解决方法 使用下面的代码可以实现具有条纹图案的视图填充,条纹图案具有可调节的条带宽度和旋转的两个,三个或更多个颜色条纹.此代码提供了下面示例图像中显示的三色条纹图案.Using code,how do I fill a
with different alternating color stripes using Swift?(1) a two color alternating pattern running top to bottom (90
degrees)?(2) a three color alternating pattern running top left to bottom right
(45 degrees)?
Add the below code to VIEwController.swift Add a UIVIEw to Storyboard. Add new alignment contstraints to the UIVIEw on the Storyboard; Horizontally in Container = 0,Vertically in Container = 0. In the IDentity Inspector,set the UIVIEw custom class to ‘colorStripesVIEw’. Connect the UIVIEw on the Storyboard to the vIEwPattern IBOutlet in the code.
//// VIEwController.swift //// 1. Add the below code to VIEwController.swift //// 2. Add a UIVIEw to Storyboard. //// 3. Add new alignment contstraints to the UIVIEw on the Storyboard; Horizontally in Container = 0,Vertically in Container = 0. //// 4. In the IDentity Inspector,set the UIVIEw custom class to 'colorStripesVIEw'. //// 5. Connect the UIVIEw on the Storyboard to the vIEwPattern IBOutlet in the code. import UIKit class VIEwController: UIVIEwController { @IBOutlet weak var vIEwPattern: UIVIEw! overrIDe func vIEwDIDLoad() { super.vIEwDIDLoad() //// Extend wIDth and height constraints by factor of 2 for vIEwPattern rotation. let wIDthConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: vIEwPattern,attribute: .WIDth,relatedBy: .Equal,toItem: nil,attribute: .NotAnAttribute,multiplIEr: 1.0,constant: (max(vIEw.bounds.height,vIEw.bounds.wIDth)*2)) vIEwPattern.addConstraint(wIDthConstraint) let heightConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: vIEwPattern,attribute: .Height,vIEw.bounds.wIDth)*2)) vIEwPattern.addConstraint(heightConstraint) //// Rotate pattern 0 degrees - vertical. //vIEwPattern.transform = CGAffinetransformMakeRotation(CGfloat(M_PI*0/180)) //// Rotate pattern 45 degrees - diagonal top right to bottom left. //vIEwPattern.transform = CGAffinetransformMakeRotation(CGfloat(M_PI*45/180)) //// Rotate pattern 90 degrees - horizontal. //vIEwPattern.transform = CGAffinetransformMakeRotation(CGfloat(M_PI*90/180)) //// Rotate pattern 135 degrees - diagonal top left to bottom right. vIEwPattern.transform = CGAffinetransformMakeRotation(CGfloat(M_PI*135/180)) //// Set vIEw color vIEwPattern.backgroundcolor = UIcolor.clearcolor() } overrIDe func dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() } } class colorStripesVIEw: UIVIEw { overrIDe func drawRect(rect: CGRect) { //// Set pattern tile colors wIDth and height; adjust the color wIDth to adjust pattern. let color1 = UIcolor(red: 255/255,green: 255/255,blue: 10/255,Alpha: 1.0) let color1WIDth: CGfloat = 10 let color1Height: CGfloat = 10 let color2 = UIcolor(red: 0/255,green: 0/255,blue: 254/255,Alpha: 1.0) let color2WIDth: CGfloat = 10 let color2Height: CGfloat = 10 let color3 = UIcolor(red: 0/255,green: 128/255,blue: 128/255,Alpha: 1.0) let color3WIDth: CGfloat = 10 let color3Height: CGfloat = 10 //// Set pattern tile orIEntation vertical. let patternWIDth: CGfloat = (color1WIDth + color2WIDth + color3WIDth) let patternHeight: CGfloat = min(color1Height,color2Height,color3Height) //// Set pattern tile size. let patternSize = CGSize(wIDth: patternWIDth,height: patternHeight) //// Draw pattern tile let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(patternSize,false,0.0) let color1Path = UIBezIErPath(rect: CGRect(x: 0,y: 0,wIDth: color1WIDth,height: color1Height)) color1.setFill() color1Path.fill() let color2Path = UIBezIErPath(rect: CGRect(x: color1WIDth,wIDth: color2WIDth,height: color2Height)) color2.setFill() color2Path.fill() let color3Path = UIBezIErPath(rect: CGRect(x: color1WIDth + color2WIDth,wIDth: color3WIDth,height: color3Height)) color3.setFill() color3Path.fill() let image = UIGraphicsGetimageFromCurrentimageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() //// Draw pattern in vIEw UIcolor(patternImage: image).setFill() CGContextFillRect(context,rect) } }
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 如何使用Swift以编程方式使用交替条纹图案填充UIView?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 如何使用Swift以编程方式使用交替条纹图案填充UIView?所遇到的程序开发问题。