object-c学习笔记:new vs alloc init

object-c学习笔记:new vs alloc init,第1张

概述在object-c基础教程这本书里老是可以看见类似下面这种代码,我这小菜鸟就纳闷了,啥区别啊,看上去都一样么。网上找了找,找到一些说法,这里先摘出来。     someClass* object = [someClass new]; or     someClass* object = [[someClass alloc] init]; 其实是一样的,某位老兄是这样说的,new在内部调用的allo 在object-c基础教程这本书里老是可以看见类似下面这种代码,我这小菜鸟就纳闷了,啥区别啊,看上去都一样么。网上找了找,找到一些说法,这里先摘出来。     someClass* object = [someClass new]; or     someClass* object = [[someClass alloc] init]; 其实是一样的,某位老兄是这样说的,new在内部调用的alloc和init,Actually "new" is not a keyword in Objective-C,but NSObject implements a class method "new" which simply calls "alloc" and "init". 既然一样干嘛有两个,吃饱了那个啥来着。。 The new method actually comes from NeXT days. Back then,there was no two phase initialization,it was just a single new method.  They soon realized that a two phase approach Could have advantages,and introduced alloc. new was kinda deprecated,but kept in for backwards compatibility. It is exactly the same as alloc-init.  Use 'new' if it suits. One shortcoming is that it only works with the basic 'init' initializer,and will not work with other initializers (eg initWithString:). 背景说明,new是较为老式的写法,后来发现只有一个new不好使,才引入了alloc和init这种写法,保留new一是向后兼容,二是很多时候是一种更简单的写法。至于alloc这种写法可以变出这样的花来, Frequently,you are going to need to pass arguments to init and so you will be using a different method,such as [[SomeObject alloc] initWithString: @"Foo"]. If you're used to writing this,you get in the habit of doing it this way and so [[SomeObject alloc] init] may come more naturally that [SomeObject new]. 恩,确实如果不需要用其他的init函数,比如initWithString,用new的方法,毫无疑问是更加方便的。 再来个据说是来源比较靠谱的说法: There was a very long thread on this same subject (alloc/init vs. new) on the cocoa-dev mailing List this week (search for "[Foo new] vs [[Foo alloc] init]"). Unfortunately the documentation is not crystal clear on this,but Bill Bumgarner (an Apple Engineer) confirmed that new is implemented as allocWithZone/alloc followed by init back at least to the beginning of OS X. So the answer is,use whichever you prefer. The current vogue in Cocoa programming is to use alloc/init because it makes the intended behavior explicit. 好吧,似乎只有显示调用更加容易理解这一个区别了,总之一句话,爱谁谁。 这位兄弟来了个总结性发言,姑且咱先信了他,     * new doesn't support custom initializers (like initWithString)     * alloc-init is more explicit than new General opinion seems to be that you should use whatever you're comfortable with. 以上的说法都来自http://macresearch.org/difference-between-alloc-init-and-new,有兴趣的看看把。 总结

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1061904.html

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