<!DOCTYPE HTML><HTML><head> <Title>The page you were looking for doesn't exist (404)</Title> <style type="text/CSS"> body { background-color: #fff; color: #666; text-align: center; Font-family: arial,sans-serif; } div.dialog { wIDth: 25em; padding: 0 4em; margin: 4em auto 0 auto; border: 1px solID #ccc; border-right-color: #999; border-bottom-color: #999; } h1 { Font-size: 100%; color: #f00; line-height: 1.5em; } </style></head><body> <!-- This file lives in public/404.HTML --> <div > <h1>The page you were looking for doesn't exist.</h1> <p>You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.</p> </div></body></HTML>
我使用了Code / Reformat选项,结果如下:
<!DOCTYPE HTML><HTML><head> <Title>The page you were looking for doesn't exist (404)</Title> <style type="text/CSS"> body { background-color: #fff; color: #666; text-align: center; Font-family: arial,sans-serif; } div.dialog { wIDth: 25em; padding: 0 4em; margin: 4em auto 0 auto; border: 1px solID #ccc; border-right-color: #999; border-bottom-color: #999; } h1 { Font-size: 100%; color: #f00; line-height: 1.5em; } </style></head><body><!-- This file lives in public/404.HTML --><div > <h1>The page you were looking for doesn't exist.</h1> <p>You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.</p></div></body></HTML>
如果您转到文件/设置,IDE设置/编辑器,然后确保选中显示“重新格式化代码”选项对话框[x],再试一次.它可能被设置为仅修复选定的文本?要么 …