enum DataFetchResult { case success(data: Data) case failure}protocol DataServiceType { func fetchData(location: String,completion: (DataFetchResult) -> (VoID)) func cachedData(location: String) -> Data?}
/// An implementation of DataServiceType protocol returning predefined results using arbitrary queue for asynchronyous mechanisms. /// Dedicated to be used in varIoUs tests (Unit Tests). class DataMockService: DataServiceType { var result : DataFetchResult var async : Bool = true var queue : dispatchQueue = dispatchQueue.global(qos: .background) var cachedData : Data? = nil init(result : DataFetchResult) { self.result = result } func cachedData(location: String) -> Data? { switch self.result { case .success(let data): return data default: return nil } } func fetchData(location: String,completion: (DataFetchResult) -> (VoID)) { // Returning result on arbitrary queue should be tested,// so we can check if clIEnt can work with any (even worse) implementation: if async == true { queue.async { [weak self ] in guard let weakSelf = self else { return } // This line produces compiler error: // "Closure use of non-escaPing parameter 'completion' may allow it to escape" completion(weakSelf.result) } } else { completion(self.result) } } }
上面的代码编译和工作在Swift3(Xcode8-beta5),但不能使用beta 6了。你能指点我的根本原因吗?
这是由于函数参数的默认行为的改变。在Swift 3(特别是Xcode 8 beta 6附带的版本)之前,他们默认使用转义 – 你必须将它们标记为@noescape,以防止它们被存储或捕获,因此保证它们不会后调用函数退出。然而,现在@noescape是默认的 – 现在你必须将函数参数标记为@escaPing告诉编译器他们可以存储或捕获。
protocol DataServiceType { func fetchData(location: String,completion: @escaPing (DataFetchResult) -> VoID) func cachedData(location: String) -> Data?}
func fetchData(location: String,completion: @escaPing (DataFetchResult) -> VoID) { // ...}
有关此更改的详细信息,请参阅Swift Evolution proposal。
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的闭包 – 使用非转义参数可以允许它逃逸全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决闭包 – 使用非转义参数可以允许它逃逸所遇到的程序开发问题。