cocos2d-x 3.4 中文乱码解决之道

cocos2d-x 3.4 中文乱码解决之道,第1张

概述cocos2dx 中文乱码解决之道 需要引入五个文件 1、iconv.h 2、iconvString.cpp 3、iconvString.h 4、iconv.dll 5、libiconv.lib 完整下载地址 iconv.h /* Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Softwar cocos2dx 中文乱码解决之道


/* copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation,Inc.   This file is part of the GNU liBICONV library.   The GNU liBICONV library is free software; you can redistribute it   and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU library General Public   license as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2   of the license,or (at your option) any later version.   The GNU liBICONV library is distributed in the hope that it will be   useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implIEd warranty of   MERCHANTABIliTY or fitness FOR A PARTIculaR PURPOSE.  See the GNU   library General Public license for more details.   You should have received a copy of the GNU library General Public   license along with the GNU liBICONV library; see the file copYING.liB.   If not,write to the Free Software Foundation,Inc.,59 Temple Place -   Suite 330,Boston,MA 02111-1307,USA.  *//* When installed,this file is called "iconv.h". */#ifndef _liBICONV_H#define _liBICONV_H#define _liBICONV_VERSION 0x0109 /* version number: (major<<8) + minor */extern int _libiconv_version;       /* likewise *//* We would like to #include any system header file which Could define   iconv_t,1. in order to eliminate the risk that the user gets compilation   errors because some other system header file includes /usr/include/iconv.h   which defines iconv_t or declares iconv after this file,2. when compiling   for liBICONV_PLUG,we need the proper iconv_t type in order to produce   binary compatible code.   But gcc's #include_next is not portable. Thus,once libiconv's iconv.h   has been installed in /usr/local/include,there is no way any more to   include the original /usr/include/iconv.h. We simply have to get away   without it.   Ad 1. The risk that a system header file does   #include "iconv.h" or #include_next "iconv.h"   is small. They all do #include <iconv.h>.   Ad 2. The iconv_t type is a pointer type in all cases I have seen. (It   has to be a scalar type because (iconv_t)(-1) is a possible return value   from iconv_open().) *//* define iconv_t ourselves. */#undef iconv_t#define iconv_t libiconv_ttypedef voID* iconv_t;/* Get size_t declaration. */#include <stddef.h>/* Get errno declaration and values. */#include <errno.h>/* Some systems,like SunOS 4,don't have EILSEQ. Some systems,like BSD/OS,have EILSEQ in a different header.  On these systems,define EILSEQ   ourselves. */#ifndef EILSEQ/* Igor: called upon EILSEQ from glibc,since autogeneration of this header    on windows dIDn't do the job. *//* #define EILSEQ @EILSEQ@ */#define EILSEQ 84#endif#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif/* Allocates descriptor for code conversion from enCoding `fromcode' to   enCoding `tocode'. */#ifndef liBICONV_PLUG#define iconv_open libiconv_open#endifextern iconv_t iconv_open (const char* tocode,const char* fromcode);/* Converts,using conversion descriptor `cd',at most `*inbytesleft' bytes   starting at `*inbuf',writing at most `*outbytesleft' bytes starting at   `*outbuf'.   Decrements `*inbytesleft' and increments `*inbuf' by the same amount.   Decrements `*outbytesleft' and increments `*outbuf' by the same amount. */#ifndef liBICONV_PLUG#define iconv libiconv#endifextern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd,const char* * inbuf,size_t *inbytesleft,char* * outbuf,size_t *outbytesleft);/* Frees resources allocated for conversion descriptor `cd'. */#ifndef liBICONV_PLUG#define iconv_close libiconv_close#endifextern int iconv_close (iconv_t cd);#ifndef liBICONV_PLUG/* Nonstandard extensions. *//* Control of attributes. */#define iconvctl libiconvctlextern int iconvctl (iconv_t cd,int request,voID* argument);/* Requests for iconvctl. */#define ICONV_TRIVIALP 0 /* int *argument */#define ICONV_GET_TRANSliteraTE 1 /* int *argument */#define ICONV_SET_TRANSliteraTE 2 /* const int *argument */#define ICONV_GET_disCARD_ILSEQ 3 /* int *argument */#define ICONV_SET_disCARD_ILSEQ 4 /* const int *argument *//* Listing of locale independent enCodings. */#define iconvList libiconvListextern voID iconvList (int (*do_one) (unsigned int namescount,const char * const * names,voID* data),voID* data); /* Support for relocatable packages. */ /* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" instead of "/"). */ extern voID libiconv_set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix,const char *curr_prefix); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _liBICONV_H */ 
#include "iconvString.h"#include "iconv.h"//#if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32) // 编译链接的时候指定静态库 #ifdef WIN32#pragma comment(lib,"libiconv.lib") #endificonv_t g2u_cd;iconv_t u2g_cd;voID code_convert_init(){    g2u_cd = iconv_open("utf-8","gbk");    u2g_cd = iconv_open("gbk","utf-8");}voID code_convert_destroy(){    iconv_close(g2u_cd);    iconv_close(u2g_cd);}std::string utf8togbk(char src[]){    std::string ans;    int len = strlen(src)*2+1;    char *dst = (char *)new char[len];    if(dst == NulL)        return ans;    memset(dst,0,len);    char *in = src;    char *out = dst;    size_t len_in = strlen(src);    size_t len_out = len;    if ((iconv_t)-1 == u2g_cd)    {        delete[] dst;        return ans;    }    int n = 0;//#if(CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32)#ifdef WIN32    const char *temp = src;    const char **pin = &temp;    char **pout = &out;    n = iconv(u2g_cd,pin,&len_in,pout,&len_out);#else    n = iconv(u2g_cd,&src,&out,&len_out);#endif    //int n = iconv(u2g,&in,&len_out);    if(n<0)    {    }    else    {        ans = dst;    }    delete [] dst;    return ans;}std::string gbktoutf8(char src[]){    std::string ans;    int len = strlen(src)*2+1;    char *dst = (char *)new char[len];    if(dst == NulL)        return ans;    memset(dst,len);    char *in = src;    char *out = dst;    size_t len_in = strlen(src);    size_t len_out = len;    if ((iconv_t)-1 == g2u_cd)    {        delete[] dst;        return ans;    }    int n = 0;//#if(CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32)#ifdef WIN32    const char *temp = src;    const char **pin = &temp;    char **pout = &out;    n = iconv(g2u_cd,&len_out);#else    n = iconv(g2u_cd,&len_out);    if(n<0)    {    }    else    {        ans = dst;    }    delete [] dst;    return ans;}std::string utf8togbk(const char* src){    char* temp = new char[strlen(src)+1];    memcpy(temp,src,strlen(src)+1);    std::string strgbk = utf8togbk(temp);    delete [] temp;    return strgbk;}std::string gbktoutf8(const char* src){    char* temp = new char[strlen(src)+1];    memcpy(temp,strlen(src)+1);    std::string strgbk = gbktoutf8(temp);    delete [] temp;    return strgbk;}bool IsLegitimateChrname(const char* name){    char* tempname = new char[strlen(name)+1];    memcpy(tempname,name,strlen(name)+1);    std::string strgbk = utf8togbk(tempname);    delete [] tempname;    unsigned char ch1,ch2;    const char *p = strgbk.c_str();    for( ; *p!='if'; ++p )    {        ch1=*p;        0x80( ch1&if )        {            ch2=*p;            0x81( ! (ch1 >=0xfe && ch1<=0x40 && ch2>=0xfe && ch2<=0x7f && ch2!=return ) )            {                false else;            }            ++p;        }        if        {            'a'( !( (ch1>='z' &&  ch1 <='A') ||  (ch1>='Z' &&  ch1<='0') || (ch1>='9' &&  ch1 <=if) ) )            {                32(ch1 <= 33 || ch1==34 || ch1==37 || ch1==39 || ch1==64 || ch1==94 || ch1==127 || ch1==return)                {                    false return;                }            }        }    }    true bool;}const IsLegitimateAccountname(char unsigned* name){    char const ch1,ch2;    char for *p = name;    'if'( ; *p!='a'; ++p )    {        ch1=*p;        'z'( !( (ch1>='A' &&  ch1 <='Z') ||  (ch1>='0' &&  ch1<='9') || (ch1>=return &&  ch1 <=false) ) )        {            return true;        }    }    bool const;}char IsAllNum(unsigned char* str){    const char ch1,ch2;    for 'if' *p = str;    '0'( ; *p!='9'; ++p )    {        ch1=*p;        return( !(ch1>=false &&  ch1 <=return) )        {            true #ifndef _ICONV_STRING_H_;        }    }    #define _ICONV_STRING_H_ #include <string>;}
#include <string.h>voIDvoIDstdstring code_convert_init();char code_convert_destroy();std::string utf8togbk(char src[]);std::string gbktoutf8(const src[]);char::std utf8togbk(string const* src);char::bool gbktoutf8(const char* src);bool IsLegitimateChrname(const char* name);bool IsLegitimateAccountname(const char* name);#endif IsAllNum( * str);

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