Silverlight 2 in Action

Silverlight 2 in Action,第1张

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Microsoft describes Silverlight as a "cross-browser,cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experIEnces and rich interactive applications for the Web." That's a really boring description for a really exciting new technology. Anyone who has looked at the demos and gotten a taste of what Silverlight can do kNows that Silverlight represents an entirely new level of rich web interface technology for Microsoft developers.

With Silverlight 2,developers can use JavaScript,VB,C#,Python,and Ruby to build user-frIEndly,interactive,and visually-dazzling web applications that work in most major browsers.

Silverlight 2 in Action covers Silverlight 2,a far more robust implementation of Silverlight than the Silverlight 1 release that supports only JavaScript. The much-anticipated 2 release adds powerful new features along with the ability to code in multiple languages and integrate your work with Visual Studio and the new Expression suite of tools.

This book delivers real-world examples and in-depth walkthroughs to help you confIDently enhance your web applications using Silverlight 2.

Silverlight 2 in Action deVotes extensive coverage to flexible layout components,the extensible control model,the communication framework,and the data-binding features "all cornerstones of software development. Author and Microsoft MVP Chad Campbell also describes rich media and vivID graphical and animation features. The final chapters include a varIEty of Silverlight deployment scenarios.

In addition to the fundamentals of Silverlight,you'll be introduced to architectural components such as the Silverlight object model. The book addresses the developer/designer collaboration model Silverlight enables,showing the developer how to include the designer effectively in the project workflow. This model is illustrated throughout the examples. 总结

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