解决方法 您需要根据偏移百分比创建颜色.在这样的颜色之间创建切换的最简单方法是使用HSB颜色空间.
此外,这不是动画. “动画”效果由scrollvIEw提供给您.您只需在每次滚动视图更改时设置颜色.
// this just calculates the percentages Now and passes it off to another method.- (voID)scrollVIEwDIDScroll:(UIScrollVIEw *)scrollVIEw{ // vertical CGfloat maximumVerticalOffset = scrollVIEw.contentSize.height - CGRectGetHeight(scrollVIEw.frame); CGfloat currentVerticalOffset = scrollVIEw.contentOffset.y; // horizontal CGfloat maximumHorizontalOffset = scrollVIEw.contentSize.wIDth - CGRectGetWIDth(scrollVIEw.frame); CGfloat currentHorizontalOffset = scrollVIEw.contentOffset.x; // percentages CGfloat percentageHorizontalOffset = currentHorizontalOffset / maximumHorizontalOffset; CGfloat percentageVerticalOffset = currentVerticalOffset / maximumVerticalOffset; [self scrollVIEw:scrollVIEw dIDScrolltopercentageOffset:CGPointMake(percentageHorizontalOffset,percentageVerticalOffset)];}// this just gets the percentage offset.// 0,0 = no scroll// 1,1 = maximum scroll- (voID)scrollVIEw:(UIScrollVIEw *)scrollVIEw dIDScrolltopercentageOffset:(CGPoint)percentageOffset{ UIcolor *HSBcolor = [self HSBcolorForOffsetPercentage:percentageOffset.x]; UIcolor *RGBcolor = [self RGBcolorForOffsetPercentage:percentageOffset.x];}// HSB color just using Hue- (UIcolor *)HSBcolorForOffsetPercentage:(CGfloat)percentage{ CGfloat mincolorHue = 0.0; CGfloat maxcolorHue = 0.2; // this is a guess for the yellow hue. CGfloat actualHue = (maxcolorHue - mincolorHue) * percentage + mincolorHue; // change these values to get the colours you want. // I find reducing the saturation to 0.8 ish gives nicer colours. return [UIcolor colorWithHue:actualHue saturation:1.0 brightness:1.0 Alpha:1.0];}// RGB color using all R,G,B values- (UIcolor *)RGBcolorForOffsetPercentage:(CGfloat)percentage{ // RGB 1,0 = red CGfloat mincolorRed = 1.0; CGfloat mincolorGreen = 0.0; CGfloat mincolorBlue = 0.0; // RGB 1,1,0 = yellow CGfloat maxcolorRed = 1.0; CGfloat maxcolorGreen = 1.0; CGfloat maxcolorBlue = 0.0; // if you have specific beginning and end RGB values then set these to min and max respectively. // it should even work if the min value is greater than the max value. CGfloat actualRed = (maxcolorRed - mincolorRed) * percentage + mincolorRed; CGfloat actualGreen = (maxcolorGreen - mincolorGreen) * percentage + mincolorGreen; CGfloat actualBlue = (maxcolorBlue - mincolorBlue) * percentage + mincolorBlue; return [UIcolor colorWithRed:actualRed green:actualGreen blue:actualBlue Alpha:1.0];}
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – UIScrollview动画取决于内容偏移量全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – UIScrollview动画取决于内容偏移量所遇到的程序开发问题。