-(voID) doSomething{ __block NSMutableArray *objArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; [self performOperationWithBlock:^(voID) { //adding objects to objArray . . //operation with objArray finished // 1. should objArray be released here? }]; //2. should objArray be released here?}
解决方法 如果是异步调用,那么在实际块中创建NSMutableArray是有意义的:[self performOperationWithBlock:^(voID) { NSMutableArray *objArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; //adding objects to objArray . . //operation with objArray finished // 1. should objArray be released here? }];
因为在块之后你不需要它(它只对异步 *** 作的持续时间有意义),所以最后在你使用它之后释放它.或者,您可以简单地:
NSMutableArray *objArray = [NSMutableArray array];
-(voID) doSomething{ // Remove the `__block` qualifIEr,you want the block to `retain` it so it // can live after the `doSomething` method is destroyed NSMutableArray *objArray = // created with something useful [self performOperationWithBlock:^(voID) { // You do something with the objArray,like adding new stuff to it (you are modyfing it). // Since you have the __block qualifIEr (in non-ARC it has a different meaning,than in ARC) // Finally,you need to be a good citiZen and release it. }]; // By the the time reaches this point,the block might haven been,or not executed (it's an async call). // With this in mind,you cannot just release the array. So you release it insIDe the block // when the work is done}
-(voID) doSomething{ // Keep `__block` keyword,you don't want the block to `retain` as you // will release it after __block NSMutableArray *objArray = // created with something useful [self performOperationWithBlock:^(voID) { // You do something with the objArray,like adding new stuff to it (you are modyfing it). }]; // Since it's a sync call,when you reach this point,the block has been executed and you are sure // that at least you won't be doing anything else insIDe the block with Array,so it's safe to release it // Do something else with the array // Finally release it: [objArray release];}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 在哪里发布__block变量?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 在哪里发布__block变量?所遇到的程序开发问题。