@H_404_8@Silverlight Streaming默认提供10G存储空间 每个文件上传增大到了约100M,满足开发者上传较大的多媒体文件 视频流传输速度为1400kbps,满足高清多媒体视频流畅回放 简单方便的Silverlight应用程序发布流程使用Silverlight Streaming平台托管你的Silverlight应用程序之前,你需要将Silverlight编译后的XAP文件和一个manifest.xml文件,打包成一个zip压缩包,manifest.xml(清单)文件中包括Silverlight应用程序运行时的基本信息,例如:源文件名、版本、尺寸等,下面代码是一个最简单的清单文件。
代码中声明了应用程序的版本为2.0,源文件名称为myapp.xap,宽400高300,背景为白色,不使用windowless支持的Silverlight应用程序,Silverlight Streaming就是根据这些信息来生成应用程序的部署代码,下面表中列中的就是清单文件支持全部的内容。
Element | Description |
| The filename of the main XAML file or the application's XAP file,relative to the directory structure of the ZIP file. |
| The minimum version of the Silverlight runtime required to run your Silverlight application. For example,if you set the value of this element to 1.0,the user must have version 1.0 or greater of the Silverlight runtime to vIEw it. If you leave this value blank,the user will be forced to download the latest Silverlight runtime to run your application. |
| The wIDth of the Silverlight application,expressed in browser units (pixels) or as a percentage value. |
| The height of the Silverlight application,expressed in browser units (pixels) or as a percentage value. |
| A string value specifying the background color for the application frame after the application has loaded and while it is initializing. It may be a named color value or an 8-bit or 16-bit color value,with or without Alpha transparency. |
| A string value specifying a background image for the application frame after the application has loaded and while it is initializing. |
| SpecifIEs whether to display the Silverlight control in windowless mode. True or False. |
| The maximum number of frames to render per second. |
| SpecifIEs whether the hosted content in the Silverlight control has access to the browser document Object Model (DOM). True or False. |
| Determines whether to display an install prompt if the detected version of Silverlight is out of date. |
| The name of a JavaScript function to run when the application has finished loading and the content has rendered. Note that this functionality differs from that of the Silverlight onLoad event,which fires after the application has finished loading but before the content has rendered. |
| The name of a JavaScript error handling function. |
| SpecifIEs the order in which JavaScript files will be loaded. Each file should be Listed with the relative path name as it appears in the ZIP file. file names and paths are case-sensitive. Any JavaScript files not mentioned will be loaded in an unspecifIEd order after the Listed files. |