<form> <input /> <input /> <footer> <input /> </footer></form>
the footer element represents a footer for the section it applIEs to
解决方法 根据 http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/footer.htmlThe footer element represents the footer for the section it applIEs
to.Permitted contents
Flow content
flow content
Flow content consists of flow elements intermixed with
normal character data
7.1. Flow elements
phrasing elements or a or p or hr or pre or ul or ol or dl or div or h1 or h2 or h3 or h4 or h5 or h6 or hgroup or
address or blockquote or ins or del or object or map or noscript or
section or nav or article or asIDe or header or footer or vIDeo or
audio or figure or table or form or fIEldset or menu or canvas or
details7.3. Phrasing elements
a or em or strong or small or mark or abbr or dfn or i or b or s or u or code or var or samp or kbd or sup or sub or
q or cite or span or bdo or bdi or br or wbr or ins or del or img or
embed or object or @R_301_5562@ or map or area or script or noscript or ruby
or vIDeo or audio or input or textarea or select or button or label or
output or dataList or keygen or progress or command or canvas or time
or meter
Footers usually/should contain information about it’s containing
element.A footer typically contains the author of the document,copyright
information,links to terms of use,contact information,etc.
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的HTML – 在语义上使用是否正常?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决HTML – 在语义上使用是否正常?所遇到的程序开发问题。