloat()) * danweiY ) }else { caves_path.quadTo( (grID_wIDth * index + grID_wIDth * (1 + index)) / 2, (dataList[index].tofloat() * danweiY + dataList[index + 1].tofloat() * danweiY) / 2 +100, grID_wIDth * (index + 1), (dataList[index + 1].tofloat()) * danweiY ) } } canvas.drawCircle(0f,0f,10f,text_paint) canvas.drawPath(caves_path,text_paint) }
当 y 1 y_1 y1< y 2 y_2 y2如上图1.求出中点坐标x轴下部分控制点x+40px,上部分x-40px,y轴也可以调整来搞搞平滑度下部分控制点y-40x,上部分y+40。
1.获取中点的坐标( X 中 X_中 X中、 Y 中 Y_中 Y中)= (( x 1 x_1 x1+ x 2 x_2 x2)/2、( y 1 y_1 y1+ y 2 y_2 y2)/2)
2. x 1 x_1 x1到 X 中 X_中 X中之间的坐标=(( x 1 x_1 x1+ x 中 x_中 x中)/2、( y 1 y_1 y1+ y 中 y_中 y中)/2)
3. x 中 x_中 x中到 X 2 X_2 X2之间的坐标=(( x 中 x_中 x中+ x 2 x_2 x2)/2、( y 中 y_中 y中+ y 2 y_2 y2)/2)
当 y 1 y_1 y1> y 2 y_2 y2如上图2.求出中点坐标x轴上部分+40px,下部分x-40px,y轴也可以调整,y轴也可以调整来搞搞平滑度上部分控制点y+40x,下部分y-40。
1.获取中点的坐标( X 中 X_中 X中、 Y 中 Y_中 Y中)= (( x 1 x_1 x1+ x 2 x_2 x2)/2、( y 1 y_1 y1+ y 2 y_2 y2)/2)
2. x 1 x_1 x1到 X 中 X_中 X中之间的坐标=(( x 1 x_1 x1+ x 中 x_中 x中)/2、( y 1 y_1 y1+ y 中 y_中 y中)/2)
3. x 中 x_中 x中到 X 2 X_2 X2之间的坐标=(( x 中 x_中 x中+ x 2 x_2 x2)/2、( y 中 y_中 y中+ y 2 y_2 y2)/2)
//绘制曲线 private fun drawCaves(canvas: Canvas) { val text_paint = Paint() text_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f text_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke text_paint.color = color.argb(100, 111, 111, 111) val caves_path = Path() //500=grID_wIDth-40 每个单位的长度的=像素长度 val danweiY = (grID_wIDth - 40) / 500 val danweiX = (grID_wIDth) for (index in 0 until dataList.size - 1) { //二阶曲线显示比较尴尬 // if (dataList[index]==dataList[index+1]){ // caves_path.quadTo( // (grID_wIDth * index + grID_wIDth * (1 + index)) / 2, // 0f, // grID_wIDth * (index + 1), // (dataList[index + 1].tofloat()) * danweiY // ) // }else { // caves_path.quadTo( // (grID_wIDth * index + grID_wIDth * (1 + index)) / 2, // (dataList[index].tofloat() * danweiY + dataList[index + 1].tofloat() * danweiY) / 2 +100, // grID_wIDth * (index + 1), // (dataList[index + 1].tofloat()) * danweiY // ) // } //三阶曲线来显示 val xMovedistance=40 val yMovedistance=40 if (dataList[index] == dataList[index + 1]) { caves_path.lineto(danweiX*(index+1),0f) } else if(dataList[index] < dataList[index + 1]){//y1<y2情况 val centerX=(grID_wIDth * index + grID_wIDth * (1 + index)) / 2 val centerY=(dataList[index].tofloat() * danweiY + dataList[index + 1].tofloat() * danweiY) / 2 val controX0=(grID_wIDth * index+centerX)/2 val controY0=(dataList[index].tofloat() * danweiY+centerY)/2 val controX1=(centerX+ grID_wIDth * (1 + index))/2 val controY1=(centerY+dataList[index+1].tofloat() * danweiY)/2 caves_path.cubicTo(controX0+xMovedistance,controY0-yMovedistance,controX1-xMovedistance,controY1+yMovedistance,grID_wIDth * (1 + index),dataList[index + 1].tofloat() * danweiY) }else{ val centerX=(grID_wIDth * index + grID_wIDth * (1 + index)) / 2 val centerY=(dataList[index].tofloat() * danweiY + dataList[index + 1].tofloat() * danweiY) / 2 val controX0=(grID_wIDth * index+centerX)/2 val controY0=(dataList[index].tofloat() * danweiY+centerY)/2 val controX1=(centerX+ grID_wIDth * (1 + index))/2 val controY1=(centerY+dataList[index+1].tofloat() * danweiY)/2 caves_path.cubicTo(controX0+xMovedistance,controY0+yMovedistance,controX1-xMovedistance,controY1-yMovedistance,grID_wIDth * (1 + index),dataList[index + 1].tofloat() * danweiY) } } canvas.drawCircle(0f, 0f, 10f, text_paint) canvas.drawPath(caves_path, text_paint) }
进行调整val xMovedistance=20
val yMovedistance=40
我们发现设计图有渐变从上到下逐渐变淡。我们选择线性渐变最高点(0,y)到(0,0)即可。心里没数的遍历求最大值。我数据为了方便写死的。 val linearGradIEnt = linearGradIEnt( 0f, 1500 * danweiY, 0f, 0f, color.argb(255,229,160,144), color.argb(255,251,244,240), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP ) text_paint.shader = linearGradIEnt
我们发现人家的UI有个红色线进行了环绕。我们直接拿着曲线进行设置画笔即可。每个顶点需要加个圈。 //绘制闭合渐变曲线 canvas.drawPath(caves_path, text_paint) val line_paint = Paint() line_paint.strokeWIDth = 3f line_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke line_paint.color = color.argb(255, 212, 100, 77) //绘制外环红色线 canvas.drawPath(caves_path, line_paint) line_paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL //画圈。 for (index in 0 until dataList.size ) { canvas.drawCircle(grID_wIDth*index,danweiY*dataList[index],6f,line_paint) }
//绘制前7天和后7天文字按钮 private fun drawTextbutton(canvas: Canvas) { val line_paint = Paint() line_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f line_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke line_paint.color = color.argb(188, 76, 126, 245) line_paint.textSize=38f val buttonPath = Path() buttonPath.addRoundRect(100f, -120f, 320f, -200f, 80f, 80f, Path.Direction.ccw) canvas.drawPath(buttonPath,line_paint) canvas.save() canvas.scale(1f,-1f) canvas.drawText("前 七 天",140f,175f,line_paint) canvas.restore() canvas.save() canvas.translate(260f,0f) canvas.drawPath(buttonPath,line_paint) canvas.scale(1f,-1f) canvas.drawText("后 七 天",140f,175f,line_paint) canvas.restore() }
//绘制头像在顶部 private fun drawheaderToCanvas(canvas: Canvas) { val bitmap_paint = Paint() bitmap_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f bitmap_paint.style = Paint.Style.stroke bitmap_paint.xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN) bitmap_paint.isAntiAlias =true canvas.save() val srcRect1=Rect(0, 0, 80, 80) val dstRect1=Rect(0, 0, 40, 40) val danweiY = (grID_wIDth - 40) / 500 for (index in 0 until dataList.size) { val mdrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, imgList[index]) val bitmap = getBitmap(bitmap_paint, mdrawable!!) canvas.save() canvas.translate( grID_wIDth * index - bitmap.wIDth / 4, danweiY * dataList[index] + 20 ) //这里绘制图片到画布上 val circlePath = Path() circlePath.addCircle(20f,20f, 20f, Path.Direction.ccw) canvas.clipPath(circlePath) canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, srcRect1, dstRect1, bitmap_paint) canvas.restore() } canvas.restore() }
private fun drawtopTextToCanvas(canvas: Canvas) { val text_paint = Paint() text_paint.strokeWIDth = 2f text_paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL text_paint.color = color.argb(255, 0, 0, 0) text_paint.textSize =66f val rectText = Rect() val rectTextYuan = Rect() canvas.save() canvas.scale(1f, -1f) canvas.translate((wIDth/2).tofloat()-100,-500f) val text="1347" val textyu="元" text_paint.getTextBounds(text, 0,text.length, rectText) canvas.drawText( text, -rectText.wIDth().tofloat() - 42f, rectText.height().tofloat() / 2, text_paint ) text_paint.color = color.argb(111, 111, 111, 111) text_paint.getTextBounds(textyu, 0,textyu.length, rectTextYuan) text_paint.textSize =33f canvas.drawText( textyu, 80+ -rectTextYuan.wIDth().tofloat() - 42f, rectTextYuan.height().tofloat() / 2, text_paint ) canvas.translate(0f,50f) canvas.drawText( "较前天", -rectTextYuan.wIDth().tofloat() - 180f, rectTextYuan.height().tofloat() / 2, text_paint ) canvas.translate(100f,0f) text_paint.color = color.argb(255, 223, 129, 120) canvas.drawText( "+971.99(251.19%)", -rectTextYuan.wIDth().tofloat() - 180f, rectTextYuan.height().tofloat() / 2, text_paint ) canvas.translate(-100f,50f) text_paint.color = color.argb(111, 111, 111, 111) canvas.drawText( "对应图中虚线部分进行最高评奖", -rectTextYuan.wIDth().tofloat() - 180f, rectTextYuan.height().tofloat() / 2, text_paint ) //暂时没找到canvas绘制富文本的方法。只能一个个测量绘制文字了。别学我,好好测量测量有待提高自己的小学计算。// val textSpanned1 = SpannableString("Hello World");// textSpanned1.setSpan(ForegroundcolorSpan(color.RED), 0, 3, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)// text_paint.reset()// text_paint.textSize=44f// canvas.drawText(textSpanned1,0,10,0f,0f,text_paint) canvas.restore() }