第二步,按照我们在第4章的4.2节的第二,三,四步所述的方法,把在第4章已经使用过的“cattle.h”,“cattle.m”,“Bull.h”还有“Bull.m” 导入本章的项目里面。
第三步,把鼠标移动到项目浏览器上面的“Source”上面,然后在d出的菜单上面选择“Add”,然后在子菜单里面选择“New file”,然后在新建文件对话框的左侧最下面选择“Other”,然后在右侧窗口选择“Empty file”,选择“Next”,在“New file”对话框里面的“file name”栏内输入“MyNSobjecs.h”。然后输入(或者是拷贝也可以,因为这是C的代码,如果你很熟悉C语言的话,可以拷贝一下节省时间)如下代码:
typedef const struct objc_selector
voID *sel_ID;
const char *sel_types;
} *MySEL;
typedef struct my_objc_objecs {
struct my_objc_class* class_pointer;
} *myID;
typedef myID (*MyIMP)(myID, MySEL,
typedef char *STR; /* String alias */
typedef struct my_objc_class *meteClass;
typedef struct my_objc_class *MyClass;
struct my_objc_class {
meteClass class_pointer;
struct my_objc_class* super_class;
const char* name;
long version;
unsigned long info;
long instance_size;
struct objc_ivar_List* ivars;
struct objc_method_List* methods;
struct sarray * dtable;
struct my_objc_class* subclass_List;
struct my_objc_class* sibling_class;
struct objc_protocol_List *protocols;
voID* gc_objecs_type;
typedef struct objc_protocol {
struct my_objc_class* class_pointer;
char *protocol_name;
struct objc_protocol_List *protocol_List;
struct objc_method_description_List *instance_methods, *class_methods;
} Protocol;
typedef voID* retval_t;
typedef voID(*apply_t)(voID);
typedef union argList {
char *arg_ptr;
char arg_regs[sizeof (char*)];
} *argList_t;
typedef struct objc_ivar* Ivar_t;
typedef struct objc_ivar_List {
int ivar_count;
struct objc_ivar {
const char* ivar_name;
const char* ivar_type;
int ivar_offset;
} ivar_List[1];
} IvarList, *IvarList_t;
typedef struct objc_method {
MySEL method_name;
const char* method_types;
MyIMP method_imp;
} Method, *Method_t;
typedef struct objc_method_List {
struct objc_method_List* method_next;
int method_count;
Method method_List[1];
} MethodList, *MethodList_t;
struct objc_protocol_List {
struct objc_protocol_List *next;
size_t count;
Protocol *List[1];
#import "cattle.h"
#import "Bull.h"
#import "MyNSobjecs.h"
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSautoreleasePool * pool = [[NSautoreleasePool alloc] init];
ID cattle = [cattle new];
ID redBull = [Bull new];
SEL setLegsCount_SEL = @selector(setLegsCount:);
IMP cattle_setLegsCount_IMP = [cattle methodForSelector:setLegsCount_SEL];
IMP redBull_setLegsCount_IMP = [redBull methodForSelector:setLegsCount_SEL];
[cattle setLegsCount:4];
[redBull setLegsCount:4];
[redBull setSkincolor:@"red"];
Class cattle_class = cattle->isa;
MyClass my_cattle_class = cattle->isa;
SEL say = @selector(saySomething);
IMP cattle_sayFunc = [cattle methodForSelector:say];
cattle_sayFunc(cattle, say);
Class redBull_class = redBull->isa;
MyClass my_redBull_class = redBull->isa;
IMP redBull_sayFunc = [redBull methodForSelector:say];
redBull_sayFunc(redBull, say);
[pool drain];
return 0;
第五步,在06-NSobjecs.m文件的窗口的“[pool drain];”代码的左侧单击一下窗口的边框,确认一下是否出现一个蓝色的小棒棒,如果有的话那么断点被选择好了。如图6-2所示
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Objective-C 2.0 with Cocoa Foundation---NSObject的奥秘(2)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Objective-C 2.0 with Cocoa Foundation---NSObject的奥秘(2)所遇到的程序开发问题。