Game link
var cameraposition: CGPoint { get { return CGPoint(x: camera!.position.x,y: camera!.position.y) } set { let cameRascale = CGfloat(1) let scenescale = CGfloat(1)//CGfloat(1 - 0.44 + 0.05 /*possible rounding error adjustment*/)// let vIEwaspectRatio = CGRectGetWIDth(vIEw!.frame)/CGRectGetHeight(vIEw!.frame) let newpositionValue = double2(x: Double(newValue.x * scenescale),y: Double(newValue.y * scenescale)) let scaledScenesize = CGSize(wIDth: size.wIDth * scenescale,height: size.height * scenescale)//// scaledScenesize.height = scaledScenesize.height / vIEwaspectRatio let cameraSize = vIEw!.bounds.size let scaledCameraSize = CGSize(wIDth: cameraSize.wIDth * cameRascale,height: cameraSize.height * cameRascale) let minX = 0//-scaledScenesize.wIDth * anchorPoint.x + scaledCameraSize.wIDth / 2 let minY = -219//-scaledScenesize.height * anchorPoint.y + scaledCameraSize.height / 2 let minValues = double2(x: Double(minX),y: Double(minY)) let maxX = 0//(scaledScenesize.wIDth * anchorPoint.x - scaledCameraSize.wIDth / 2) //size.wIDth - cameraSize.wIDth / 2 let maxY = 219//(scaledScenesize.height * anchorPoint.y - scaledCameraSize.height / 2) //- cameraSize.height / 2 let maxValues = double2(x: Double(maxX),y: Double(maxY)) let clampedposition = clamp(newpositionValue,min: minValues,max: maxValues) camera!.position = CGPoint(x: (clampedposition.x / Double(scenescale)),y: (clampedposition.y / Double(scenescale))) } }
/* Set the scale mode to scale to fit the window */ scene.scaleMode = .AspectFill
largestSceneDimensionXValue – cameraSize.wIDth / 2
largestSceneDimensionYValue – cameraSize.height / 2
解决方法 像这样的应用正是07000的用途.你可以看到这个确切功能的演示 – 约束一个摄像机,使其跟随播放器,但在WWDC15会话Deeper into GameplayKit with DemoBots中没有显示太多的空间 – 在WWDC15会话Deeper into GameplayKit with DemoBots中.*(那里的链接应跳转到大约在7:27开始讨论这个功能.)
// Constrain the camera to stay a constant distance of 0 points from the player node.let zeroRange = SKRange(constantValue: 0.0)let playerBotLocationConstraint = SKConstraint.distance(zeroRange,toNode: playerNode)
// get the scene size as scaled by `scaleMode = .AspectFill`let scaledSize = CGSize(wIDth: size.wIDth * camera.xScale,height: size.height * camera.yScale)// get the frame of the entire level contentslet boardNode = childNodeWithname(WorldLayer.Board.nodePath)!let boardContentRect = boardNode.calculateAccumulatedFrame()// inset that frame from the edges of the level// inset by `scaledSize / 2 - 100` to show 100 pt of black around the level// (no need for `- 100` if you want zero padding)// use min() to make sure we don't inset too far if the level is smalllet xInset = min((scaledSize.wIDth / 2) - 100.0,boardContentRect.wIDth / 2)let yInset = min((scaledSize.height / 2) - 100.0,boardContentRect.height / 2)let insetContentRect = boardContentRect.insetBy(dx: xInset,dy: yInset)// use the corners of the inset as the X and Y range of a position constraintlet xrange = SKRange(lowerlimit: insetContentRect.minX,upperlimit: insetContentRect.maxX)let yRange = SKRange(lowerlimit: insetContentRect.minY,upperlimit: insetContentRect.maxY)let levelEdgeConstraint = SKConstraint.positionX(xrange,y: yRange)levelEdgeConstraint.referenceNode = boardNode
camera.constraints = [playerBotLocationConstraint,levelEdgeConstraint]
为了更深入一点,download Apple’s DemoBots sample code project,它有很多评论和支持代码,我从上面的片段中删除,以防止这篇文章变得过长.相机约束的所有内容都在LevelScene.swift中的func setCameraConstraints()中.
*尽管有会话名称,但它不仅仅是GameplayKit ……它还展示了如何利用iOS 8 / OS X 10.11 / Xcode 7中引入的许多技术构建类似于全尺寸游戏的东西:App Thinning,new SpriteKit功能,ReplayKit等等.
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 在SpriteKit中围绕场景的背景夹紧相机全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 在SpriteKit中围绕场景的背景夹紧相机所遇到的程序开发问题。